Chapter 7: Promise

Your POV

I watch as Luffy pounces on the Dugongs.

"NO!! YOU IDIOT!!" Vivi screams. I watch as all the Dugongs mimic him.

"I... I WANNA BE THE MASTER!!" I scream jumping down and punching Luffy on top of the head. "AND PUNCH! PUNCH! KICK! PUNCH!" I scream as the Dugongs copy me. "ARMY OF Y/N! THE DEWGONG ARMADA!!" I scream. "YES!! WE WILL TRAMPLE OUR ENEMIES!" The Dugongs erupt in the cutest war cry I've ever seen. Chopper ends up giving them a chunk of our food so they don't follow us into the desert. To my disappointment.

"Great, thanks guys." Sanji groans. "2 days' supply, down the drain."

"You got a problem with that?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Nope! All good over here!" He yells back.

"That's what I thought. I'd switch you out for any one of those Dugongs in a heartbeat."


You and Ace get lost in the desert together, trading storing and lessons of the ocean. You bond with him over similar values and a similar sense of justice. Ace says he's joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and therefore can't be there to protect and watch over Luffy. He asks you to take over the, 'big brother' role to Luffy, knowing how he can be. Maybe he jokes at you trying to senselessly take on Whitebeard. (I don't know enough about Ace yet to really write much with him so work with me here folks)

Your POV

I stand there, walking behind the camel carrying Nami and Vivi as she told the story of her and Koza... I was in the ruins that day, alone...

This is so weird... Dad always said, that we were doing this so nobody else lost their dad like he did, but, everybody here seemed so happy? I was told the royal family was the reason for the sudden drought. As I sit on a large broken stone, looking down over the large dense kingdom spread out in every direction. It was a beautiful place, even with the oncoming drought becoming more severe by the day.

"PROTECT THE PRINCESS TO THE DEATH!! SAND SAND CLAN!!" Hm? I hop down off the large piece of pillar, walking towards the sound, pulling my hood over my head. I end up seeing a small blue-haired girl run by. I stop, turning around and walking after her. I finally catch up to her, as I see a boy, the same voice as before. "Get outta here Vivi! I'll buy you some time!!" He swings his club at the man's face, perfectly in timed with the man's lunge. Knocking him out cold.

"Koza?! You're hurt! We have to get you h-help..." 2 more men run around the corner. I jump high, twisting myself around to face the men, landing between each pair.

"Another brat?!"

"Get out of our way!!" I spin, driving my heel into the side of the first's face, then bringing my heel down to the ground, smashing the man's head beneath. I pounce on the second, grabbing his face, slamming it to the ground as well. I push it into the ground ever harder, standing over him.

"No children." I growl. Then turn back to the other 2. "Let's go back to the rest of your friends. There could be more." They both nod, and lead me back to the large group. Asking me all kinds of questions, to which I remained silent too. I sit on a large piece of rubble, overlooking both paths up the hill in opposite directions. They make sure their friends are ok as I keep watch, soon seeing 2 men run up. I jump down, landing between the men and the group.

"No! It's ok! That's my dad!" Her... Dad? Of, a princess? T-That's the King of Arabasta, the man my father wanted me to wage war on... He runs up, hugging his daughter. The other man checks on the children, and the King follows after making sure his own daughter was ok. I begin walking away, I had started crying... W-Why did dad want me to hurt these people? I-It didn't make any sense!!

"Don't think you get to leave without me giving you my thanks." I had reached the bottom of the hill, far out of sight of the rest, he had come after me, alone. I hear some shuffling, and turn back to see the King on his hands and knees before me. W-what was going on? "Thank you, for saving my daughter and her friends." He says, pressing his head to the ground. "I am forever indebted to you." I was bawling underneath my hood.

"No..." I say hoarsely "I-I'm here to kill you! Your country!" I say ripping my hood off. "I-I was hired to start a war here!!" I scream at him. He looks at me solemnly.

"War... Here, it was inevitable once the drought began, and got worse. What's more interesting, is your choice not to kill me now, and to save my daughter. And why did you agree to tearing apart a Kingdom, you seem to have no animosity towards?" I grab my head shaking it around wildly.

"I DON'T KNOW!! IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!" Nothing made sense anymore!! Their KING bowed to me!! Some evil tyrannical monster?! Running after his daughter, bowing to some freak who helped her!! Even now, I told him I was supposed to kill him! Crocodile hadn't even told us to do that much... T-that was dad...

"Please child, come here." He says holding out his hand. I grip my head tighter, falling to my knees, slamming my head against the ground. No... Nothing added up. Every conclusion my head came to... It said my father was sick and twisted, h-had he lied to me? W-what am I gonna do? The King steps forwards, reaching out. "If you were hired to start a war, may I suggest instead, your other solution..." He goes quiet, standing tall, his arms open. "If I give you my life, you leave, without hurting another citizen of my country." No... That was it... I-I was being lied too. W-Was I the monster...? I turn around, running away, pulling my hood back over my head. "NO CHILD!! COME BACK!! IT'S NOT YOU!!" I jump, turning back and punching towards the ground, launching myself into the sky.

I bring myself back to reality, seeing Vivi glaring at me. One of the few good things I had done under my father, and even then they hate me for it... I look to the ground, feeling the guilt in my stomach rise to my chest. Shortly thereafter we arrive at Yuba...

"Something... Looks wrong?" Vivi says, squinting at the village in the distance. We walk up, finding a very similar sight to Eramalu. A single old man digging in the ditch. I wander off, finding a place to piss. And when I come back, they're all gone. I scratch the side of my head, wandering around the abandoned city looking for them.

"You're him. Aren't you?" I scratch my head, looking at the old man.

"I'm who?"

"Don't play coy with me boy!" He yells, hitting me over the head with his shovel. "I know exactly who you are... You're the boy with Crocodile and the Rebellion. The Reaper..." Crocodile... And? For some reason I hadn't thought they were together? What's this old guy on about?

"Not anymore. I'm here to try and help." I say, looking to the ground.

"Help how?" He asks me solemnly. "By fighting? Hurting? Killing others? Killing the Rebellion? And what happens to all those involved with the Rebellion, those who not need be senselessly slaughtered!!" I look up to the man, my brow furrowed.

"No. I'm not here to kill anybody." I look back to the ground, feeling horribly guilty for the man's fate. I hear the old man sigh.

"At least you seemed to have wised up some." Hm? What's he on about? "My boy... Koza..." Ko-za...? "He's the leader of the Rebel army... I beg you... My boy is lost in his own pain. H-He knows nothing of the damage he is causing for future!" I hold my hand up, stopping the old man.


"O-Ok?" He stammers out.

"Your son, Koza. He'll be fine." I say, walking away from the old man. "Now, leave me alone." I say coldly, pulling my hood back over my head. I was on the verge of crying. Is this what I destined these people to? How many of them are suffering like him?! I've bound them to fates of hell. I-I was the monster everybody said I was! How many towns, how many families, mothers and children...

"If I don't blame you, then why do you blame yourself?" I turn around, seeing the old man standing there again.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone..."

"Stop being such a fool. It takes quite a man to face what you've done. And here you are, staring it down, trying to fix it. Look at you, a young man, prime of his youth, young 20's and already a wise and changed man. Maybe you aren't doing as bad as you think?"

"The hell are you on about old man? I haven't changed anything... Not yet." I walk away from the old man. He was making me feel... I don't even know how to describe it, but I hated the feeling he gave me.

"Your friends are staying at the inn in that direction." He points the opposite way I was walking. I grumble to myself and trudge past him, he follows me with a smile. As I walk up to the inn though, I see Vivi sitting outside. I sigh, knowing what's to come. She looks up, seeing me, and lunges at me.

"YOU!!" She whips the yoyo looking thing at me, deeply slicing my cheek. I reach up with 2 fingers, tapping it, seeing them now stained with blood. "W-why didn't you move?" She spits out at me.

"Stop it Vivi." I say sternly. "I'm not going to fight you. Take out whatever frustrations you have, but I'm not fighting you.

"You... Why did you...? It doesn't make any sense." She says, falling to her knees, her head falling into her hands. "Y-your helping, but there's no way he'd ever... Are you him? You have to be him. But, you can't be... there's no way, you're the same person." I sit down in front of her.

"I'm trying to make things right... I'll die before Arabasta falls. It's not much, but it's all I can promise you for right now." She sobs in front of me.

"No killing!" She yells. I sit up, frightened by her outburst.

"Uh, yeah, ok, no killing. Fair enough." I say quietly as she begins pounding her fists on my chest.

"PROMISE!!" She yells, biting her lower lip. "Promise me you won't kill any more of my people!" I sit there silently.

"Ok. I promise." I say looking to the ground. "Nobody else dies." Girl's stronger than I thought, if I would've seen the Marine who executed my mother... Not a chance I'd react like she is now, I'd get myself killed. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. There's more to strength than how hard you can hit. Half of fighting is getting hit back, and how you respond to that." I stand, reaching my hand down to help her up.

"Don't think we're even close to even!" She yells, slapping my hand away. "I-I just need your power to protect my country!" I chuckle, nodding.

"And you have it."

Vivi POV

I watch as flames burn through his clothing, his tattoos and markings turned from black to a dark F/c, smoking hot.

"T-this is how you looked..." He gives me a large smile. Small F/c lightning bolts crackling around him.

"Nobody dies. Promise."
