02 | I Would Rather Die

The van drives away and the gate behind them closes. Thankfully I want getting soaked anymore because of the ceiling above my door. This is the part where I admit I have a big house. It's large, especially just for four people, but I suppose that's just what people do when they have money. And don't get me wrong I am very grateful for it, we went from living in a one-bedroom apartment to a 6-bedroom house.

Preston knocked while I stood there with my arms crossed shivering. Dread and guilt eat away at me as I prepare for my mother to answer the door and scold us.

The door opens and as predicted it was my mother. Her face drops as she sees the state I'm in and rushes me inside.

"We are so so sorry mom." I apologize.

"I'll deal with you two later." She says in a hushed tone, "just get up to ur room and fix yourself before our guests-"

With our amazing luck, laughter and footsteps get closer to us from the hallway I need to pass to get to my room. Before we could think of running away the voices become too close and I slowly turn around cringing.

This was not about to become of my best moments. Memorable maybe, but not in a good way.

I see my dad and standing near him is what I'm presuming was the Hacker family. Which consisted of a pale tall dark-haired man with a bunch of noticeable gray hairs, a brunette tan woman who seemed to be around 5'7, and Cody Hacker—or was it, Cal? I think it was Cal.

Cal Hacker was almost as tall as his dad, which was pretty fucking tall, he looked to be around 6'3. He had jet black messy hair, and his skin tone seemed too tall somewhere in between his mother and father. To put it in simpler terms, he was absolutely gorgeous. Not that it made me nervous though. I've been to dinner with so many attractive guys and all of them were cocky assholes, so none of them really seem to intimidate me anymore.

"Ah! And these are my two children I was telling you about." My father told them.

I could tell by my father's face he was embarrassed at how I had shown up but he tried to play it off.

I smiled at them and tried to stop shivering as much as I could. "Hi I'm Fawn, and this is my brother Preston."

The Hacker family also looked unnerved at my shivering and dripping wet state.

The dad introduces himself, "Nathan hacker." he smiles firmly and gestures to his wife and son. "And this is my wife, Katherine, and my son, Cal."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"The pleasure is all ours." He grins.

"Are you okay dear? You're soaking wet and shivering." The wife, Katherine asks me.

I nod, wanting to disappear with all the eyes on me and at how embarrassing this was.

"Uh yeah, it was just pouring rain outside."

"Why don't you go change and dry yourself off Fawn." My mother suggests, probably wanting me to leave.

I say okay and start walking away. To get to my room I needed to pass them. And as I was on my merry way, my wet feet slip on the wooden floor causing me to lose my balance. As if this might couldn't get any more embarrassing. I wait for the contact with the hard floor to come but instead I'm greeted with a strong pair of arms.

I quickly stand up and look at who caught me to thank them. It was Cal.

"Thank you so much, I am so sorry." I have no idea why I was apologizing but I just was.

He doesn't say anything besides give me a nod which makes me feel worse. Although they seemed nice this whole family was radiating bad energy. I quickly walk away and lock myself in my room. 

I let out a sigh and rest my head against the door in relief of this night being over.

I have to suppress a scream when I look in the mirror after seeing the smudged mascara on my face.

I head to the bathroom, wash my face, change my clothes and dry my hair with a towel.

When I'm done I look at the window in my room and see the Hacker family getting in their car. Cal is the last to get in and as if he can feel my eyes on him, he looks up at my window before getting in his car. I quickly move off to the side hoping he didn't see me watching like a creep. When I look again, they've driven off and are gone.


Saturday night meant dressing up and meeting tons of obnoxious rich people. At least for me, it did. Somehow somewhere there's always some type of fancy event our family has to attend. Tonight's event however was a charity event hosted by my father.

I honestly don't know too much about these things, just that I have to attend them so our family looks put together and our reputation doesn't become tarnished.

The dress I was wearing tonight was a crimson red short dress with spaghetti straps and a cowl neck. I bought it just for tonight after I fell in love with the dress a couple of days ago. It fit me in all the right places. I had finished my hair and make-up just in time. This is surprising cause it doesn't usually happen.

I straightened my naturally wavy hair for tonight's event. Without straightening my black hair ended right above my butt right now it reached only a tad lower.

I grab my purse and my phone before leaving my room and heading to Preston's. His room is one room away from mine and on the other side. My parent's room, the master bedroom, is down the hall.

I never knock when I enter his room, which is probably a bad habit. I walk in and he's lying on his stomach using his phone. He's already dressed in a plain black and white suit.

"Come on, it's time to go," I tell him, "They're waiting in the car."

He gets off the bed with a groan. "I don't even know why they make me come."

"They want you there," I say softly.

"They want the son they thought I was to be there, not the disappointment I've am."

I frown. "You're not a disappointment."

"Yeah well, to them I am." He scoffs and walks out of the room leaving me feeling pitiful.

Preston isn't a disappointment and I can say that wholeheartedly. My parents on the other hand beg to differ.

I follow him shortly after. Preston waits for me to get in the car, not wanting to be in the car alone with my parents.

A few moments into the car ride my father says, "Why don't you try to speak to the Hacker family's son sweetheart, forming a friendship with him would have his family leaning towards doing business with us."

"Yes, he seems like a nice boy," my mother chimes in, "and quite handsome indeed."

"I don't know, I haven't heard nice things about him." I shrug.

"Hmm, what kind of things?" My father asks.

"Only that he's rude."

My mother turns back to look at me from the passenger seat with a frown. "Well, why don't you find out yourself, it's not nice to judge him based on gossip."

"I'll try," I say even though I had no intention of trying to talk to him.

He seemed as scary as I thought he'd be.

"What about you Preston?" My mother asks him. "Do you know him?"

"I know of him." He answers.


"And I've heard the same things Fawn has, maybe even worse." He added.

"Maybe we should reconsider having our kids talk to him." My mother said to my father.

My dad shakes his head. "They'll be fine, it's not like he's going to kill them."

For the rest of the car ride, it was silent until twenty minutes later we arrive at the venue. It was huge and we've been here before so it's nothing surprising. We are the first ones here due to us being the hosts. I prepare myself for the next few hours as they will be draining and boring.

People eventually poured in and faces blended together. There were so many people and I knew hardly knew all of them. Though every single one knew my father and what connection he had with them, I don't know.

Then bidding started and they started throwing money around trying to buy what they want since it's all they knew how to do. I guess I sound like a hypocrite but I wasn't always this well off. Most of these people are ignorant and have no idea what it's like to go days without a proper meal because you couldn't afford it, to see your parents giving their food to yours and lying about not being hungry. They take it for granted and I never will. I'm sure they're grateful to some extent though.

Two dreadfully boring hours had passed by and I have probably had been forced to introduce myself to twenty different people and hold conversations with them.

Finally, I managed to slip out of my parent's sight. I headed for an exit and walked myself down a huge hallway. People were still arriving and some leaving. I make it to the huge set of stairs and go up to the top floor. As I said I've been here before so I knew my way around.

After a little bit more speed walking I reached the room I was going to. No one was in here, and it was just as big as the room I just came from. The only different thing was it had a balcony. The noise of my heels clicking fills up the silent room. As I make my way to the balcony

I notice that the doors open, which isn't anything unusual, but rare. A warm breeze hits me and I breathe the fresh air in. I place my hands on the rails and look out. It was a full moon and darkness had already consumed the rest of the sky.

"Bored?" A voice comes from the other end of the balcony causing me to flinch and yelp.

I look over surprised to Cal leaning against the bars arms crossed, facing me.

I let out a relieved breath. "Shit, you scared me."

"Sorry." He says, and the deepness of his voice sends chills down my body.

He was wearing a black shirt tucked into his grey pants. Over to the side resting on top of the railing was his suit jacket that I'm assuming he took off.

"It's fine," I say when in reality it wasn't and I wanted him out of here.

This was my comfort place. I turn to the front of the balcony again, facing sideways from him and I can feel his eyes on me.

He doesn't change his position and just faces me. After a few moments go by I can still feel him looking at me.

I turn back to face him again and cross my arms. "Hasn't anyone taught you that it's rude to stare?"

His expression remains the same. "Wasn't staring at you."  

"I could see you," I say.

His eyes bore into mine, never once breaking eye contact. "Facing you doesn't mean I'm staring at you," He defends, "if you feel uncomfortable you can leave."

"If anyone is going to leave, it should be you."

"Yeah?" He says, unfolding his arms while pushing himself up off the railing and stalking closer to me. "And why is that?"

"I always come up here and not once have I seen you," I say though I'm not really sure that's answering his question.

He studies me for a moment like he's figuring something out. "You're that girl from last night," He finally says, "Fawn."

He remembered my name and who I was.

I don't know what to say so I just nod. This was awkward.

He crosses his arms, mirroring me as I had mirrored him. "I almost didn't recognize you without the mascara running down ur face and drenched hair."

"And I didn't realize you could speak."

He almost cracks a smile. "If you wanted to talk to me that bad yesterday, you could've just asked."

I scoff. "Trust me, talking to you is the last thing I want to do."

He steps closer and I subconsciously take a step back wanting to be far away from him as possible.

"Would your parents be okay with you being so rude to me?" He asks.

I try not to break eye contact. "I haven't been rude to you."

"Oh, so is this you trying to flirt?" He smirks staring down at me.


"Don't flatter yourself, I would rather die."

"Trust me, it would be insulting to me if you did try." He says his voice low.

I glare at him, the slight breeze blowing around my long hair. "I liked you better when you didn't talk at all."

His eyebrows slightly pull together. "Please try not to like me at all. I understand if that could be hard."

"You make it very easy don't worry."

I glare at him, hoping to burn a hole through his head. The first conversation I've ever had with Cal and I already hate him. I guess he really did live up to his rumors.

I expect him to remark but he just stares at me amused. "Goodnight Fawn."

My name rolls off his tongue so naturally. I hated it.

He grabs his coat and heads out leaving me with the breeze blowing at my dress. I watch him walk away my expression never changing. I prayed to never talk to him again.


Thank you for reading!! I hope you liked this chapter and Cal!! :) I'm writing this at one am and omg I also just went to a Mitski concert tonight. Seeing her perform was amazing!!
That was irrelevant and I'm going to bed now. Goodnight or Good morning idk
Byeeee <33333
