Chapter 2: A Reaper Appears

Your POV

"You're just another punk." Arlong says.

"Say and think whatever you want about me, but-" I cut myself off as I hear someone standing behind me. I turn back and see the green haired man standing there, heaving. Incredible... He had gotten back up... "And with a wound like that." I say seeing it beneath his bandages. I walk over and place a hand on his shoulder. "Not now. It'll be alright. You have my word swordsman." I turn back to the fishmen. "Now, none of you answered my question." I say walking towards them. "Who hurt the girl?"

Johnny POV

His tone had gone ice cold once again when he brought up Nami.

"Tell me. Either he dies, or you all do." He ducks as the octopus swings his swords at his head. He then turns around, catching a punch from the karate fishman. "Was it one of you?" He swings him over his head, slamming him onto the pavement. Then he turns and rushes the octopus dodging the mess of swinging swords, but just as it looks like he's about to get him, the boy grabs the sword by its blade.

"W-what? He just grabbed his sword?!" Blood begins to trickle down the blade from the man's hand. He held the sword in place, inches from his head.

"H-hey?! Let go!" The octopus yells. As he tries to pry it away from him, his grip on it tightens even further, causing the small trickle of blood to turn into a steady flow.

"ARLONG!!" I turn around and see big sis Nami there.

"Nami! It's Nami! Are you ok?" The villagers begin asking her.


"NOOO!!!" She screams, I turn as I hear a scream of agony coming from within the Park. I turn and see the young man on a knee. One of the octopus' swords was driven through his side, sticking out of his gut. He coughs blood and screams again as Hatchan rips the blade from his flesh. "No... Please stop..." I hear Big sis say. Although, the boy stays on a knee, his uneven, raspy breathing could be heard from here, wet with blood. Slowly and shakily, he gets back up. A pool of blood forming at his feet.

"You little..." The boys pupils had shrunk and small blood vessels were creeping in.

"Kuroobi, you said that'd be enough!" Hatchan screams.

"Shut up. He's coming." They both get ready for the kid, who looked about as murderous as someone could. He disappears, appearing above Hatchan's head, smashing it into the ground, then ripping one of his arms off, and throwing him through the large building. He slowly turns to the Kuroobi, his blood stained teeth clenched. His murderous intent obvious from his growling breathing and psychotic eyes.

"Nobody gets to live now. I've been itching to work through some shit." "And as a bonus looks like I'll have enough fish meat for months after this." He says, limping towards him. He catches the fishman's punch, and blocks the kick to his side.

"W-what?" The boys let's out some kind of battle cry roar, and twists his arm, breaking it like a twig. As Kuroobi staggers back, the boy lunges for him, and punches straight through his chest, his fist sticking out of the fishman's back. "H-how did you...?" The boy rips his arm out, then taps his forehead lightly, the fishman falls dead the ground, blood pouring out from the hole in his chest.

"Nami..." He turns to us, blood pouring from his mouth and the gaping wound on his side. He extends his bloodied arm to Arlong, pointing at him. "Was it him?" I whip my head back to see Nami cover her mouth, trembling on her knees, crying. She nods slowly, and I feel my body begin to get heavy. The boy was stomping towards Arlong now, like nothing was wrong with him. "Die fast and painlessly, or slow, and as painfully possible."

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

Your POV

I rush in low, sliding between his legs as he chomps at me. I lunge back at him, punching him back into the sea. I walk to the edge, waiting for him to shoot out, but nothing happens. I look over, down into the water, and as I do his hand wraps around my ankle. He yanks me under and drags me to the bottom. I feel my body compress, I cough blood and feel it rushing from my wound. He pins me to the bottom by my neck, I look over, and see some blue haired girl giving CPR to... some guy-

"AAGGCCKKK!!" I grab his jagged bladed nose as he pressed it deeper into my shoulder. YOU LITTLE! I bring my elbow up, holding his nose in place, still halfway inside my collar bone. I bring my elbow down on it, breaking it off, then bring my knees in and kick upwards, sending him flying above the surface. I jump from the bottom, gasping for air and clambering onto the cement side. I crawl out of the water and roll onto my back.

"You BASTARD!!" I get nailed in the gut by Arlong. I yank his nose out of my shoulder, blood shooting from the wound as I rip the jagged edge from it. I stab it into his eye, then kick him in the gut back into the large wall. I fall to a knee. I feel myself falling apart, I look down at the deep canyon in my shoulder, and see it had opened up the gash Whitebeard had given me, I was ripping in half, slowly. I hear him grunting in agony, I couldn't get up, this little shit had somehow got me... He lumbers towards me, his one eye had changed to that of a serpents. If I wasn't nearly torn in 2 they'd all be dead right already.

"Shit..." He reaches back, while I was busy holding my shoulder in place, worried any more stress and it could tear enough to kill me. But as he does, something nails him from under his chin, knocking him high into Arlong Park. I watch as some mop haired kid lands in front of me. He looks at me, then smiles, giggling.

"Thanks for protecting my crew!" He says holding up his hand in front of me. I cough blood as I'm unable to hold back a chuckle to myself. I high five him with a bloodied hand. I get an odd sense of Déjà vu seeing him though.

"Kick his ass." I wheeze out. He smiles widely and nods, jumping up into the hole in the side of the highest room of Arlong Park. I feel everything begin to go dim as he does.

Nako POV

As they set Zoro and this stranger down before me, I begin to clean Zoro's wound, only for him to stop me.

"Him first." He says nodding to the stranger.

"You sure? Figured we don't know him, to fix you up first." He shakes his head.

"I'll be fine. I'd be a lot worse if it weren't for him." I nod, and begin undressing his torso... only to find a heinous sight before me. Not only the 2 horrific wounds from the battle today, but it looked like he had begun to unzip. I look over to Zoro, unable to hide my uneasiness.

"He's what you would've been had you fought him any longer, nearly splitting in 2. This boy took your place in that battle today..." Zoro wasn't paying any attention to me though, his eyes were fixated on the boys heaving chest.

"That strong... and he was in the same situation as I was... Incredible."

Your POV

I awake to a dry mouth and complete agony. I scream as I try and sit up. And I see the orange haired girl and suitman run in, along with some old guy with cool sunglasses.

"You're awake!!" The girl yells.

"You're alive?!" The old man yells, although I didn't appreciate the tone behind it. The old geezer painfully re-bandages me, and I begin to feel better after a small meal. They introduce themselves to me as I eat, explaining what had happened.

"So, who are you?"

"I'm looking for the guy who owns that straw hat you were wearing the other day, I was told I'd find him at Arlong Park."

"Why are you lookin for him?" Sanji asks, his tone going cold.

"Wanted to join his crew." I say as I take another bite of pie. Mmmm... Pie...

"Didja?!" I clench my teeth in pain after I quickly whipped my head to the window, seeing the kid who had saved me from Arlong the other day. Wearing Shanks' hat; he jumps in. "Well? You guys think he seems cool? He was strong enough to take on most of those fishmen alone the other day." Sanji smirks and leans back against the wall, lighting another cigarette. While Nami smiles widely and laughs brightly. "Seems like you're in!!" He yells as his arm stretches out and wraps around me, and I feel the air leave my body. He was made of rubber...


"You know Shanks?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

"I was apart of his crew! He talked about some twerp named Luffy who ate the Gum-Gum fruit he stole!" I couldn't believe it. I see his eyes begin to sparkle as he smiles widely.

"If you were apart of Shanks crew... Then you must be really strong!!" No...


Nami POV

"READY! GO!!" He tosses Y/n through the window out onto the ground. I run out, expecting to see him lying there in 2, but instead he was standing tall, although his teeth were already stained with blood.

"Damnit Luffy!" He screams up to him. Then he falls to a knee, breathing heavily. He opens and closes his hand in front of him, looking at it strangely. Then as he looks up to us, his eyes roll back and he flops over on his side, passing out.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" We all scream at Luffy, who was stood there scratching his head.

"Doesn't seem all that strong to me?" He says pouting

Your POV

I awake and see a bird circling me above. The sun blinding me, my mouth was dry and salty. I blink hard and look around. I was sat out on a lawn chair on a ship. Questions for later.

"Bout time! Now let's fight!!" Luffy screams and jumps at me. Only for Sanji to kick him into the sky.

"WE ALREADY TALKED ABOUT THIS!!" I groan as a cup of water appears in front of me. I quickly down it, then look to see Nami standing there. I swallow a large gulp.

"Thanks." I say, out of breath from chugging it. I sit up slowly. Nami yells at everybody to let me rest and leave me alone for awhile. And for a while, they did. Until I hear somebody walk up, and see their blackened silhouette standing over me, the sun behind them.

"You got guts fighting through that." The voice, this was that Pirate Hunter Zoro Usopp mentioned.

"Thanks. Same to you." I say gesturing to his chest.

"You've got my respect, even if our captain can't think about anything but fighting and meat. He won't hurt you again, he didn't know." I put my hand up, stopping him.

"No worries." I say as I look over to Luffy, who was sitting on the ground staring at me with a frown.

"You think he's ready yet?" He whispers to Usopp. I hear Zoro chuckle lightly.

"Guess that wasn't an exaggeration, huh?" He shakes his head. "Never know I guess, maybe one day it'll be helpful his brain isn't filled with sinful thoughts. Being distracted by meat has gotta be healthier than Sanji's addiction to Nami." I say looking over at him fanning her while she tanned. "Been passed out for 90% of my time as part of your crew and I've still figured out that much." Zoro looks to the ground and smiles.

"The doc said to take it easy for a long while. Couple months at least. I'll watch your back, but don't get comfortable." I nod, unable to hold back a subtle smile. It had been a long time since I had been around the same people for longer than a day or 2. "So, who gave you yours?" He asks me, looking down at my chest. I sigh and grunt as I sit up slightly.

"You gonna tell me who gave you yours?" I ask back, he nods in response. "But me first?" He nods again. "Alright, only fair, you did ask first... I got it from Whitebeard, nearly cut me in 2, then took pity on me and saved my life." He raises a brow looking down to me.

"Mihawk Hawkeye. Pretty similar story..." Shit, Hawkeye? This dipshit managed to find the one guy stronger than the one who cut me apart... Well, guess it's unfair considering the old geezer was on life support, and didn't move from the spot he stood. Shanks had warned me about how powerful he still was. I groan as I rub my hand over the wound. I sigh and swing my legs over the side, grunting as I push myself up to a stand.

"Hawkeye huh?" I say as I walk over to the side of the boat, taking a leak.

"We have a bathroom..." He says as I walk back over. I shrug and lie back down with another grunt.

"So, where we headin' too?"

"Loguetown, supposedly a common Place for Pirates to stop before entering the Grand Line." I nod and yawn, rolling over.

"Wake me when we get there." I say, knocking out again.
