"sana, good thing there were not many people" i said, sana nodded, "would you like to join me for lunch?" sana asked me

Lunch? Id rather eat by myself

"id love too" i said and bowed, she smiled, i smiled back too, i headed to my room

Sanas pov

I headed to the kitchen, "chef, please prepare great food" I asked, he nodded, i went into the dining room, I sat and looked out of the large glass window

Footsteps, I hear footsteps, might be dahyun, I fixed myself, dahyun came, and I signaled her to sit near me

The maids came in, and served the food, we ate in silence, so I decided to ask her something

"what do you usually do when ur eating lunch?", dahyun looked at me, "I go outside and buy" she said calmly, I nodded slowly


We both finsihed eating, dahyun bowed and left, i went into my room and laid down, I changed my clothes, I'm so tired of wearing dresses everyday, it's cool how people get to wear such casual outfits

I fell asleep, dreaming, I saw my mother again, I was happy, so happy, I hugged my mother, then the next thing I knew was, I fell into an hole and woke up

I felt tears on my face, I went into the bathroom and washed myself

I'll just go hangout with the chefs daughter, momo

I went out of my room, and headed over to mom's house

I knocked on the door, she opened slowly, "hi" I mumbled, she hugged me tight

"hi sana yah" she said, I smiled, we went in, an talked about some stuffs

"how's your love life" she asked me, I s hooked my head, "how about yours" I asked and smirked

"well I only have this crush-" I cut her off saying, "who??!?!" I asked, her face was red, she kept quiet

"I won't tell you, but he rejected me" she said and looked down, I tapped her shoulder, "it's okay you'll find someone else" i answered, she smiled, and hugged me


I left her house and headed back to my palace, I went into my room and when I was about to change, someone knocked

I put on a Rob and opened the door, "dahyun?" I asked, "sana Chan, I have a letter from the myoui kingdom" she said, I nodded and gshe handed me the letter

I put it in the table, I changed, tied my hair into a messy bun, I look cute tho:)

I opened the letter......
