Chapter 6: Y/n, The Reaper Nobody?!

Chopper POV

              He rushes the 3 men without hesitation. Punching the ground where Wapol's 2 henchmen stood, missing them by inches, but with his hands dug into the snow he goes into a handstand pose, kicking them both in the jaw and sending them flying in opposite directions, he continues the cartwheel over, landing on his feet, his eyes narrowed in on Wapol.

              "You, GGRRAAAHHH!!" Wapol bellows, slamming his fists down as Y/n jumped out of the way, landing on his hands and knees, he was already dealing with these injuries and the Kestia infection. He's going to speed up the infection the more he tries to fight.

              "REINDEER!!" He screams, using both of his hands to block Wapol's punch. "GET INSIDE NOW!!" He ducks under as Wapol uses his other arm to try and hit him, swinging wildly had left him open for Y/n to swoop in, uppercutting him under his jaw. As Wapol flies back and hits the ground, Y/n falls onto a knee, clutching his chest.

              "You're hurt and sick... You'll die if you keep fighting..." I say shyly. He turns back to me slightly, smiling with teeth that were stained with his blood.

              "You wanna bet?" He says as Wapol begins morphing into a huge factory, eating his 2 henchmen, and they walk out as one combined man with 4 arms. Y/n lets out a low growling sound. "Shit... Chopper, get inside now, and get everyone out of the castle.

              "HEY!!" I turn back, seeing the Strawhat boy there. "YOU BETTER LEAVE MY FRIENDS OUTTA THIS!!" Even Y/n seemed slightly stunned to see him walking out. He walks up next to Y/n, looking down at him on a knee. "The doctor says you're really sick. The more you fight, the worse the infection's gonna get. You can't fight anymore." He says to him blankly.

              "Yeah right, like I'm gonna take advice from you." He responds, a laugh wet with blood following.

              "You're fighting not only these men, but your injuries and fever as well, not too mention the weather you're in, the cold kept you functioning due to your high fever, but the combination of these... It's gonna end up killing you long before this fight's over." Dr. Kureha says as she walks out. "Come inside, every second longer you're out here your chances of survival dwindle." He looks to Luffy, holding up a fist.

              "Get'em for me. He's hurt quite a few-"

              "I know." Luffy cuts him off. Glaring at Wapol. "I couldn't fight you before! But Now! Oooohhhh you're SO gonna get it!!"

Your POV

I lie down as the old woman makes me drink another shitty tasting concoction. Soon after I begin to feel dizzy and loopy.

              "W-whaddya? D-do to...?" I could barely speak. I continue to blink hard and flop back and forth, trying to stay awake.

              "Stop thrashing around! You aren't gonna want to be awake for what I gotta do to you anyways!"

Kureha POV

              I try holding him down, but he won't stop. He keeps his limbs flopping about, refusing to go under. I had already upped the dosage expecting him not to go under easily, if I gave him any more I'd probably kill him.

              "Y/n?" I turn around, seeing Nami walk in. He stops thrashing about, blinking hard, looking at her.

              "N-Nami...?" He slurs out. She smiles, reaching out and grabbing his hand.

              "She's gonna help make you feel better, just go to sleep, when you wake up you'll feel better, I promise!" His body relaxes, and he nods off. I begin cutting apart his bandages.

Nami POV

"I had to bandage him best I could on the fly, so it's not the best." I say as she begins cleaning the mix of wet and dried blood coating his torso. But as she does, she stops and immediately steps back, shaking as she did.

"What the hell are doing wandering around with him?" She asks me, I didn't get her reaction.

"What do you mean? I know he's hurt bad, but none of us are-"

"You... You don't know who he is, do you?" She seemed like me not knowing Y/n made me an idiot.

"What do you mean Kureha? Who is he?"

"This boy... H-he's... The Reaper Nobody." My body went blank, my mind was a fog. W-what had she just said? "He tore apart Arabasta, attacked and stopped an execution at Ennies Lobby, he genocide an entire island, solely as a distraction to try and bring down Marineford, by himself. A suicide mission that I thought he died in. But there was a reason the Marine's kept posting his bounty after all." My mind was blank. Y/n... The Reaper Nobody? No, it can't be real, no way. For some reason, I expected her to kick him out, but instead, she still began treating him anyways.

"You're still going to help him? I-I thought...?" She scoffs at me and continues her work.

"I'm still a doctor, and what's more... He treated Chopper like an equal. Even your friends when they first saw him acted strange, he acted like... he had seen it before. Can't imagine what he's been through. Been off-grid for quite a while now." As she says that, a huge beast is tossed through the window. It shrinks down into Chopper on the floor. "CHOPPER!!" Kureha screams running over to him. Although he stands again on his own.

              "It's ok Doctrine..." He huffs out. "I'll be..." His eyes lock onto something between Kureha and I, his mouth hanging slightly agape. We both turn, seeing Y/n standing there. He looked completely enraged, just like he had looked at Arlong Park.


"Y-Y/n... J-just lie back dow-" He jumps out of the shattered window, grabbing a huge piece of glass as he does, spinning and dossing it like a huge disc at the 4-armed man. It cuts deep into him, lying lodged in his side. As Y/n lands he pounces at Wapol, eating 2 cannonballs to the face at point-blank range. But when the smoke cleared...

"WHAT?!" Wapol screams as Y/n reaches back, as he tries to clench his fist, a bright small F/c ball appears in his hand, it looked as if it was repelling his closing fist. He clenches his teeth, blood shooting between them. He roars, closing his fist, a huge bright light shining from within the gaps of his fingers.

"This one is from the Reindeer." He punches Wapol under his chin, the light seemingly explodes, and a huge shockwave sends Wapol flying out of sight within seconds. Then he turns to the 2 faced one, still on a knee, gripping at the wound on his side. "Jump." He says, pointing to the edge of the mountain. The men look back and forth between the edge and Y/n.


"Jump." He says again, pointing to the ledge.

"Y-you can't be serious?" Y/n steps towards them, and they get up, sprinting off the ledge. Then Y/n turns back to the castle. I hear Kureha implode as he begins ripping off the fresh portion of bandages she had just put over him. He holds them high above his head, looking above us. I see Luffy's hand stretch down, snatching them from him. Chopper runs out jumping out of the window onto the ground, looking back out above us too. He begins crying silently. I stick my head out the window, looking up to the top of the castle. I watch as Luffy finishes tying Y/n's bloodied bandages around the broken mast of the flag. Luffy stood smiling at his handy work. As Chopper began to wail loudly. Y/n stood there, arms crossed in front of him, looking up to the flag. A stern look on his face.

"I told you..." Y/n heaves. "Everything's ok now..." And with that, he falls to his knees, his body going limp, and falling face first in the snow. Chopper runs over to him crying.

"DOCTRINE!! PLEASE HELP HIM!!" He screams as he transforms, running him back inside the castle. Luffy stretches his head down to the broken window.

"Sorry doctor lady, I told him he can't fight anymore." She sighs, rubbing her head.

"Yeah yeah, like if I had told you to sit out and watch them fight, you'd sit by idle either." Luffy smile brightly.

"Nope! No way!" He says with a giggle. "They're my crew and I'm their captain. It's my job to make sure they're safe!" With that Chopper bursts through the door, holding Y/n in his arms. He sets him down on the bed, morphing back into his normal form.

"H-he got mad when I was hurt...?" He says shyly.

"Well of course he did!" Luffy yells. "He likes you! Just like I do! You wanna be apart of our crew? It'd be reeeaaallllyyyy fun!!"

Chopper POV

              I sit on top of the castle as I catch my breath.

              "Man, feels like I've been running around all day, the sun's already setting."

              "Well, you have been." I turn around, seeing the tattooed man there. He sits down next to me, looking down at the others.

              "Where'd he go?!" Luffy yells looking around.

              "Give it a rest." Sanji says.

              "It's obvious he doesn't wanna be a pirate." Zoro grumbles.

              "You guys don't know anything! He does! He just doesn't know that yet!" I hear a small chuckle next to me. I turn and see him with a small smile on his face.

              "I know nobody likes to be told they aren't the only ones in pain..." He turns to me. "But unfortunately, I think I do know a lot more about what you've been through than you might think. An outcast and alone, labelled a monster..." He trails off, his voice getting dry and hoarse. "But that guy..." He says pointing to Luffy. "He's a pretty damn good captain, and an even better friend." He sighs, standing and looking up to the setting sun.


"I think that's your cue." I turn as he pats me hard on the back, sending me off the edge of the roof of the castle.

"THERE YOU ARE!!" I sit up and see them all looking at me. I turn and run, hiding behind a tree. "I can still see you...?" He says, cocking his head at me. "Come on! We gotta get goin to Arabasta!"

"I-it's not that I don't want too... I-I'm a REINDEER!! I have hooves and Antlers! I-I even have a Blue Nose!!"

"SHUT UP! LET'S GO!!!" He screams, throwing his hands in the air.

"Is that what this was all about?"

"Y/n?!" Luffy yells, laughing. "That's funny!!" He yells as he rolls on the ground. Y/n...? I turn around, seeing the tattooed man there, he had torn parts of his bandages off, again, and tied sticks to his head. He was also walking around in his underwear now.

"WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU!?!" Nami screams, throwing snowballs at him. Although, as he stood there dodging snowballs, I noticed him begin to shiver... H-his nose...

"Wow! You even found a way to turn your nose blue like his!" Luffy yells through his fit of laughter. I feel tears begin to form as he turns to me.

"You aren't alone anymore." He says quietly, just loud enough for me to hear. As he does a snowball from Nami nails him in the face, and I see Doctrine walk up behind him as he lies in the snow.

"You..." He wipes the snow from his face, his eyes bulging from his head when he sees her standing over him, before he can scramble away though she sticks a needle into his neck, I watch him look down, seeing his arms go limp. Blinking a couple times, then collapsing. "Damn twerp doesn't know how to listen, no wonder he's not healing, he's not even giving himself a chance too."

Kureha POV

              I begin bandaging the boy up again, stitching up a couple different places a bit tighter to make sure he didn't even try and do to much. Although, as I did, I began to feel tears threatening to fall.

              "You... You're supposed to be a monster... So why? Why do you act like you do? It's nothing like how I was told you were like, you couldn't be more of a polar opposite." I couldn't rack my brain around it, how had he gotten this global reputation?

Your POV

I wake up in absolute agony, being dragged around nonetheless. "GAH!" I scream as my back bumps over a sharp rock.

"Huh?" I see Zoro turn around, looking down at me confused. Then he reaches over. "That doctor gave you medicine paralyzing your limbs, so you can't get into any more trouble as we leave. So..." He bends back, reaching over me.

"Zoro...?" What's he doing?

"Go to sleep!" He knocks me on top of the head, and everything begins to feel fluffy and squishy again.

I wake up now on the ship again. Where...? "The hell am I?" I say aloud. I get up, trudging out onto the deck, where I see. Shit... I watch as Mr. 2 swaps faces with the crew laughing, I see 2 faces in his though that made me lose my lunch. The King of Arabasta... And a younger version of my father... When we had been here nearly a decade ago to help jumpstart the war... I run over to the ledge, vomiting over the side.

"Y/n?!" I hear Nami scream.

"A-are we on our way, to Arabasta?" I heave out as I wipe my mouth. She nods.

"We're close, and heading straight there." I nod, walking back inside the ship. "Let me know when we get there." I close the door behind me, sinking to the ground against it, I feel tears threatening to fall, but I wipe them away before they can. The mix of mental and physical pain was agonizing. I-I had to make things right this time. No matter what. I have to fix this.

Nami POV

              I hear Vivi scream as she opens the door. I look over and see Y/n's sleeping form fall out on her foot. I growl, stomping up to him, knocking him on the head. He sits up, grabbing the right side of his face, trying to catch his breath. He looks around, seeing Vivi and I standing there.

              "Thanks." He says, pushing himself to a stand. "Looks like we're at Arabasta. Hey, where'd Karoo go?" He asks, wandering around.

              "I sent him to deliver a message to my father. The King must know of what we uncovered while working for Baroqueworks." Y/n looks at her like she's nuts.

              "ALONE?!" He screams, Vivi nods and he immediately runs off the ship after Karoo. "I'M COMING DUCK BUDDY HANG ON!!" He leaves a huge dust cloud behind him, running after Karoo.

              "Great." Sanji says, hopping off himself. "Now we've got Luffy with meat and Luffy 2 with a duck. Fantastic." He groans as he begins trudging inland.

Your POV

              I arrive at some Nanohana town, looking around for water, I finally find a huge trough of it, and jump head first into it. I end up sitting in it for a long while it felt nice and cool.

              "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I get hit over the head with something, I turn my head upside down, seeing Nami and Vivi standing there in... I flip myself around to face them right side up.

              "Wow, 10/10 on those." I say, looking at the dancers outfits. Holding up all 10 fingers.

              "Thanks, they were Nami's idea." Then, I hear something oddly familiar... Chaos... -_-

              "Hey guys..." I groan as I step out of the cool water, putting on some large white sand cloak thing they had gotten for me. "Get ready." I say as I turn around.

              "WE GOTTA GOOOO!!!!" Luffy screams, running by with a group of Marines following him.

Vivi POV

              I couldn't catch my breath. Dr. Kureha had fixed him up so well he only had a small line of bandages over the large wound he had. It revealed the huge markings on his body. Without the bandages... When he stepped out of the trough... My body felt numb... Y/n... Why would he be here, wanting to help...? He was familiar... BECAUSE HE'S THE REAPER NOBODY WHO STARTED ALL OF THIS!! ALL OF MY SUFFERING!! MY PEOPLE'S SUFFERING!! I turn over to him, my teeth clenched in rage, but... He was staring right through me. His face cold and dark, just like back then.

              "Not now." He says, then begins running ahead of me. "Come on Luffy!" He yells as he gets neck and neck with him. "I'll race ya to the ship!"

Your POV

