The next day....

"your highness, the advisor has been toured" jihyo said as she bowed, "bring her to me" sana said which made jihyo tingle

As dahyun was brought, she had a scared face, as it was one of her personalitys

Sana was in a mood,sana signalled the guards and jihyo to leave the throne roon

"are you always like this?" sana asked the gurl looking down, dahyun nodded by the question she was given

"come with me" the queen said, so dahyun followed the footsteps of sana

They reached a dark looking room, sana opened the door, as dahyun tried to look whats in there, sana pushed dahyun into the dark room, dahyun fell down

Sana locked the door, and hushed dahyun, dahyun didnt even say a single word

Dahyubs pov

I was scared, i felt alone, what is the queen doing to me

The lights opened, i stood up and saw sana sitting in a chair,"come sit" she says, i sat down

"tell me about yourself" she asked me, "im korean, im also a pianist, and i dont have friends" i said confidently

"no friends? Why?" she asked seductively, i gulped and exhaled, "they distract me" i said with a serious tone

"ill be your first friend then" she said and put her hand out for me to shake, "youre highness, i dont need friends" i said pushibg her hand away

'am i gonna be in trouble?'

"anti-social much" she said and pouted, she looked at me, and stared into my eyes, i put my eyes down to get away from her eyes

"as the queen commands you, i shall be your friend" she said, i got into a shocked face, she stood up and softly slapped my cheek, "dear, the queeb gets whatever she wants" she said with a smirk and sat down

My cheeks were red as a tomato, of course, shes a minatozaki, she gets what she wants

But me?
