
Well, ever since that little incident in Marcus' cafe, Luke has vanished. The last place he was seen in was the bar. The bartender said he had far too many drinks. So, he could've stormed off and got into a car accident... or he could've left the country or something... who the hell knows? Well, hopefully he's okay.

As for Calum, he moved out of the house that him and Mashton had been sharing. He decided to go live with his girlfriend who know one really likes. Go figure, right? And no, she isn't a groupie.

And last but not least, Mashton has been full of surprises lately. Since they've had lots of time alone, they've gone of lots of dates and have spent some quality time together. And who knows, they might get married soon...

Well, hopefully. Everyone wants them to get married and frickle frackle ;)
