Chapter 14

Hey! Thank you for reading this far if you have! I really appreciate it.

If you like this, please comment and vote, it would mean a lot.

Thank you again!

p.s. I love you all.


[Luke's P.O.V.]

"3, 2, 1,...." Michael counts off, "And.... go!"

He begins running, but I catch up to him. "

Hah!" I scream, as I zoom past him. Water soon reaches my waist, and I know that I have won the race.

"Aw dammit, you won!" He pouts, pretending to cry.

"Aw, come here, do you want a rematch?" I tease.

"Nah." Michael says, walking over to me and wrapping his hand around my waist.

"I just want you." He whispers, nibbling on my ear.

"Aw, you're such a sweetheart babe." I hold his face in my hands and we kiss for a long time, slow and passionately.

"Guys!" Ashton calls, "Are you going to swim or stand around there and kiss?" I hear a hint of jealousy in his voice and I laugh silently to myself. He'll never have Michael, he's mine. All mine. I try to keep my cool, I haven't flipped out on anybody in a week or so.

"Yeah, we'll swim." Michael calls back to Ashton. Michael takes my hand and links his fingers with mine.

"I love you." I whisper into his ear as we swim.

"Love you too baby." 'Baby' sounds so... sexy and irresistible coming from his mouth. I press a kiss to his lips, and continuing swimming with him.


We got out of the water at around.... 6:30, and we ate our dinner at around 7:00. I took a quick shower, dried my hair, changed into my sleep clothes, and now it's 7:47.

I log onto my Twitter and compose a tweet to all of the 5sos fam.

@Luke5sos: Hey guys! Our trip to Hawaii has been fun! We even met a few of u guys at the airport! How are u all?

I reply to a few fans and follow some as well. I scroll through my timeline and see that a very rude tweet, which has been retweeted a few times, even by a "fan", has ended up on my timeline.

It says:

"Retweet if you think @Luke5sos and @Michael5sos look like gay fucking fags!"

It has around 600 retweets so far. How can people be so heartless? We haven't done anything to people, much less come out to the public yet!

I throw my phone across the room and flip over the coffee table that's across from me. I hope no one heard the loud noise that it made when it fell, but they probably did.

"Luke?" I hear a voice curiously yell from down the hall.

"Yeah? I'm fine, I'm fine." I reassure.

"Okay!" I shout back to the voice that I can't quite decipher.

I rush to pick up the table, being as careful to not break anything. Luckily, there was nothing on the table. I walk over to the spot where my phone ended up on the floor and scoop it up, hoping that the screen hasn't shattered. It surprisingly didn't break, thank God.

[Michael's P.O.V.]

It's late now, around 11:30. I just can't sleep without Luke by my side. He told me that he wanted to sleep alone because he was pissed off or something. I don't why though. I sigh and stare at the wall, I miss his warmth by my side. I haven't slept without him being by my side in, I don't know how long. I sit up and look down at my hands, and start to play with my fingers.

"Hey." I hear a soft voice speak out. It startles me for a moment, but I relax, realising it's just Ashton.

"Uh, hey." I reply, looking up from my lap and giving him a weak smile.

"Where's Luke?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows, looking around the room.

"He was mad about something, so he slept in the living room." Ashton walks towards me and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Oh." I hear the bed creak and feel it sink in a bit deeper and I feel a body right to mine. I look at Ashton out of the corner of my eye and notice how close he is to me. He's really close....

"Hey... I have a question." He suddenly speaks out.

"Ask away."

"Alright so... have you ever been kissed by a boy... other than Luke?" I raise my eyebrows at him. Why would he ask a question like that?

"No." I say, barely audible.

"How would you like to," He says, moving closer to me, so our sides are touching, "like to try it?" My eyes open wide and his face is inches away from mine.

"No, Ashton I-" Before I can finish my sentence, Ashton attaches his lips to mine. His lips taste like cherries, for some reason, but there just isn't a spark like there is with Luke.

I break away and beg him to stop.

"Please... stop." I cry out.

Ashton pulls away with a hurt look on his face.

"Fine." He stands up and storms out of the room, mumbling an apology. I stare at the door in shock. Did Ashton really just do that? Did he really kiss me when he knows that I've been dating Luke for almost a month now?

I lay back down on my bed and tears begin to stream down my face. What if Luke finds out? What if Ashton tells him just to fuck with me?

I angrily stand up and go over to the bar and pick up a bottle of Vodka. I don't care how much I have to pay, I'm fucking pissed off.

I take a huge swig from the bottle and smash it on the edge of the counter. I don't care if anyone hears. They most likely won't because Calum and Luke are heavy sleepers.

I finish 4 more bottles and stumble over to my bed, the alcohol beginning to settle in. "Fuck..... everyone." I fall back onto my bed and fall into a "peaceful" sleeping, slurring words during the night every now and then.


The week passes by quickly, and soon it's Saturday. We're leaving on Monday. Ashton has managed to keep his mouth shut, not mentioning anything that has happened between us, to anyone. I haven't spoken to him much, except an occasional 'hi' or 'goodnight'. I'm planning on telling Luke what happened when we all get home.

[Luke's P.O.V.]

"So what do you want to do today?" Calum asks, relaxing into his seat.

"I don't know... Michael seems in a pissy mood today... and he and Ashton haven't said much to each other all week. I don't understand what happened between them."

Calum shakes his head, "Yeah, I've noticed that too." He sighs and throws his head back and stares at the ceiling.

"They've been the best of friends forever. I just... I don't understand this at all." I put my face in my hands and shake my head. None of this makes any sense whatsoever.

"Hey guys!" Michael screams, jumping over the couch and landing next to me.

"You seem excited this fine afternoon." Calum notices, a grin plastered on his face.

"Yep!" He laughs but I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Then why haven't you and Ashton acknowledged each other lately?" I ask, staring at him, confused.

"What are you talking about?" He nervously laughs.

"Um, do you have short term memory loss or something? You guys have barely said one word to each other all week!" Calum explains.

"Yeah, whatever you say." He starts to walk away but I firmly grab his wrist.

"Don't play stupid. What the fuck is going on?" I stand up so I can stare him directly in the eyes.

"Nothing." He sputters.

"Stop fucking with us!" Calum yells, standing up as well.

"Whatever." Michael rips free from my grasp and I curse under my breath. What is wrong with him? What the flying fuck?!? I can feel my face heating up and anger surges through my body. I am beyond pissed.

"Whoa, Luke, calm down. Let him be a dick. Don't worry about it. He's probably just, ya know, upset about... something.. I dunno." He shrugs his shoulders and stares down at the floor.

"Fuck off." I shoo him away.

"Sorry." He whispers. Calum walks away and joins Michael in the kitchen, obviously trying to find out what has happened.

I decide to go find Ashton and see why he hasn't come out of his room since early yesterday evening, except for food and drink.

Expect lots of drama in these next couple of chapters ! :)
