Chapter 4: Whiskey Peak

Your POV

I sit on the railing, overlooking our wake left behind. I didn't like that old guy, he asked me a couple questions and watched how I acted, and pieced my entire life together. Was I that easy to read? No, no way. Very rarely do people figure me out, much less in a day. He was strange...

"Stupid old man..." I grumble to myself.

"You always talk to yourself?" I nearly fall into the sea. I turn around and see Nami there. "We're almost to Whiskey Peak. We gotta drop Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday off there and wait for the log pose to reset. If you aren't ok yet I'd get below just in case." I press my middle finger against my thumb, giving Nami a mischievous smile. I flick my finger out, a shockwave of air rushing past Nami's head, and giving the sail enough of a boost to speed the ship up. "W-What was that?"

"Nami, do me a favor, don't ever ask me if I'm ok." I say with a smile, walking past her. "The answer's always gonna be no." I grumpily walk down onto the main deck and into the galley. I grab a handful of ice cubes and funnel them into a bottle of rum with my hand. I begin burning through the bottle at an insane rate as I walk around the ship, looking around as we closed in on the island. That old geezer was still pissing me off. "Where'd the 2 attempted whale murderers go?" I say, looking around confused.

"I told Zoro to keep an eye on them." Nami says walking away from the helm. I point over to a sleeping Zoro, snoring loudly.

"Zoro... YOU IDIOT!!" Nami screams, hitting him over the head.



"Oh, who cares? Less dead weight to carry."

"I'm hungry. I want meat." Luffy says turning to Sanji.

"I just made you food an hour ago."

"That's like 3 days in food years." I blink a couple times, furrowing my brow as I try to comprehend what's going on in front of me. Was it the booze? Is this some kind of hallucination?

"Do you guys think ghosts are real?" Usopp asks. "I do, spooky little bastards." Ok, what? How did we-

"I'm gonna turn into a ghost soon if I don't get some meat in me!" Wow, wild sentence. I think to myself as I feel the world begin swaying.

"Y/n?" Nami asks me. "IS THAT RUM?! YOU'RE STILL ON CROCUS' SEDATIVES THAT COULD KILL YOU!!" I hiccup and try and put a hand on her shoulder, but miss and... Oh... Crap baskets... She tries to hit me from one side, and Sanji from the other, I duck, and she nails Sanji, sending him flying into the mast of the main sail. "I'm gonna..." I turn back and come face to face with the side of a barrel. It smashes into me, flour covering me as I cough up the white dust.

"PERVERT!!" She screams at me.

"ACCIDENT!!" I yell back.

"ISLAND!!" Luffy yells, stretching his head up next to the crow's nest. I turn and see the large cactus like landscape. That was quick. I begin to see the sky change shape. Then the clouds begin singing.

"Hm. That's weird."

Nami POV

I turn back from the island and see Y/n fall face first onto the ground, completely unconscious.


"Mine's perfectly fine." Zoro scoffs.


"What's wrong with mine?" Usopp asks offended.

"Don't even get me started!" I growl out.

"MY brains always thinking about you Nami-San!!" Sanji screams as he proposes to me.

"I think mine's a great brain." I turn and see Luffy sitting there pouting.

"NO! NO NOT YOU! You don't get any say in this Luffy you're the worst of all!!"

"At least I can stay awake for longer than a couple hours." He looks over to Y/n, now snoring away.

"You guys worried about him too?" Usopp says quietly. "He's seemed even more strange than usual ever since we met Crocus and Laboon."

"He said something about Island Whales being around his home, probably was tough for him."

"Seeing a whale?" Zoro questions.

"Yeah, didn't expect any sympathy for him from you Zoro." I snap back.

Your POV

I wake up on the ship, and waddle outside. It was nighttime? Did I sleep all day? I walk throughout the city, seeing maybe a hundred people taken down. I continue through, until I come across the crew. W-WHAT'S THAT?!

"HUGE DUCK!!" I scream as I see it and run up to it. "Whoa! It's HUGE! And, A duck?!" I've never seen a duck like this.

"HEY!!" I turn around and get slapped.

"VIVI!! Wait, he's apart of our crew! He's with us!"

"Him?" Wait... Vivi...? I look up, Wednesday- NO WAY

"PRINCESS VIVI?!" FUCK! Not Arabasta, shit!!

"Hm? Do you know her Y/n?" Shiittt... My minds flashed back to the last time I was there.

"Arabasta is now yours to lose, Crocodile, so, where's my payment?"

"You barely did half the work and expect payment?" I sit there silently, bleeding horribly from my side as the 2 bargained the value of my work, and the lives of thousands of Arabastian soldiers.

"If you actually want any chance at getting through at Marineford, you'll need more than a child. You'll need an army. If you manage to free those locked at Impel Down, you might just have a shot at getting close."

"Impel Down? Marineford...? We can't go-" My father backhands my as I fall onto the ground, convulsing in pain as I gripped at my side in agony.

"Know your place brat! I'll have you- ACGHK!!" I turn back, hearing my fathers grunt. I see Crocodile's hook going through my fathers arm, he yanks him towards him, his cigar burning his forehead.

"You know your place. Sick bastard. Now you know the pain he's in." He rips it back out and pushes my father to the ground. Then he turns to me. "If you want better work, let me know, kid. You're barely a teenager, and you became known as the Devil here in a matter of weeks, pretty impressive work." He walks away, cleaning my father's blood from his hook.

"Nah, I just know you're the princess of Arabasta."

"Well, let's get going guys! We can't stay here any longer if they're after Vivi!" I turn and see Luffy running away back towards the ship. "We gotta get her home!"

We set sail at dawn, and begin towards wherever the Logpose told us, although shortly after we cast off...

"Arabasta, hmm?" I feel something tickle the back of my neck. Yeah... No doubt about who this was, I turn, seeing another high bountied individual. The Devil Child, Nico Robin... Shit.

"Yeah?! What's it to ya?!" Luffy screams. I silently curse his name, knowing even if she wasn't a threat, the fear of the physical pain she could cause in an instant was frightening enough to stay put. I watch Zoro curse her and unsheathe his sword, only to fall to his knees, clutching at his groin. I pray for him as I sit there and watch him roll around in agony.

"Guess I should've warned ya." I say with a chuckle.

"Here, take this, it'll help you on your path." She tosses Nami an eternal pose to Arabasta.

"Really? You're giving us this?" I ask her. She smiles.

"Might come in handy, don't ya think?" She says happily. Hmm... Yeah, I don't buy it, something's up, Last time we met, she seemed, very sarcastic... I watch as Luffy snatches it form Nami, crushing it to pieces.

"YOU IDIOT!!" Nami screams, slapping him.

"WE DON'T NEED IT!!" He screams. Oh...? I feel a wide smirk crawl onto my face.

"Well... You'll never make it anyways, you're next stop, is Little Garden... Good luck, you'll need it."

"We don't need it?" I ask Luffy, raising a brow at him after Robin's words.

"We don't need it!" He huffs out. Yeah... He didn't need it either... I begin laughing loudly as Robin departs, Nami screaming and chasing Luffy around.

"Little Garden here we come!" I say with a giggle, this idiot Captain actually was growing on me, just like... I think back to Shanks' words... He rarely spoke falsely... I turn to my current Captain, seeing him laugh and giggle as Usopp and Nami scolded him. His smile... I feel the contagious smile of his find its way to me. I laugh loudly, watching the crew bicker at each other. "Not bad kid..." I say quietly to myself... As I do I see him look to me and smile widely. Yeah, maybe you were right Shanks...
