Chapter 3: LABOON!!

Your POV

I get hit in the head with something and groan as I wake up. Stumbling around the ship. I yawn as I jump over the side, landing on the rocky shore below. I stretch and yawn, then scratch my head as I blink the sleepiness out of my eyes. I waddle into town with the rest of the crew, instantly asking around for the nearest pub. I walk in, instantly starting to down drink after drink.

Nami POV

I send Usopp back to the Merry as start looking for Y/n. I run by a small bar, and see Y/n sitting alone in it. The small table he sat at in the corner of the small business was littered with empty glasses, as he slowly spun a nearly empty one around in his hand. He sat alone, a blank face staring at a wall. He looked, tortured. Just an emotionless husk looking at a blank wall with a blank stare. I was about to walk in to drag him out, when he starts having a coughing fit. Once it dies down he had a small trail of blood coming from his mouth, his chin spotted with it. He groans and leans his head back to the ceiling. Reaching up the where his wound from Arlong was on his shoulder. I watch as a waiter walks over, leaning over to him. For some reason I couldn't move, I felt a huge weight on me, seeing him still this banged up. He really wasn't ok, not to try and be fighting Arlong anyways.

"I'm sorry sir, but my boss told me to ask you to leave, you're making other customers feel uneasy." I look around, the group in there you wouldn't exactly call 'cuddly.' To my surprise though, Y/n stands and pats the man on the shoulder. Pulling a wad of cash from under a new long dark brown leather cloak, although this one didn't have the freaky hood covering his face.

"How much?" The man waves his hands.

"Um, you already paid for them?" He says nervously. Y/n raises his brows and frowns.

"Really? Well." He pulls out a couple bills and hands it to the man. "Keep it, they weren't half bad." He says as he slams the last one in his hand. He exhales loudly as he walks out, blinking hard and shielding his eyes from the sun. Then he spots me, and instantly a fake smile grows onto his face. "Hey Nami!" He says waving me down. "What's up? You look gassed."

"WE GOTTA GO!!" I grab him by the wrist and take off.

"Could've at least bought me a drink first." He pouts as he chases after me.


Your POV

We get to the Merry and her and Usopp begin setting sail. I begin looking around the ship.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Nami yells at me as I check inside one of the barrels.

"Where's Luffy?" I ask. As I do Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji fall onto the boat. "Speak of the devil." I say looking at the balled up bunch. "Looks like you 3 had fun." I say bending down and smiling at Luffy. "Hey, Nami!" I yell up to her. "Wake me up when we get to the Grand Line!" She looks down at me and nods, then starts yelling at Sanji, who just yells back how great she is at scolding people.

"W-W-WHY DOES HE GET TO NAP?!" I hear Luffy scream. I laugh as I close the door behind me. I let out a breath, collapsing onto a knee. I felt like I was burning up from the inside. I pull the small button holding the cloak around my neck, and as it falls to the floor I pull the X- shaped suspenders over my head and have them drop around my waist. I pull off the plain black shirt I wore, the left sleeve being a T shirt length, while the right was long sleeved, I also wore black gloves, cut off around my fingertips. It hid the tattoos on my upper body perfectly. Which Shanks had warned me to do. I see the bandages the doctor had given me weren't just stained with blood, they were drenched. I pick my shirt up off the ground, and sure enough...

"Shit..." I say under my breath as I see the large blood puddle left where my shirt was. I make my way to the table, sitting down and slowly removing the bandages. It revealed a grizzly sight. There was still a large bloody wound on my shoulder, although the Doc at Nami's village had stitched up the smaller, slim wound from the sword well. Arlong's nose dug into the wound from Whitebeard on the other hand... It was still a bloody mess, I limp downstairs, clenching my teeth in agony as I lie back in the hammock.

Usopp POV

I walk down to call it a night as we finally hit calmer waters... But I find a bunch of Y/n's bloodied clothes strewn about. "Hey guys?!"


"What now Usopp?!" Nami says scared. She screams when she looks in, but she was looking past me. I turn around and see our table had a pile of bloody bandages oozing out everywhere. "W-what happened?"

"These are Y/n's clothes." Zoro says, grabbing the shirt from Usopp, who held of his hand, shivering.

"I-it's covered in blood, enough to still be wet." We all follow the trail down, and see him sleeping in a hammock, a huge pool of blood beneath him sprawling out into small streams in between the cracks.

"Should we bandage him up again?" Nami whispers.

"No, he's asleep, let him sleep and his body heal, get a clean damp towel and we can take turns switching it out."

"If he wakes up during the night we'll rebandage him, until then keep it covered with the towel, normally I'd say it wouldn't be good to be exposed, but after being under those soaked bandages for who knows how long, it might be good for it to get a little air." Zoro says, looking closely at the wound.

"Zoro! That's gross!" Nami whisper yells at him.

"He's beat up pretty bad." Luffy says as he looks closer at him too. "What'd you say to him Nami? Back at Arlong Park, he fought all those fishmen alone, everybody there said he kept talkin about you?"

"I don't know, he just walked into the village, he bandaged my arm, asking about your hat."

"My hat?" Nami nods slowly, ringing out a small towel and dabbing the wound.

"Yeah, he mentioned Shanks, and your hat, and asked about Arlong Park."

"Arlong Park? He knew about it?" I ask.

"No. He didn't even know who Arlong was, he just got there and started butchering them." Zoro says.

"He fought against them alone while we got you out." Sanji adds. "He didn't last long because of this injuries, but he put a handful of them down in a couple minutes time.

"He was asking about who hurt you, Nami." I say quietly. "He just seemed mad."

"Or..." I turn and see Luffy glaring at Y/n. "He just wanted my hat!" He says grabbing it. Then he stretches his arm back.

"Lu-ffy?" I say, quivering. "W-what are you-"

"WELL YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! GUM-GUM!!!" He whips his fist back at him. "PISTOL!!!" Y/n's eyes bulge from his head as he coughs blood. He hits the base of the ship, bouncing up off the ground. He lands on a knee, coughing and spitting up blood. His eyes looked glossy and unfocused.

"LUFFY YOU IDIOT!!" Nami begins hitting him on the head.

"WE TOLD YOU TO STOP TRYING TO FIGHT HIM!!" Sanji screams as he joins Nami in beating him. I run over to him and help him stand. But he does on his own.

"Usopp stay away from him!!" Zoro screams. I step back as smoke comes from his nose, his pupils the size of a pinpoint.

"You wanna fight me?" He asks Luffy, looking up to him. He rears back, punching forwards, a large shockwave from it knocks Luffy back out the door. He ricochets off Merry's Head and into the sky, falling back down onto the deck afterwards.

"OH YEA-!" He cuts himself off, just staring past me. Y/n... I turn back, expecting him to look like he did when he fought Arlong, but instead. He looked unconscious.

"Not even conscious. And still standing..." Zoro says quietly, a certain hint of admiration was found in his voice. Luffy walks past us up to him, putting him back into bed.

"That settles that." He says. Turning back to us with a bright smile on his face. "He's insanely strong! Maybe even stronger than me!" He says with a laugh. "I can't believe it! I wonder how he's so strong without a Devil Fruit, or any kind of weapon! I'll have to ask him when he wakes up!"

Your POV

I groan and sit up, my body burning and aching as I did. I rub my head as I stumble towards the door out of the cabin, why did it feel like the world was spinning? I open the door, and a blast of wind hits me, knocking the wind out of me and sending me sprawling back against the wall.



"THERE'S A PATH TO THE LEFT!! GO LEFT! GO LEFT!!" I blink hard and pinch myself, nope, not dreaming. We lurch left and I fly against another wall.

"CAN A GUY GET A WARNING PLEASE?!?!" I scream back out there.

"I SAID LEFT!!" Someone chirps back.

"IT'S A WHAAAALLLLEEEE!!!" I rub my ass as I walk out, seeing us sailing by a huge eyeball. My eyes go wide as I see the huge beast.

"ISLAND WHALE!!" I scream as I run to the edge of the ship. Nearly running off the side of it. "They would migrate past my home Island every year!! My mother would take me to go see them!"

Nami POV

I laugh as he continues on about the huge whales. It was the first time I had seen him, actually happy... I notice the rest of the crew seemed to have a similar response. Each of us smiling widely, looking between him and the huge whale as he laughed and waved to it. Then, I notice his smile disappear, and it became... He was scared.

"Guys... Get us out of here!" His voice crescendos into a scream. "NOW!!"

"What? WHY?!" Luffy screams, now also scared.

"HE'S HUNGRY!!!" Y/n yells in terror, the huge thing begins to open its mouth. "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!! WE'RE GOING IN WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT!!" Everybody begins frantically running around. "After all this... it ends to a beautiful creature like you..." I turn around and see him standing there saluting the huge whale. "A pleasure to meet my end from you."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I scream at him, throwing a frying pan against his head.

Your POV

I wake up and get my head sandwiched between something. I turn around and see Luffy standing there, like he had just punched both sides of my head.

"You... LITTLE CHICKEN SHIT!!" I scream as I uppercut him, sending him flying into the sky, although... He bangs into it? A huge echo happens after as he falls back onto the deck. I see a man and woman passed out next too me as well. "Huh?" I say scratching my head. They begin explaining to me what happened, and then some old hippy begins telling us about the whale. "WAIT?! We're STILL in the whale?!" I yell confused as I look around. The old man pulls a lever, letting us leave through a door. "THE WHALE HAS A DOOR?!" What the hell is going on?! Is this how it's always gonna be with these people? Ever since I met the girl shit's been ridiculous like this. "I need a drink." I say as I rub my temples. I stand up, tripping over the body of one of the 2 strangers on the grou- The girl...? Did I, know her from somewhere? I grab her head and pick her up, looking at her face closer. "I know her from somewhere." I say quietly, where do I know you from?

"Miss Wednesday?" Nami questions me.

"No. That's not her name."

"Well then who is she smartass?" She asks now ticked off. I shrug, dropping her again.

"BE CAREFUL WITH WOMEN!!" Sanji screams at me. I look down and see him standing there. Then back to where he was, then back down to him.

"How did you-"

"WHO IS SHE?!" Nami screams, now standing in my face.

"AH! WHOA! Need to put bells on you people how do you do that?" I step back, tripping over the guy on the ground again. "This little prick's gotta death wish too!"

"Get'em! He tried to hurt Laboon too!" Luffy yells as Zoro holds him back.


"THEY TRIED TO KILL LABOON SO I'M GONNA KILL THEM!!" He screams, flailing about in Zoro's grasp.

"Who's Laboon?" I ask.

"THE WHALE!!" Luffy screams.

Nami POV

Y/n's pupils instantly shrink to nothing, and small blood vessels creep in, smoke coming from his nose as he look down to the unconscious man.


"Oh nOooOOoo..." Usopp shakily says, stepping away from Y/n silently.

"They tried to kill our whale?" He picks the man up by the head, throwing him like a spear into the side of the whale. After that he falls to a knee, heaving for air, coughing up droplets of blood, of course he does, idiot. Also, 'our' whale?? Where did he get that idea from?

"You gotta take it easy." Sanji says to him, pointing to the bloodied spot in the new bandages I had put on him.

"You're injured." Crocus says looking down at him. "Badly." Y/n grunts as Sanji helps him stand again. "I can help make sure it won't get any worse, but even I can't fix something like that, at least not with my resources here." Crocus takes Y/n into the lighthouse as Laboon and Luffy begin fighting.

Your POV

I awake and down the glass of warm water next to the bed. Bleh. I stand and walk out, feeling oddly pain free.

"That painkiller was supposed to be a heavy sedative, how are you up?" I look over and see the old hippy doctor there.

"Because I woke up? Seems like you made a mistake, don't blame me for waking up."

"PRETTY UNGRATEFUL FOR SOMEONE WHO JUST GOT SEWED UP!!!" I laugh lightly, looking over at Laboon belching at Luffy, who was sat there laughing with Usopp. "I know by the way." I turn my head back to the old geezer. "What is somebody like you doing with a bunch like this?" What? Is he...? He knows me from the tattoos...

"The markings..."

"The precision on some of those, can't be done by a human. Which means it is you."

"And yet you still fixed me up? Why?" He sighs and turns back to the whale. "The whale told you too?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"No, you were nice to him. Seemed strange to put your actions and history together. So, you're gonna connect the dots for me. Nobody." I look to the ground, then out at the rest of the crew, finding each of them out of earshot. I sigh and sit down next to the geezer, leaning against the lighthouse.

"Yeah, that's who I was. I killed a lot of people old man. I hurt even more... Didn't even know what I was doing was wrong until my mom found out. By that point though, it was over, mere weeks until the Marines showed up on our doorstep."

"You were a child? And killed thousands? Unlikely." I take a deep breath, rubbing a hand down my face. "Children don't kill, they can't on purpose, very few are born inherently evil. So, who told you to do it?" I whip my head over to him, seeing him smirk at me. "So, you were, told or forced?" I look back to the ground.

"Maybe a bit of both, it was my father, hard not to listen to your dad as a kid." I expect a rhetorical response or joke from the old man, but instead there was just silence. I look over and see him looking solemnly down to me.

"I'm sorry young man. Your father betrayed you..."

"Yup... Had a good mom though..." I say, nearly beginning to cry. My voice becoming hoarse.

"A mother's love is second to none in this world. A mother fighting for her child, whether human or a rabid animal is the most determined being I've come across in this world."

"Yeah..." I say smiling lightly.

"You're doing good boy." I look up to him as he grunts, standing from his beach chair.

"Yeah, sure." No I wasn't. Not even close.

"Would've been incredibly easy to continue down the path he chose for you. Instead you carved another out for yourself from stone. You may not see the light at the end of it yet, but that does not mean the journey is futile."

"Profound words don't work on me old man." I say, looking towards Laboon, thinking of home again. I hear him grumble quietly.

"Still hurts that bad hm? I suggest you all get on your way." The hell is he on about, I turn, but see him staring out to sea. "Keep your head busy boy. A brain that's been through what yours has shouldn't be left alone to wander." Who the hell... Was this guy? He had sewn me up better than that doctor at Nami's village with a needle meant for clothing? He claimed to be some old rotting lighthouse keeper... No, not a chance that's who you are.
