Special Chapter

After dahyun died, there's one thing, that you probably missed

Sana didn't take the pills after their make out leading her to be pregnant with dahyun child

Sana didn't want to take the pills, since she wanted to be marked even more

Sana didn't like anyone else after that incident, her mind was on dahyun, and dahyun only

They had a daughter named


Yuna was born after 10 months, sana didn't forget about dahyun

"mother" Yuna asked her mom, "what does dad look like" Yuna asked and sat beside her mom, as sana was planting

"it wasn't entirely a father" sana spoke as she shaked her head

"and we weren't married, but we loved each other very much" sana continued, Yuna nodded but in a confused way

"wait I have no father?" Yuna spoke confused, since she was just 9

"dear, it was your other mother" sana spoke and smiled, "wow! I have another mom! Now I have another mom to have fun with" Yuna rejoiced

Sana smiled in a sad way, sana fell on her knees and started to cry, "mom!? Are you okay!?!" Yuna shouted as she kneeled to her mother who was crying

The maids were called and sana was sent in her room, Yuna was shocked, and confused, Yuna knew she didn't make her mother cry right?

"is mom gonna be okay?" Yuna asked one of the maids, "yes she will, it's just about what happened 10 years ago, I'll tell you in the future" the maid said and left

Yuna stood as she ran to her room

'that leads to a new beginning'
