Chapter 16

[Luke's P.O.V.]

Ashton said that he wasn't going to come hang out us today. I don't know why though, what's go him so bummed lately? He said he would tell me what happened between he and Michael when we got back home, but the curiosity is killing me. You know what they say; curiosity killed the cat. Haha, terrible joke, I know.


"But I don't want to shop anymore!" Michael grumbles, pulling me out of my thoughts, and struggling to carry the heavy bags from all the stores we've visited.

"Too bad." I say, with a bitchy tone.

"Ugh, I hate you Luke!" He screeches, laughing.

"I love you too babe." I kiss his cheek and his face reddens.

"Why are you blushing? I only kissed you on the cheek." I wink and run back over to Calum's side, leaving him in the same spot, his face red as a tomato.

"I-I know... but you're too cute!" He replies, a little too late. He must've been caught up in his imagination.

I giggle. "Weirdo."

"Where do we go now?" Calum asks. I shrug. Where should we go? The park? A movie? Something?

"Hmm... well I am starving!" Michael exclaims. I chuckle and sigh.

"Alright, let's go get something to eat for dinner." We walk across the parking lot and find our car. I can't drive, so Calum is going to drive me and Michael.

"I can't carry these anymore!" Michael yells.

"Here." I tell him, taking the bags from him and setting them in the trunk of the car, carefully.

"So... Michael," I begin as we are all seated in the car, "Why are you and Ashton not talking to each other?" Michael's face falls and looks out the window.

"Uh, I don't know, I guess he's just pissed off about something." He looks down at his lap and fiddles with his fingers. I reach for him and put my hand on top of his.

"You know, you can tell me anything." He shakes his head.

"Anything." I repeat. I lift up his chin with my finger so he is facing me.

"Please tell me what's wrong." I whimper, fighting back my tears. I hope Michael is okay, even though he doesn't seem at his best.

"Maybe later, or something." He slips his hand out from under mine and looks out the window again.

"Fine. Be a stubborn prick." I mumble under my breath, hoping he didn't catch the 'stubborn' and 'prick' part. I feel Calum's eyes on me and I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Fuck you, Luke." He retorts. Anger boils inside of me and before I know what I am doing, I grab him by his wrists and pin them above his head, smashing into the window.

"What did you say?" I spit, my face inches from his.

"Nothing." He winces, trying to wiggle out of my grip.

"What did you say?" I repeat, this time a little fiercer.

"I said, fuck you, Luke." He growls. "You don't scare me." He says, looking me right in the eyes.

"Say that again and I'll snap your neck." I whisper. "I love you." I kiss him on the cheek and smirk to myself. He's so weak. I think to myself.

[Michael's P.O.V.]

I was lying, obviously. I am afraid of Luke. He scares me so much. Sometimes, he's calm and mellow; other times, he's rude and terrifying. I really don't know what happened to him. He used to be so loving 2 months ago, when we first started dating. But now, he's a dick. I still love him but..... but, I don't know.

I feel the urge to hurt myself again, but I know that I shouldn't. I promised the boys that I'd stay clean for as long

as I could. But, it's hard. Life is hard.

"Alright boys, we're here. Here at the best restaurant in town!" I observe the place. It's quite small, but looks cozy. I just hope their food is as good as people say.

"Let's go." I harshly say to Luke. He tries to take ahold of my hand but I exit the car before he can grab it.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" Luke pouts, curling his lip.

"I could ask the same." I snap.

"What?" He asks. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't want to look at him right now.

I hear a few screams from down the street and I turn my head curiously. Uh oh, I think some fans might have-

"Michael!" A girl screeches, running up to me with a picture of me.

"Please sign this?" She asks. Other girls are swarming around Luke, Calum, and I, but I'm focused on this one girl. She looks so sweet.

"Sure." I tell her. I take her picture and ask, "What's your name?"

"Miranda!" She chirps excitedly.

I sign, to: Miranda, Hey babe, I love you! Have a great day! From: Michael. I sign my signature at the end and hand the picture back to her.

"Oh, may I have a picture with you?" She questions, hoping I say yes. I nod and she pulls out her phone from her pocket. I lean in closer to her and smile.

"Thank you!" She hugs me once more and runs off to her friend. I sign a few more autographs and the boys and I walk toward the restaurant.

"Sorry guys, we need to eat!" We yell. Ah fuck. Where's security when we nee d them? Apparently, they said, "you don't need security." I don't know why they even said that. (A/N so i forgot to add the boys' security into the story, as you can tell. Sorryyyy)

We step into the small restaurant and take a seat in the corner, away from windows, so more fans don't see us. The other girls have disappeared by now, so it's like no one knows we are here. We order our food from the waitress and wait for her to come back.


"Oh man! I'm so stuffed!" Calum moans, jumping onto the couch and pulling a blanket up to his chest.

"Yeah me too. I'll be right back." I quietly run up to Ashton's room and softly knock on the door.

"Go away!" He yells. I sigh.

"Please, open the door."

"Fine." He walks over to the door and unlocks it.

"Thanks." I say. He steps to the side and ushers me in.

"What do you want?" He asks, walking over to his bed, falling back onto it so he's facing the ceiling.

"Did you tell Luke yet?" I blurt out. He shakes his head.

"Nope, now get out." He roughly grabs me by my shirt and pushes me towards the door.

"Whatever." I scowl. Well, he's in a shitty mood tonight.


[Luke's P.O.V.]

"I'm going to bed!" Michael calls from upstairs. I decide to follow him and sleep by his side tonight. I've missed his warmth. I stand up and make my way towards Michael's room.

Without knocking, I step into his room.

"Luke!" He yells, covering himself. "I'm changing!"

I smirk. "Sorry."

"No Luke, not tonight, get out." I sigh.

"No, I'll just turn around." I spin around, facing the door.

"Cover your face with your hands." He commands. I nod and do as he says. I wait for a few minutes, anxious to open my eyes.

"Okay, done." He says. I remove my hands from my face and turn back around.

"So why are you in here?" He questions, getting to his bed.

"Um, to sleep with you?" I walk over to the bed and climb beside him.

"Not tonight." He mumbles, scooting farther away from me.

"Why?" I ask, feeling a lump form in my throat. Does he not love me anymore?

"Just because." He whispers.

"Because why?" I ask once more.

"Because I said so. Now move." I shake my head.

"Michael... let me sleep with you!" I whimper, louder than I intended.

"No." Michael spits, rolling over so he can face me.

"No." He says, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"Yes." I whisper at the same tone.

"Fucking get out!" Michael yells, pointing towards the door.

"No!" I grab his wrists and get on top of him, straddling him.

"Get off, your hurting me." He winces, wiggling. I shake my head and whisper against his neck, "No. I want to sleep with you."

"No." He says. I shake my head again and kiss his neck.

"Please?" I ask in between kisses.

"No!" He grabs me by my collar and pushes me away. I land on the floor beside the bed and moan in pain.

"Ow!" I yelp, rubbing my back. "I- it- hurts so much." I cry out. He laughs and I want to kill him right about now.

"Shut up. I'll punch that smug look right off your face." I stand up and slowly make my way towards the door.

"You could've slept with your boyfriend. But as I said, your a stubborn prick. Goodnight, love you." I laugh and find my way to the living room.

"Hey," Calum calls out, "I heard yelling, is everything okay?" He asks. I nod.

"I'm sleeping out here. Go to your room."

"Um, alright. Goodnight, Luke." He whispers, quickly passing me and running up to him and Ashton's room.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I havent updated! I just havent been in the mood to update, but now I have. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks a bunch for 1.2k reads!

Love you guys!

