Chapter 6

Michael's P.O.V.

The week goes by surprisingly fast and before I know it, it's finally the weekend. I'm thinking about taking Luke out on a proper date. I'm still having trouble picking where I want to take him. I sort of have everything planned out. I want to take him out to lunch, then have a nice walk through our favourite park, and then have a picnic out by the lake. It's kind of cheesy, but I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

I smile to myself and think of asking Luke to be my boyfriend. My secret boyfriend, of course.

Luke has avoided me all week because he thinks I'm mad at him because he was trying to get me to tell him why I was crying earlier in the week. But I'm not mad at him anymore, I just haven't had the balls to face him because I think he's disappointed in me. But I finally think I'm ready to face him.

I force myself to get up out of bed and talk to him. I quietly walk out of my room and across the hall to his. I hesitate before I knock. "Yes?" Luke croaks. Has he been crying?

"It's Michael. I want to talk. I- I'm not mad." I hear a faint sigh and I hear him softly walking to the door. I bite my lip and stare at the floor as he opens the door.

"Hi." Luke whispers. I look back up and say 'hi' back to him. He walks back over to his bed, leaving the door open, which is telling me that I can come in.

Luke pats on the empty side of the bed and I plop down beside him. Luke is the first to speak up. "So..... you wanted to talk?" He slightly turns to me and I nod.

"Yeah. I just wanted that I am not mad. I just didn't want to talk to you because I thought you were disappointed in me." I take a deep breath and he opens his mouth to say something but I hold up my hand.

"And... the reason why I was crying was because.. I was.. looking at those comments. I can't seem to stop myself. They won't go away." I look away from Luke because he probably thinks I'm stupid now. I really hate my life.

Luke's P.O.V.

I put my hand up to Michael's face and slowly stroke his cheek. Why won't he stop looking at them? It's not hard. I mentally punch myself for thinking that. He already said that he can't help it, it's not his fault.

"Michael, forget those people. You aren't any of those things you say. You are beautiful, funny, sweet, you're not fat all," I gesture towards his body, "And to me... you're just perfect. Yeah that's a little cheesy but..." I let out a light chuckle. Michael turns back to me and I see a smile slowly appear on his face.

"That's the smile that I've missed." I press my lips to Michael's for a slow, passionate kiss, like our first.

"I-" I stop myself and keep kissing him. Geez Luke, you've been dating for a week and you almost told him that you.. love him. I mentally scold myself.

"You what?" Michael pulls away and furrows his eyebrows. I shake my head. "Nothing, I just, I just wanted to say that I'm going to take you out on a date during lunch time!" Michael's face lights up and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Yeah, where to?" Michael asks.

"It's a surprise." I say.

"Oh, well actually I'm taking you on a date." He says, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Okay then. I guess it's a surprise. I'm going to take a shower." I quickly kiss his cheek and run out of the room.


"Luke! Are you ready?" I hear Michael's thick accent yell from upstairs. "Yeah!" I shout back to him.

I slip on my coat and wait for Michael to come downstairs. He appears down stairs in no time and I smile at the sight of him.

"C'mon, let's go." I stand up and shriek a little because I'm going on my first "official" date with Michael.
