Chapter 8: Nobo D. Y/n

Vivi POV

              "WE'LL MEET YOU IN ALABARNA!!" I scream as Luffy gets yanked back.

              "YEAAAHHH!!!" I look over, seeing Y/n sitting there, looking at his feet. We continue to ride the huge crab, but maybe half an hour later Y/n abruptly stands up, looking back where we came.

              "I have to go." He says. His voice almost robotic, completely monotone. "I'm worried about our captain... I'll meet you all in Alabarna, ok?" He looks to all of us. "Zoro, Luffy seems to see you as his second in command. You ok with this?" He turns to Zoro, his eyes, almost looked glossy, but still, the rage was obvious. He was just as angry with Crocodile as we all were. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see Y/n and this 'Reaper Nobody' person as the same. He was a legendary mercenary, a vicious killer, known for taking lives without hesitation.

              "Meet us at Alabarna." Zoro says darkly. He smirks, nodding.

              "I'll see you all there. Keep a seat warm for me." He jumps high into the air, turning and punching in our direction. I feel a huge rush of wind, and he goes soaring back the way we came.

Your POV

              I land at the edge of a huge crater, seeing Luffy's head above it.

              "You ok Luffy?" I ask him. He smiles widely.

              "Y/n... Yeah, I'm good." He wheezes out. I turn to Miss All Sunday. We stare each other down for a minute, then both smile. "Devil Child... Been a long time."

              "Unreal, it actually is you?" I put a finger to my lips.

              "Would you mind helping out my pal here real quick?" I ask politely. She smiles and nods, and Luffy pops out of the ground.

              "T-thank you..." He heaves. I turn, seeing some large falcon turn into a man limp up to us. Miss All Sunday disappears, and I turn to the man.

              "Are you a friend?" He nods. "Then get him medical attention. I have to return to Alabarna somehow, and stop a rebellion." I groan, scratching my head. I grab my right arm with my left, feeling over the small differences in my normal skin, and the marked portions. I always hated the next part...

Vivi POV

              I try and scream to the massive rebellion army, screaming for their leader, but they don't stop, as I'm nearly trampled, Karoo dives in, protecting me, however shortly after that everything stops. It goes dead quiet, the huge plume of smoke and sand still blinding me, I hear a voice.

              "Are you ok?" I whip my head around. Without seeing anybody I turn back to Karoo.

              "Karoo, are you ok?!" He gives out a small wheeze of pain. "You protected me..."

              "Is the duck ok?" I feel someone kneel behind me, and some kind of clothing wrap around me. I turn back, and see Y/n knelt there, looking sadly towards Karoo. He had put his cloak around my shoulder, protecting me from the debris of sand, while he scooped up Karoo, holding him close.

              "Yeah, he's hurt bad, but not life threatening." He nods, pulling Karoo to his cheek.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here faster." He says, standing up and jumping away while causing a large gust of wind, clearing the smoke and sand. I watch him land in front of the army.

              "YOU WANT ALABARNA?!" He roars.

              "Get out of our way! You can't stop us! It's you versus hundreds of thousands!!" The rebel soldier's scream.

              "Then you go past my cold dead body." Those eyes...

              "STOP!!" Koza screams. The enormous army halts.

              "Why Koza? It's one man! He can't take us all! No matter how powerful he is! He'll fall!" They all yell back.

              "No way it's you... It can't be." Koza says, stunned.

              "Unfortunately. I made a promise." Y/n says venomously. "Anybody who wants in to this kingdom." I watch as he pulls something from within his cloak. A small hand blade, but, a string attached to it, and a large handle-like piece attached to that, with another string, and an identical blade... He holds his tattooed arm out, showing the Rebels who he was. And as he does a small F/c lightning bolt jolts through it, and it tightens into a large double-sided staff. (Think a double-sided version of Whitebeard's. It can be assembled/disassembled into a rope dart type weapon as well as a staff.) He raises it above his head, slamming it into the sand before the steps into the Kingdom's capitol. He clenches his teeth and the staff tightly. A huge spark of F/c lightning spews from the staff. It morphs and stretches out into a huge dull F/c dome over Alabarna. "Nobody enters this city until I say so." I watch as a boy runs at him from the ranks of the rebellion, a small knife in hand. No more than 10 years old...

              "NOOOO!!!" I scream, knowing what's to come, but instead, as if it were slow motion... Y/n opens his arms, softening his face at the small boy. W-what's he doing?!

              "HOW THE HELL DID HE GET HERE?!?!" Koza screams. "STOP IT KID!!" He jumps off his horse, running after him. Y/n wraps his arms around the boy, hugging him as he drives the dagger into his side. He tries to hide his expression of agony. I was frozen stiff by his actions as a small trail of blood fell from his mouth.

              "W-what?" The boy says trembling backwards. "Y-you didn't...?" Y/n, grimaces in pain, falling to a knee.

              "D-do you feel better?" He winces out, smiling softly at the kid. The boy trips over his own feet, falling back onto the ground.

              "N-No... I don't! KOZA!! PLEASE HELP HIM!!" However, the army had already begun rushing Y/n, assuming he had hurt the boy on the ground.

              "It never does... Revenge is pointless... It never helps..." Y/n... I feel tears begin to fall, as he stomps his foot in front of the boy, now standing and facing the army in front of him. "Don't worry kid. Everything's gonna be ok." The first wave hits him, and he begins throwing the men around, however... Having seen him fight, to kill... This wasn't it; he was keeping them all alive... "GO NOW!!" He screams, turning to me. "Get to the castle!" He jumps high into the air, punching back to the ground. A huge shockwave of wind knocks the front lines of the army onto their behinds. "I'll hold them off as long as I can! HURRY UP AND GO!!" I watch the young man, who as a boy had been the tide who turned and started this war, now putting his life on the line to end it. The small blade of the boy's still lodged in his side. He refused to even raise a finger against a child...

              "No children." I'm brought back to the day in the ruins with Koza on top of the hill... The short man in the cloak... was no man, it was a boy... Y/n... The tears begin to fall as I begin to piece together Y/n's role in my country's demise... He wanted no part of it, it was plain as day he wasn't responsible for his actions. I had to find out the truth from him... Karoo flips me onto his back and takes off.

              "No Karoo! You're in no shape to try and run right now!!" As he runs, the mass of men closes in on Y/n once again.

"Get him!! KILL THE REAPER!! He can't take us all!"

"IF ANYBODY DIES TODAY!!" I turn back as he roars. "IT'S GOING TO BE ME!!" I see him standing in front of the steps up to the capitol. The small boy still sitting there in fear as Y/n stood before him, seemingly the only thing between the him and the horde. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to stop the tears from falling, but even Karoo was crying madly as he ran away. "I know..." I say softly. "He's a good man... We have to stop this before it's too late!" Karoo squawks loudly, and begins running even faster, charging up the side of a cliff, although he falls a couple feet short of the ledge. "I gotcha." It felt as if Karoo jumped on air onto the ledge. We both peer over it, seeing Y/n there, a hand holding onto the cliff as he looked down on the army approaching the gates. "Get her to the castle Duck." Karoo nods, turning around and taking off, even with his injuries he was running as fast as I'd ever seen him. I was silently thankful for the friendship Y/n had made with Karoo, no doubt it pushed him to go even faster, knowing his friend was back there, taking on an army for us.


I watch the man continue to throw the soldiers into each other, punching them around like ragdolls, flying into groups of each other like bowling pins. Then, I hear a high pitched, almost whistle-like sound, I look up as the sky darkens... A-A horde of arrows was coming down on us! I turn around, trying to bang on the large dome over the city.

"Why the hell did you come out of there?!" I hear a grunt and am tackled by something. I get pushed back onto the stairs, I turn around, seeing the huge translucent red dome disappear. The man coughs up blood. "C-Crocodile..." He turns back to the army, and I see his backside littered with arrows. "The barrier is down kid, you gotta get out of here." He heaves out. I see a large cloud of sand begin rising in the distance too, a-an army... I whip my head between the 1 man, and thousands of soldiers. H-he was actually planning on fighting them all? Another huge group charges him, seeing their reinforcements in the distance. The man steps towards them slowly. "SCRAM KID!!" The men don't stop coming, they continue to horde him. A huge pileup begins to grow, although a huge shockwave of wind ensues. Then, more whistling.

"STOP FIRING THERE'S A KID OVER THERE!!" Koza screams, running back to the archers at the rear. There's a huge burst of F/c light from within the pile. And some kind of shockwave sends the hoarse of soldiers flying. This time the guy steps in front of me, facing the arrows, and with a swat of his hand any of them that were coming near us, went flying off course. But as he did, I see one of the Royal Officers jump down at us.

"L-Look out!!" He turns around, lunging in front of me, I watch a bloodied metal spearhead inches from my face. I see him standing in front of me the long spear running through his thigh, as he held onto the man's wrist.

"You..." He says as a trial of blood runs from his mouth. "You greased the staff...?" He coughs blood, falling to a knee as he punches the officer, who had a strange Baroque tattoo on his arm. The Rebel army has another large wave rushing in at us, seeing he was injured.

Your POV

              I fall to a knee, seeing the Baroque Works tattoo on his arm, he knew I'd try and grab it... The commotion behind me was growing louder. I turn, diving and ripping the blade from my side. I use the flat side of the blade, the clang of metal piercing the air as the tip of his blade meets the flat of mine.

              "W-what?" He stammers, stepping back.

              "That kid isn't your target." I growl back to him, "So you better explain how you missed me." I spit out, still holding the small dagger down near my hip. Before I can act though, the man's taken down by someone else. I turn back, seeing the Royal Army, who had been atop the stairs, all rush down, forming a battle line in front of the steps.

              "We'll hold them off for you!" The leader screams. He turns to me; I blink hard as I see his face stained with tears. "You have to get to the castle!" I look at the rest of the soldiers, seeing tears on many of their faces as well.

              "Crocodile is there! He's gonna kill Princess Vivi and The King! He'll tear everything apart!" I watch the men clench their weapons. The leader begins crying out to me again.

              "HE CRUCIFIED OUR KING!! YOU!!" He hoarsely roars, pointing to me. "YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO CAN STOP HIM!! VIVI SAID TO GET YOU THERE NO MATTER WHAT!! NOW MEN!!" They all turn, holding steady as the army charged towards them. "HOLD THESE STEPS AT ALL COSTS!!" I feel 2 hands wrap under my armpits, 2 soldiers were helping to drag me up the stairs. What?! No! They'll... I look between the small squad of soldiers and the entire Rebel army. T-they'll die...

              "I'm sorry!" One of them screams. "I can only imagine the pain you're in right now!" We get to the top, and one of them grabs the kid, taking off into the city with him. The other one, gets on his hands and knees before me.

"PLEASE!! I HAVE A PREGNANT WIFE AND CHILD!!" I look out at the huge cloud caused by the coming army, and everything began to go quiet... Zoro and I had talked about it before... Neither of us knew what it meant... Everything, was so quiet... was it the brink of death? Was it some battle instinct in us? We hadn't figured it out... "I CAN'T HAVE THEM GROWING UP IN SOME WASTELAND!! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!" He screeches, his face covered in snot and tears. "SAVE US!! I KNOW YOU'RE HURT AND IT'S NOT YOUR-" I put a hand on the guy's head.

              "Stand up." He stands tall, his arms at his sides. I give him a bloody smile. "Can't imagine how hard it is for you and your people to see me again. Even if you were against me, trying to kill me... Your Princess has already convinced me to save this Kingdom..." I say softly as I begin limping towards the castle. "And I have my own reasons for wanting Crocodile dead at my feet." I feel the rage of the entire situation boiling over. I rip the spear from my leg, stepping forwards, launching the spear at the castle. "CROCODIIILLLLEEE!!!!" Vivi... Cobra... Just hang on a little bit longer... I'm on my way. I feel something around my neck as I limp away, I look down, seeing a small golden piece of Jewelry around my neck, a locket of some kind. I turn back.

              "I-It's a picture of my wife and daughter... T-they kept me safe all this time I've been a Marine... M-Maybe they'll-"

              "Thanks." I say, cutting him off. "I'll make sure to bring it back, once I'm done." I turn away, trudging towards the castle, biting my lip, trying not to cry.

Soldier POV

              "Thanks." He says, turning around, continuing his trek to the castle. "I'll make sure to bring it back once I'm done."

              I watch this 'Reaper Nobody' limp towards the castle, a hole in the leg dragging behind. The dagger wound on his side. Blood pouring from all sorts of flesh wounds as well, my father used to tell me horrific stories of that guy killing anything that moved in front of him, for pleasure and sport... No way... Not that guy... That, makes no sense... There was no hesitation in his eyes when he saved that little brat... Kills everything that moves... H-he wasn't even killing the Rebel Soldiers! I shut my eyes tightly, everything we thought we knew about him... It was wrong!!

              "T-THANK YOU!!!" I scream as he limps away.

Robin POV
              "Well well, seems our old friend is still able to roar." I look over, seeing Crocodile looking enraged. "Guess I get to kill him myself after all."

              "So... The monster's out." I say, as a bloody spear pierces the stone side of the castle. Leaving a small hole near Crocodile's head. "And he's angry."
