15 | 6 • 8 = 50

A whole week goes by and Preston still doesn't come home. My parents pretend like he doesn't even exist and I'm repulsed by it. We used to be so much closer as a family but now my parents are rarely home and I wondered if I had been imagining all those precious memories. It was like they hadn't ever existed at all. I try not to mind my parents being gone that much. I know they worked hard to get where they are now; To give me and Preston this life. I was grateful for all of it and not a day goes by that I don't thank the universe for it.

One thing I've never managed to get used to though was the events. They were always filled with obnoxious and Ignorant people. Tonight I had to go to the bidding event. It's boring for the most part. I can tell my parents are tense over the fact that Preston isn't coming and for once we have to show up as a family of 3. There's no doubt in my mind that people will notice and either ask my parents or make assumptions in their heads. Of course, if they bothered to ask my parents would conjure up the perfect lie. It was all stupid really.

The venue is not the one with my favorite balcony so I'll probably be standing in the same spot for hours.

I wondered if I'd see Cal there. A stupid thought enters my mind, what if Cal could keep me company? I banish the thought as quickly as it came. He would only annoy and tease me. There's no reason that I should subject myself to that sort of pain.

I wear a green dress tonight. It's long and clings to me nicely. I don't do anything with my hair besides leaving it down.

My parents talk amongst themselves on the way there. Who will be there? What are we going to buy? Do we say hi to this person? Do we look presentable? Make sure to tell them about how well your business is going.

I have nothing much to say to them so I stay silent.

When we arrive I'm forced to be by my parents' side as we greet some random people well, random to me at least. I'm introduced to boys by my parents who not so subtly talk them up in hopes I'll give them a chance.

They know about what Eli did to me and want me to find someone new but I don't need a boyfriend. I'm fine being single as of now.

I'm dragged along with my parents for about an hour until they eventually ditch me. There are about 30 more minutes until the bidding starts. I stand next to a long and tall banquet table and people watch. It was a fun thing to do even if it was here. People laugh, sip their drinks, flash fake or genuine smiles, and flirt.

In the midst of it, my eyes connect with a familiar pair of eyes that were already watching me. My chest tightens when Cal's icy yet emotionless gaze meets mine from across the room. He was standing with his family looking as if he wanted to be anywhere but here. They were talking to someone else but Cal did not appear to be engaged or interested in the conversation. I wonder how long he had been watching me. He doesn't look away when I catch him and I refuse to either. It feels like I'll lose an unspoken game if I look away first.

Yet just as I'm about to tear my eyes away, Cal's mom nudges him and makes him start talking to someone. I keep my eyes on him as he fakes a smile and engages in conversation. The man he is talking to says something and Cal smiles but then sneaks a glance my way. As if I'd been caught doing wrong I immediately look away.

Instead, I focus on a waiter coming my way with 3 drinks on a tray he balances in one hand. I wonder how he doesn't spill it but then remember that not everyone is as clumsy as me.

I look around for my parents and when I don't see them I quickly grab the glass and put my finger up signaling for the man to not yet leave as I chug down the vodka. My face scrunches as it burns going down my throat. I needed to survive being here somehow. I place it back on his tray as quickly as I grabbed it. The waiter gives me a distasteful look and I sheepishly smile at him as he quickly walks away from me.

"Classy." I hear from behind me.

The scowl is on my face way before I turn around to face Cal.

"And I thought this night couldn't get worse." I sigh.

He stands at the other side of the long banquet table. "As usual you are wrong."

"And as usual you are an asshole."

"Better than being wrong all the time."

"I am not wrong a-" I protest but he cuts me off.

"—Do I need to bring up the math problems?"

"That's because you're a terrible tutor." I huff staring up at him.

"Fawn," he says carefully, "you said 6 times 8 was 50."

"In my defense, I was really sleepy!"

"Sure. Blame it on the lack of sleep."

I roll my eyes and shift them toward the stage. They were going to start the bidding real soon. "Did you come here just to annoy me?"

"Yes. I was bored." He admits.

I look back at him. "And now?"

"It's not so bad."

"Nice to know you're enjoying yourself at my expense."

He grins.

I stare back onto the stage and so does Cal. It's silent for a minute but I don't mind it. It's better than having to hear him speak.

The silence is interrupted when Cal's parents walk over to us.

"Cal, we were looking everywhere for you," his mother slightly scolds, "There was a nice girl we wanted to introduce you to."

I can't help but let out a snort at the thought of Cal being romantic.

They all look over at me. I quickly stand up straight and curse at myself in my head.

"Fawn, Robert and Regina's daughter right?" His mother asks and I nod. "I didn't know you guys were here! It's nice to see you, darling."

I smile. "It's nice to see you too."

Cal's mother was insanely pretty. I can see where he gets his good genes from.

Cal's father just gives me a firm nod and then turns to Cal. "Tell us when you decide to disappear into thin air next time."

For the first time since they got here, I look at Cal and my heart slightly drops. The glint in his eyes has dimmed, his jaw was clenched, and his usual cold gaze was ten times stronger.

"Yes, father." He forces out.

I hadn't noticed this version of Cal before because I assumed this is how he always was. He is and does usually look grumpy but this was different. He was uncomfortable. Angry almost. It was easier to notice after seeing him more often these past few weeks. I was almost scared of this emotionless expression. I was also curious. Does Cal not like his parents?

"Come find us when the bidding starts. Don't disappoint me." Cal's father pats him on the back lightly before smiling at me and then walking away.

"Bye, darling." His mother smiles at me while following her husband.

I smile and wave at her. When they're out of hearing range I look back at Cal.

"What was that about?" I ask.

He barely meets my eye. "Nothing of your concern." Then he walks away.

Surprise washes over me at the switch in his behavior. I'm also annoyed at how quickly I was given the cold shoulder but I shouldn't have expected anything less from him. It was Cal after all.
