As sana was walking through the hallways, she saw dahyun talking with the maid, they bowed to each other and the maid left leaving the two alone

Sana stopped dahyun and whispered in her ear, "jagi~start inviting" she said and kissed dahyun on cheek as she immediately started to walk, dahyun nodded and left

"tomorrow night, it's now or never"


"hey dahyun" chaeyoung said and stopped dahyun, "will you be inviting the Myoui kingdom?" chaeyoung asked

"do you think she's not a royal?" dahyun asked "uhm she is" Chae spoke, "so then she is invited" dahyun spoke and started emalInGg

"please prepare for tomorrow's ball, we need decor Stat" dahyun commanded


Dahyun walked outside and smelled the fresh air, sana walked by

"the air is fresh" dahyun said, sana looked at her and smile, "the earth is so amazing, but yet it should be destroyed" sana said and gazed at dahyun eyes

Dahyun looked at the stars, "sin is so great yet evil" dahyun said and gazed back at sana, "sad am I right?" she asked, dahyun nodded

"change the world with me dahyun, let's make history" sana said and held dahyun hand

"more like make a baby" dahyun teased, sana became red, sana became shy and silent, dahyun giggled

Sadly it had to end, "ma'am, you should rest now, the ball will be held at after noon and many more orders and lists needs to be handled" one of the butler said, "sure" sana said and the butler bowed as he left

"don't make any noise" sana said and winked at dahyun, dahyun bowed and they both started to walk inside


"Kim kingdom! Kang kingdom! Lee kingdom!" dahyun presented the royals, the Queens and kings bowed to each other

"Myoui kingdom! Park kingdom!" dahyun shouted once again, chaeyoung was watching the royal majesty enter in a fancy way

(fancy woo)

"jihyo I miss you" sana said as she hugged her old friend, "I miss you too sana" jihyo said back, "hows kang Daniel" sana asked the younger

"he's doing fine, you're going to be invited to our wedding next month!" jihyo said proudly, sana had her jaw opened

"congrats, can I see the ring?" sana said, and jihyo showed it up, "so prettyyy" sana said, "how about you, have you found your prince yet?" jihyo asked

"not really, it's just something different" sana said and smiled, "let's have a tea shall we?" sana said and walked in arm with jihyo

"dahyun" a voice said her name, "yes your majesty?" dahyun said and bowed 90°

"where is your captain?" Mina asked, dahyun smirked, "oh! You're majesty, she's currently unavailable, duties needs to be performed first" dahyun said, Mina sighed

"who said Im not?" another voice came, dahyun laughed, "do you need me your majesty?" chaeyoung said and looked at Mina who was amazed by the short girls beauty

"oh uhm yes, I just wanted to know how are you" Mina asked, chaeyoung smiled, "my smile can tell you how I am" chaeyoung said, and Mina smiled

Mina looked back at dahyun, "would you mind if I take this captain for awhile, tell sana I borrowed her" Mina said and winked at dahyun, n dahyun bowed with a smirk

The ball was a fantastic night, but no sign of any saida around ¬v¬

'it's time'

Gunshots were being heard, the shandelier was falling down, breaking into glass

"get the royals away!" chaeyoung shouted and the guards immediately listened and took the royals to a safe place

Who was shooting?, sana decided to stay and watch, she brought up her ancestors sword

"get that traitor!" chaeyoung said, Nad sana was left crying, the guards chased the shooter around the palace

Sana ran to the where the royals are being kept, "are you guys okay?" sana asked, sana stopped crying, "don't worry we'll handle this" sana said and ran back to the ballroom

"your majesty we caught her!" the captain shouted and there was sana, standing outside of her castle as she saw the shooter kneeling with her arms at the back, the shooter looked down

Sana pointed her sword at her head, "you traitor! I l-loved you" sana said as tears were flowing down

The guard grabbed the gun from the shooter, "place it on her  head shoot her" sana said, "in the count of three, shoot" sana said and looked at her





Sana closed her eyes as the gun started to fire, she opened her eyes and saw her infront of her pointing the gun at her head

The guard died, she made a fast move to get away with death, sana was there with her arm around sana, pointing the gun to her head

Sana gulped, the guards got their guns up, and pointed at the shooter, dahyun made a run for it

Dahyun ran as sana was still in her grip, and yes the shooter is dahyun let's take a quick flashback


"I'll be the next advisor mom, I'll avenge my brothers death, Ill kill the queen, that will be my promise" dahyun said, and her mom came  to her and lifted her up

"be careful, and remember, family matters first than love" the mom said, and dahyun nodded as she left heading to the castls

Flashback end

Dahyun hid with sana in the library where they first kissed, "dahyun why-" sana got cut of by dahyun shushing her

"id promise I'd kill you, but I have something in mind" dahyun said as she looked at the tip of her gun with an evil smirk

"what did I do to you dahyun! I loved you!" sana shouted as tears were falling from her face

Dahyun kept quiet, "remember Kim taehyung? Your advisor?" dahyun said and caressed Sanas face with her finger

Sana nodded, "he's my fucking brother! My sibling my only inspiration, and you killed him!" dahyun shouted

"i-I had to d-dahyun I-I'm sorry!" sana said and tried to hug dahyun but dahyun pushed her away

"I'm ending this now" dahyun said as tears were falling on her face, sana closed her eyes, and bang!

Sana was able to open her eyes, to see that dahyun shot herself, "I belong with my brother, I love yo-" Dahyuns eyes closed as she wasn't able to say her last final words

The guards opened the library door, and hurried as she saw the shooter dead, sana was crying on dahyun dead body

"leave me alone!" sana shouted at her guards, chaeyoung signal led them to leave, chaeyoung stayed by with sana

"I'm sorry sana did you-" chaeyoung got cut off, "no, she-. Sana said and started to cry onto chaeyoungs chest," I loved her, but she did it! "sana said

" story's do have to end sana, story's don't always have sad endings, consider yourself lucky"chaeyoung said, and sana looked at chaeyoung with her cried face

"sad endings always have the people that are there for you, don't focus to much at the other main character, who knows if you could just get tricked into your life" chaeyoung said


Thank you for reading this while chapter, and yes this is the end, that you need to prepare for, I loved this book, and sadly it has to end

Dahyun shot herself since she didn't want to see the love of her life die, since she did it herself so her loved would be happy without a single problem

Annyeong, and may more stories by me, by made 👋
