"I'll make the move" she said and I giggled, "let's head back inside" she said and handed me her hand,I accepted it

Sanas pov

I woke up hearing some talking, I saw dahyun and Momo talking infront of me, I think I fell asleep

"you woke up" dahyun said and Momo bowed, "hi girls" I said and rubbed my eyes and then smiled like a squrriel

"queen Mina decided to have a cooking competition tomorrow" Momo said, "is this a war message?, then I'll shall take it, prepare what you need and let's start" I said and fell on the couch again

I just meant that she was challenging our cook, like a battle of kingdoms, "I'll head to my room, dahyun come with me please" I said and stood up formally

Dahyun nodded and came along, I finally reached my bedroom, "take you for the company, Goodnight" I said, and she bowed and left

Why can't I just make a move at that moment, that moment was perfect, timing is what I need and now I've wasted it

"dear self, be better next time, your a queen of you own body" I said to myself and and slept leaving myself dreaming in imagination

Dahyuns pov

I wemt with sana, and I thought she was going to tell me something, but it was just to accompany her to her room, is she scared or something? Does she need someone?

I got up and prepared myself, i headed out and I saw Momo preparing her utensils for the battle

"goodluck Momo-Chan" I said and tapped her shoulders, she smiled, "thank you dahyun" she spoke and I nodded

I sat on, one of the couches and continued reading my book in peace

"dahyunnie" I heard a voice calling my name, and I know it was sana, that sweet voice and tone

"goodmorning sana" I said as I stood up and bowed, i sat and she sat with me, I was quietly reading my book, until I feel sana coming closer, like moving towards me

I put my book down and looked at her, "unnie" I said, she just looked at me, "when will you know" I said in a low tone, and she got confused

"Kim" I mumbled, "Kim I don't have anyone named that, but only yours, which is why I'm taking it" she said, and I looked at her in a shock manner

"what?" she said and shrugged, I facepamed myself, this queen of mine is so flirticous
