Chapter 25

Hiiiiiii ! So this is Chapter 25 ! I hope you enjoy it!

Also, thank you for 9.5k reads :)

p.s. i love Niall !

~Julesy xx

[Luke's P.O.V.]

"Hey, Luke, get off your ass, we have another customer."

"I don't want to anymore. I want to go home."

He glares at me and I stand up, frightened.

"After this, you can go home, maybe." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine." I mumble, brushing past him, grabbing the car keys off the counter.

"You know where to go, then?" He asks, as I'm almost out of the door.

I shake my head. "No." I reply.

"Then how did you expect to find him?" I shrug.

"I don't know...."

"He's at 15 west street." I nod and head to the location.


[Ashton's P.O.V.]

"Cal.... I'm so scared.... we haven't seen Michael in a week, a-a-and we haven't seen Luke in a month." I collapse onto the couch and put my head in my hands.

"This isn't fair... our band is falling apart. The fans are going crazy, they have no idea what's going on! Every time one comes up to us on the streets, we have to lie about where Luke and Michael are!" I sob, wiping the back of my hand across my face. Calum walks over to me and sits down next to me, placing a hand on the small of my back.

"It's going to be alright." Is all he says.

"Bullshit!" I scream, standing up and pointing a finger at him.

"Calm down." He says nonchalantly.

"Calm down?!? This is all my fault! Michael wouldn't be missing if it weren't for me!"

"Whoa, whoa, wait... what are you talking about?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I-I tried to kiss him again." I sigh and fall to the floor.

"Ashton... why?"

"Because I'm in love with him!"


"Isn't it obvious, Calum? Everything he does just drives me crazy! His laugh, his smile, the way he talks... I just love everything about him." I bring my knees to my chest.

"But, he's with Luke." Calum says, moving beside me.

"Exactly... and I know that I'll never have him." I put my head on my knees, and let the tears fall from my eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay." Calum coos, rubbing my back and singing softly. I nod.

"I hope so."

"They'll both be home soon. I guarantee you." I nod again, sniffle.

I hear the doorbell jingle and I tense. Who could that be?

"I'll get it." I whisper, getting up from the cold ground.

I quietly walk over to the window and wipe it clean. I squint and see a boy standing in the rain, although I can't see his face. I shrug and decide to let this mysterious boy in. Why? I don't know, I'm just nice, I guess.

I tip toe over to the door and unlock all of the locks. Before I can reach the knob, the door swings open, and the boy walks in, leaving wet tracks behind him.

"Hello. I'm home." He mumbles, showing me his face now. Holy shit, no, this can't be.....

"Michael!!!" I shout, running over to him and clinging to him.

"Hi." He replies, trying to shake me off of him.

"Where have you been?" I question, still holding onto him.

"Oh... no where."

"Wait... Michael?" Calum says, walking out of the kitchen, a sandwich in his hands. Wow, he made that quite fast. Michael nods at him, and I just grunt.

"Tell me where you went." I demand, letting of him and looking him in the eyes.

"I can't tell you that. Sorry." He walks past me and runs into the bathroom.

"Well... at least he's back." Calum shrugs and walks back into the kitchen, munching on his delicious sandwich.

I rush after Michael, to find out why he's acting so strange.

"Michael!" I yell after him, banging on the door to the bathroom.

"Shut up!" He screams back. I hear metal fall onto the floor and I bang on the door harder.

"What are you doing in there?" I ask, panting.

"None of your business." He says. I hear movement, and small faint sobs.

"Michael if you cu-"

"Too late." He spits. I sigh and knock softer.

"Just let me in. Please." I beg, hoping he lets me in.


The door opens and I see Michael clutching his wrist.

"Michael..." I whisper, moving toward him. He steps back a bit but I keep walking towards him. He backs against the wall and I reach toward his wrist. He tries to jerk away, but I stop him. I carefully roll his sleeve up his arm and examine his wrist.

"Ow..." He winces as I latch onto his wrist too tightly, and I apologize. I bite my lip and close my eyes, cursing in my mind.

"Why?" One word. That's all I needed to say. A simple word.

"Because.... I can't take it anymore."


"I just can't do this anymore."

"What's wrong, Michael?" I ask, sliding the sleeve back down his arms and entangle him in a hug.


"What's everything?"

"Everything. Being away from Luke. The hate. Thinking I'm fat, or ugly, or worthless. Constantly being scared of being killed. I just hate it, Ash." He nuzzles his head in my chest, and I rub his back.

"Well let me tell you something," I begin. I pull away and tilt his chin up so he's looking me in the eyes, "We'll find Luke, okay?" I wait for Michael to nod before I continue, finally he nods. "Also, forget about what people are saying about you. Their opinions do not matter. They never will."

"You aren't fat, you're in perfect shape. And hell, you are not ugly. Why would you ever think that? That's complete bullshit! You're so perfect to me, and you never fail to make me smile."

"You certainly aren't worthless either..." I take a deep breath before I continue, "And.... what do you mean by... you're scared of being killed?"

Michael tensed as I asked the question.

"Michael...." I begin, but he cuts me off by quiet whimpers.

"Ashton...." He sobs, reaching out towards me. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close to me. Once again, he buries his head into my chest.

"Michael... please tell me." I beg.

I love Michael so much, and it hurts me to see him cry like this. I've never, ever, seen him cry so much. It breaks my heart into a billion pieces, it really does. I can't stand the thought of him not being here, and I'm so, so, scared because he said he didn't want to be killed..... what could that even mean?

Hey guys, so sorry if this chapter was really short, I'm not really sure, but this was basically a filler chapters. I'm also very sorry that I haven't updated in a week, I usually try to update every day but sometimes I'm just not up to it.

Also, thanks for 10.2k reads !! (I've updated over a span of days so...) It's crazy because I just started this 2 months ago!!

So yeah, thanks!

~Jules :) x
