04 | Ew, Mom

Tuesday and Wednesday went by pretty fast. It was Thursday right now and school had just ended. As usual, Preston was not coming home with me so I was driving home alone. The past few school days were alright. I haven't been late to Ms. Thomas's class and she talks so much that I hadn't gotten many chances to throw an insult his way. Though that didn't stop either of us. Kicking his leg under the table usually gets him to shut up.

When I get home, I change out of my uniform and force myself to do my homework right away. As long as I romanticize school work I'm able to get some of it done. I also had late work that I needed to finish.

Somehow without falling asleep I finish all of it. I check the time, it was 5:05. It had taken me two hours. I groan and then my stomach grumbles.

I head downstairs to find something to eat. Preston should be on his way home right now. I ransack the kitchen and find absolutely nothing. My stomach gets louder and I tell it to shut up.

I could sit at home and make something or I could go out and get something to eat.

I'm obviously choosing the second option, I'm not insane.

While changing my clothes I decided to go to my favorite cafe and sit there while drinking a coffee and eating. I grab the book I was currently reading with me and head out the door. The weather was nice and the cafe wasn't that far so I walk all the way there.

Listening to music and walking down the street made me want to break out into a dance. The only problem was I don't know how to dance and that would be terribly embarrassing.

I reach the cafe and I opened the door, happy when the smell of coffee hit my nose. I walk in and my mood instantly lifts again when I see that there's barely a line.

I ordered a sandwich and an iced coffee since it was warm outside.

Once my order was ready I sit down in the spot I always sit in. I was surprised it wasn't occupied since this whole place was almost full. There weren't many seats left.

I open my book and get lost in it immediately. I finish my sandwich but I was slowly sipping at my drink so it was barely finished.

The only thing I didn't like about reading in public is I can't react out loud like how I usually would in my room.

"Of course, you're fucking sitting in my usual
spot." A voice says and I look up immediately.

My good mood dies in a flash when I see Cal looking down at me.

"Just when I'm having a good time, you have to come and ruin it." I sigh.

He looks down at my coffee and book then back at me. "This is you having a good time?"

I nod.

"I'm surprised you can enjoy anything with that stick up your ass." He teases.

"Are you trying to get slapped in the face?" I ask.

He smiles. "I'm sure a paper cut would hurt more."

"Let's test that theory out then."

He raises his eyebrows. "I didn't know you wanted to touch me that badly."

"You're really cocky for someone so ugly." I tilt my head.

He sits down at the table next to mine. "You're fucking terrible at lying."

I sip my coffee and then give him an annoyed look. "You couldn't have sat anywhere else?"

"There's no other seats. Look around for once instead of staring at me."

I laugh. "Don't worry my eyes are already hurting from looking at you."

He doesn't say anything and instead opens up his laptop. Thinking he'd finally shut up I go back to my book.

After five minutes he says, "That book fucking sucks by the way."

"You know how to read?" I ask scoffing.

"I know how to do a lot of things, Fawn."

"Except how to leave me alone," I say annoyed.

He frowns. "But making you mad makes my day."

"Kicking you in the balls would really make my day but you don't see me actually doing it." I deadpanned.

Without warning, he leans over and says in an almost whisper, "The main character in the book dies."

I glare at him in shock. Seriously, what did he gain out of being such a dick?

I close my book and start getting up. "You're such a dick."

He just smiles. If I didn't love my drink so much I'd throw it at his face.

I turn around pretending to leave and then "accidentally" knock over his drink onto his lap.

"Oops," I say my lips lifting up into a grin.

"Fuck." He gets up from his seat immediately, his pants all wet now.

I walk over to the exit, content. I turn my head to look at him.

He glares at me, his smile from before long gone. "Fucking bitch."

"See you at school!" I smile and wave goodbye before leaving the cafe.

I walk the rest of the way back mad that I got my book spoiled but also happy because I spilled his drink. It was a win-lose situation.

When I get back home it's almost 7 and everyone is home.

My mom asks me where I've been and all I tell her. My dad was on the phone yelling at someone but waved hi and smiled at me before going upstairs.

I sit down on the chair in front of the kitchen island while my mom cooks something. I tell her about my day and school. I don't tell her about how I got yelled at or how much I hate Cal. I couldn't tell my parents about Cal. They'd cut out the hacker family.

"Do you have any plans on Saturday night?" She asks me.

I remember I had another fake dinner date to go to. "Yes, why?"

"Well cancel them."

"What why?" I groan.

"We're going to be having dinner with the Hacker family." She answered.

I try not to let the distaste show on my face.

"Did you ever get to that their son? What was his name again?" She furrows her eyebrows trying to remember.

"Cal. Yeah I got a chance to talk to him." I shrug.

"How is he like? Is he nice?" She asks curiously.

"Super nice." I lie.

I didn't want her to know he was a huge dick.

"Oh well, that's good!" She says, "You two would be cute together you know."

I cringe. "Ew, mom. No-ew. We're just friends."

She smiles, shrugging. "Just an observation."

I start to get up from the chair to head to my room.

"Well keep them to yourself please," I say grossed out at the thought.

She laughs and I tell her goodnight before heading upstairs.

I take a quick shower and slip into bed. I reminded myself to cancel the dinner on Saturday. It's not so bad because the dinners are deathly boring but I'd rather be doing that than having to eat dinner with Cal.

I look over at the book he spoiled and roll my eyes before turning the other way. Before I knew it I slipped into a deep sleep.
