Chapter 22

Hey guys !! So this is Chapter 22! I hope that you like it!! Thanks for 5k reads :)

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~julesy xx

[Calum's P.O.V.]

I start walking down the corridor with a pissed off Michael and a bitchy Ashton following behind me. Ashton and Michael are quietly bickering amongst themselves and I can't help but laugh in my mind at how childish they're being.

"Guys, shut up." I say, approaching the door of Luke's room.

"Ooh, someone's in a mood." Michael retorts, Ashton laughing with him.

"Yeah, right." I say, rolling my eyes.

I walk up to the door and knock softly. I raise my index finger to my lips, shushing the two boys.

"Coming!" A raspy voice calls. I can tell that is Luke, but he sounds.... defeated, I guess you could say. Moments later, the door swings open, and I see the familiar face of Luke. He looks terrible! His hair is really messy, and he has bags under his eyes. He mustn't have gotten barely any sleep for the past week or so!

"C-Calum?" Luke whispers, bewildered. "Ashton? M-Michael? How did you guys find me- I-I..." I reach out and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinches.

"I guess we're just smart. Where have you been for the past week and a half?" I ask.

"Here. I didn't want you guys to find me." He admits, staring down at the ground.

"Well, can we come in?" I point inside the room and he shakes his head.

"No." He snaps, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why not?" I half ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I don't want to speak to you guys," He says, shutting the door a bit, "In fact, I'm going to check out right now." He explains, walking back towards his bed, shutting the door with his foot.

I sigh. "Well, now what?" I ask.

"I don't know. Let's just leave." Michael mumbles, turning away and beginning to walk down the hall.

"We can't just give up on him." Ashton yells at the top of his lungs.

"We aren't." I tell Ashton, "We're just giving him some time. If he does leave, we'll just find him again."

"Okay." Michael says from halfway down the hallway. I jog after him and I can hear Ashton following closely behind.

"Where do you think he'll go now?" I ask the boys once we get in the car.

"I don't know. We could check his phone contacts?" Ashton suggests.

I shake my head. "He has his phone with him you idiot."

"Not his old one." Ashton replies.

"Yeah." Michael says, agreeing with Ashton, which he has done lately.

"Alright." Ashton pulls out of the parking lot and drives toward our apartment.

Once we arrive at our apartment, we burst into Luke's room.

"Alright, I'll look over here." I tell them, pointing to the left corner of the room.

"Okay, Michael and I will look over here." Ashton says, pointing to the opposite side of the room.

I nod. "Sounds good to me."

I tug open drawers and search through his dresser, but can't find the phone.

"Any luck?" Michael asks.

"No, not yet." I say. I hear him sigh.

"Damn it! Where is it?!?" Ashton screams, slamming his fist on Luke's nightstand.

"I don't know, just calm down. Just.... chill, Ashton." I say, trying to confront him calmly.

"No, Calum, don't tell him to calm down. He isn't doing anything!" Michael yells, defending Ashton.

"Whoa, now you both are going off at me." I chuckle and continue to "explore" Luke's room.

"Shut up, Calum, he's trying to find my fucking boyfriend and your friend, he can be mad if he wants!" Michael says, balling his fists. I see Ashton tense, out of the corner of my eye, at the word 'boyfriend'.

"Whatever." I mutter, picking up some of Luke's clothes and tossing them across the room.

"He's being such a dick." Michael whispers, loud enough for me hear.

"Yeah, I know." Ashton says. They chuckle together and I curl and uncurl my fists slowly, trying to calm down.

"Would you two stop agreeing with each other?" I blurt out. Oh shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Why?" Ashton and Michael say at the same time.

"Because.... it's... weird." I say.

"Why?" They say again. Oh holy shit, are they really being that stupid right now?

"Because, it sounds like you two are getting on really well after you guys made Luke upset."

"Just shut up." Michael snaps, staring at me, with no emotion at all.

Hmm... well that's suspicious. I wonder what's going on between them?

[Michael's P.O.V.]

Calum is being a dick right now. He won't shut up. He thinks it's weird that I'm getting along with one of my bandmates, just because we almost kissed. And, because Luke is missing, but it's not really Ashton and I's fault. Wow, he's being pathetic.

"Where the fuck is his damn phone?" I mutter, ripping off the sheets off his bed.

"Hey, let's not destroy his room now!" Calum scolds. I roll my eyes. I could care less about messing up Luke's room right now. I just want to find him.

"Calum, why don't you go check out the attic? I don't know why'd it be in there, but he could've put it in a box and stored it away." Calum nods and quietly walks out of the room.

"So, Ashton, you look....." I stop, and think about where Ashton should search. We've almost searched the entire room.

"How about I look..... over here." He says, pointing directly at me.

"W-we already looked over here." I stutter, my face heating up.

"You did. But I didn't." He smirks and starts moving towards me. I back up slightly, trying to get out of the corner.

"Ashton, I don't think...." I trail off and move closer to the door.

"I'll go look... somewhere else." I finish, my hand on the door knob.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, Michael." He says, a sly smirk appearing on his face. Before I can open the door fully, he slams it shut and lightly pushes me up against it.

"Ash-" I begin, but get interrupted when he plants his index finger on my lips.

"Shhhh." He commands. I shiver at his touch, and look him in the eyes.

"Ashton." I say, more stern this time.

"Yes, babe?" I roll my eyes.

"Did you not get the hint? Get off of me." I growl. He shakes his head and moves closer, our bodies touching now.

"Did you not get the hint? I want to kiss you." Ugh, what's with him?!?

"You've already tried. But, I'm with Luke, and we need to find him." I retort, trying to push Ashton away from me.

"Just a quick kiss?" He pouts, curling his bottom lip and looking at me, his eyes open wide.

"No." I say firmly, pushing him with more force. But, of course, I can't pry his body off of mine. He's too strong. I stare at the ground while he's laughing to himself.

His hand trails up my body and he lifts up my chin so I'm looking at him again.

"Just one kiss." Is all he says before his face is inches from mine, our noses nearly touching. He pins my hands above my head and snickers. I try to twist out of his grasp but he tightens his grip. I wince at the pain as he presses harder and harder.

"Sorry." He mutters, softening his grip on me.

"Please let me go." I plead.

"Just one kiss?" He asks, for about the third time now.

"Fine.... on the cheek. But nothing further. Ever." He laughs and I turn my head slightly. He plants a soft kiss on my cheek and I smile for about a second.

"You're smiling?" He says, moving off of me and crossing his arms across his chest, a grin plastered on his face.

"No, I-I" He rolls his eyes.

"You were. And you still are." He points out, chuckling.

"Yes, I was smiling because.... I was happy that you wouldn't take anything further." I lie, still against the door, facing the floor.

"Suuuure." He walks over to the un searched part of the room and starts going through Luke's things.

"Just, find the phone. I want to find Luke. My boyfriend." I whisper the last part, making sure I don't hurt Ashton's feelings. But he probably heard.

"I'm looking."

"I'll go look in another room, or something."


[Ashton's P.O.V]

I enjoyed that "kiss" with Michael. Even though it was only a small peck on the cheek. But, still. I wish he was mine. I don't think Luke deserves his, or vice versa. I don't hate Luke; I just think he's bad at relationships, that's all.

"Hey guys!" Calum shouts from the room across the hall. "I think I found his old phone!" I hop off the bed and throw one of Luke's boxes behind me. I hear a shattering noise and I shrug. Whoops. Eh, who cares, Calum found the phone!

I sprint across the hallway faster than I've ever ran before and run over to Calum and hug him tightly.

"Ash, you're squishing me." He chuckles and slips out of my arms.

"Sorry. So you found the phone?" He nods.

"Where's Michael?" He asks, repeatedly turning the phone around in his hands.

"I don't know. He left Luke's room to go look somewhere else. I don't know where though." I say, truthfully. Is he still in the house?

"Did he leave the house?" Calum wonders, thinking the same thing as me. I shrug.

"I don't know." I shrug again.

"Michael! We've found the phone!" Calum yells. Hm, that's strange. He definitely would have heard Calum shout.

"I'll be back." I tell Calum, turning around and slipping out of the room.
