Dahyuns pov

I woke up in my room , as usual, i got up and prepared myself, i think im free for today, i guess ill go buy a book

I went out of my room, and saw sana sitting in her throne, i was about to walk about the door, until her voice said, "where are you going?" i looked at her, "at the library sana chan" i said as i bowes to leave

"can i come?" she asked as she stepped from her throne, "uhm" i mumbled, "im youre queen, obey me" she said

"you might wanna disguise yourself" i said, she nodded and signalled me to wait

I wonder what that kiss meant, i shrugges and never mind it, sana came out wearing casual clothes, and a black cap and mask, i nodded by her outfit

Sana said, we could use her car, we entered her car, abd her private driver drove us to the library

We got out of the car, and entered the library, good thing no one is looking at us with suspicion, we went to a sectiob with no people in it

So yeah, the coast is clear, me and sana searched for books, eventually i found one, i got into the couch and sat to read, i glanced at sana who was still searching for a book

Does this girl know how to find?

She found a book and sat infront of me, shes really pretty when she reads

"thanks" she said, wait what?!? Did she hear what i said, i thought i was talking to in my thoughts,"did i say that out loud?" i asked, she smirked at me, i nodded slowly

Some hours later, the two decided to borrow the book

While at the counter, someone bumped into sana, the bump was hars enough to nake the cap fall down

"y-youre m-majesty?" a stranger said, people were starting to come to them, dahyub grabbed sanas hand and led her out

Sana and dahyun hid somewhere, "we got caught" dahyun said, sana was panting

Sana got her phone out and called her driver, they went back in peace
