21 | Never Have I Ever

When I enter downstairs, Zane is the one who looks up immediately. "Done already?"

"I wish." I look over at Cal but he's not looking at me. "Cal." I have to call out.

He looks up but doesn't say anything.

"I need your help."



He shakes his head. "I am not here as your tutor right now."

"No shit but it wouldn't kill you to help."

"It might."

Heath looks over at us, overhearing "Don't be an ass, man. Go help her."

"Yeah Cal don't be an ass." I tease.

He sighs, annoyed before getting up and I smile relishing having played a part in it.

I walk out and up to my room several paces ahead of him.

After a couple of seconds, he enters while I'm sitting down in front of my desk. "What do you need help with?"

I look up at him from my chair while he stands to the right, hovering over me. "Um, everything."

He mutters something incoherent but by his frustrated expression, I can guess what it was. He rests his hand on the right side of my desk and leans in, examining my paper. I can feel the warmth radiating off him and it unnerves me; us being this close. I stare at the paper in front of me as he does, trying to ignore his huge towering figure.

It's not long until he starts explaining the problem to me. For some reason, I can't maintain eye contact. Looking up at him felt almost intimate and that feeling alone unnerved me. And since I couldn't focus I didn't understand a single thing he was explaining.

"Are you even fucking listening to me?" He growls and I do the thing I told myself not to. I stare up at him. It felt too close. His jaw clenches

"Yes. It's just confusing, okay?" I felt so small under him.

I wish I could make him sit so whatever tension I was imagining would disappear. He'd probably laugh at me if he could read my thoughts right now. Oh god, what if he can?

Blink if you can hear my thoughts.

He blinks.

Holy shit. Holy shi-

"What are you still confused about?"

I look back at the paper not knowing how to tell him I am confused about everything.

Luckily, in my favor, the door swings open revealing a shirtless Finn. Cal moves away and we both stare at him while he's in his swim trunks.

"Are you guys done here?"

"No-" Cal goes to say but I speak over him.

"-Yes! Why?"

Finn throws a pair of trunks at Cal and he catches it effortlessly. "We're going swimming."

I get up almost immediately, relieved to give up on my homework. "Thank god. I could use a swim."

Finn leaves after telling that us everyone is already in the pool.

Is now the time to mention I had a pool in my house? It still catches me by surprise that we have an indoor pool. I only really use it a lot during summer break.

Cal watches me as I look for my bikini in one of my drawers. "We weren't finished."

I find it and pull it out. It is just a simple low-waisted black bikini. "I don't wanna finish." I walk over to him and place my hands on his chest pushing him out the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to change." And then I shut the door in his face.

Once I change into my bikini and check myself out in the mirror I open my door to head downstairs. Cal is gone from outside my room now and probably with the others.

I head downstairs and I can hear the laughter echoing as I get near.

When I walk in Finn, Preston, and Heath are in the water, Mia and Olive r sitting on the edge soaking half their legs in the water, and Cal and Zane look like they are about to jump in. They are all gathered together and when they hear me approaching they all look over.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Zane comments.

I shrug. "Figured I can't miss all the fun."

Mia and Olive slide into the water from the ledge.

"Come on get in!" Olive tells us.

"Me first!" Zane then cannonballs into the pool making a big splash.

When he comes back up Mia smacks him on the chest. "You got my hair wet you fucker."

"Oh, my bad." And then he splashes her.

"You fucking dick!" Mia laughs as Zane swims away from her to avoid getting tackled.

I laugh and look behind me at Cal who was already looking at me. At all of me except my face. Was he checking me out? I almost want to laugh but I also feel myself get nervous under his gaze, especially when it reaches back up to mine. I try not to look at his perfectly carved abs. Keyword: Try. I fail miserably.

"You getting in or are you just gonna keep checking me out?" I ask, surprising myself, unsure of where this boldness was coming from.

He walks closer. "Don't count yourself so lucky." A ghost of a smirk appears on his face. "And I could say the same to you, Oakley."

I snort but when I go to speak I'm interrupted.

"Are you guys getting in or just keep glaring at each other?" Heath shouts from the pool.

I turn around, laughing. "I'm coming in."

I only take two steps towards the pool when suddenly I'm being lifted off the ground and slung over a rock-hard shoulder. Cal.

"Cal! What the fuck!" I squirm but his grip on me is tight and my view is his ass.

"You had this coming." I can imagine the amusement in his eyes.

From the pool, I can hear all of them laughing and encouraging him.

"Cal put me down!"

"Of course."

Right before he's about to throw me into the pool I pinch his ass. He immediately freezes and I slap a hand over my mouth at what I did.

"Did you just?—"

I don't bother denying it. "—You deserved it."

And with that, I'm suddenly hurled into the pool. When I reach the surface I'm met with Cal and his perfectly annoying body and face smirking down at me.

"How's the water?"

"Fuck you," I reply and then swim over to the ledge and put my arm out at him. "At least help me out."

"I'm not falling for that."


I bit my lip and bring my hand back down annoyed. Of course, he wasn't going to fall for it but it was worth the try. I glare at him before shooting my hand back up and latching it onto his hand. Using all my strength, and I mean all my strength, I pull him down. It thankfully catches him by surprise and he falls into the pool.

I burst into a fit of laughter replaying how stupid he'd looked before falling in. Everyone else irrupt's into giggles as well.

He comes up looking angry as fuck. Something in my stomach flutters when I see him with wet hair again and this time all of him was soaked. I shoo those thoughts away. I mean this was Cal after all. Gross.

I can't stop my laughter as I swim away from him while he chases after me threatening to make me pay.

Unfortunately, he catches and grabs me pulling me back into his chest. Another set of flutters goes off when I feel his rock-hard abs on my back as well as his hands on my waist. He lifts me into the air as I squirm and throws me into the water as if I weighed nothing to him. I float back up feeling powerless and wishing I could lift him and throw him off a cliff. I splash him and tackle him into the water. Though I can't ignore the feeling that comes upon me when our bare skin comes into contact.

After that, we laugh and talk for a while in the pool as a group. When we tire of being in the pool we head over to the hot tub. Sitting across from me is Cal, Olive is to my right, and next to her are Mia and Zane. Then to my left are Heath, Preston, and Finn. I can't remember who but someone suggests playing a game of never have I ever on the basis of getting to know each other better.

"Okay I'll start," Heath says looking eager, "never have I ever been in a fight."

Mia puts her hand up, along with Finn, and Cal. Shocker.

I look over at Cal. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Shouldn't be surprised to know that I never lose either."

I snort. "Right. I'll believe it when I see it." I definitely believed him but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"Seriously, can you guys ever go five seconds without insulting each other?" Finn asks.

Olive raises her eyebrows. "Right?"

"Like all this weird sexual tension you guys have in hating each other is way too much for me." Mia decides to put her two cents in. Which in my opinion was totally not needed.

"Excuse me?" I say at the same time Cal says, "What?" In a rough and caught-off-guard voice.

And of course, Heath has to chime in. "Yeah, man. Like you guys should just fuck already."

I almost choke on my spit. I look over at Cal catching him clenching his jaw.

"You guys can't be fucking serious," he says.

Mia looks sympathetic. "We are though."

I curl my upper lip. "That's disgusting."

"For once I agree." Cal's eyes meet mine and I suddenly find it hard to look back.

"It's cute how you guys deny it. Really." Zane mocks.

I shoot a glare his way. "Please shut up before I throw up."

Preston laughs and I flick him off.

"I for one do not give a single fuck about this," Preston informs everyone loud and clear. "So never have I ever cheated on someone."

Everyone looks around and I feel relieved to see that no one raises their hand. Except when I look to my right and see Heath's hand up.

"Seriously Heath? What did you do?" Preston asks.

"It was like an accident I swear." He shrugs. "I didn't even know I was dating the girl."

I shake my head and laugh. As does everyone else at his response.

"It's alright man," Zane tells him.

I see Mia narrow her eyes at him and he immediately takes back what he said causing everyone to laugh again.

Finn asks the next question."Never have I ever been cheated on."

My good mood suddenly comes crashing down a little. Mia and I raise our hands. Out of all the stares, Cals is the one that burns a hood through my head.

"Damn what assholes cheated on you?" Finn looks shocked.

Mia shrugs. "It's some stupid druggie who looked like Ed Sheeran." We all cringe. "I know, not one of my best moments."

"Yikes. What about you Fawn?"

"Just a dick I was with for about a year until I walked in on him fucking another girl. He said he was sick and I went over to surprise him."

Heath frowns."That's tough. He doesn't deserve you, Fawn."

"Who was it?" Cal looks irritated yet curious.

"Eli," Preston answers for me.

Zane leans forward. "Eli Duckworth?" When I nod he laughs. "Oh man, I fucking hate that son of a bitch!"

"He is so annoying!" Olive agrees.

"I know! How did you even like him?"

"I don't even know," I mutter.

"We used to tell her to leave him like every day." Mia rolls her eyes. "Thank god you're not with him anymore."

I try to hide the discomfort on my face. I was embarrassed that Eli had cheated on me. I was embarrassed by how much I cared about him. At how humiliating it felt to give so much of yourself to someone who doesn't care about you. I never wanted to feel like that again. Ever.

"He's a fucking idiot if he cheated on you." Cal's eyes hold anger but his voice is soft.

I'm surprised he looks so mad let alone didn't insult me about this. I stare at him and his eyes slightly soften somehow seeing the discomfort in my eyes when nobody else could.

Heath looks back and forth between us. He makes a concerned expression. "Oookayy...um moving on, never have I ever peed in a pool."

Oh god.

From there on out we keep playing. My parents don't end up coming home until after midnight and by then everyone had left. Mia and Olive stayed over because I didn't like being home alone at night so often anymore now that Person wasn't here.

When I fall asleep I replay the day in my head. For some reason, I can't get any of the moments I had with Cal out of my head. But it's reasonable I mean I hadn't seen him in a week. It doesn't mean anything. I swear.
