chapter three

I screamed in joy on the inside but I just acted causal about it to Luke.

"Oh really? cool". I looked at Sydney and she looked back at me and smiled.

I smiled back and waved then walked back over to her.

"So Sydney, how would you like to go hangout with me next week Saturday?".
I asked trying to sound cool.

She gave me the biggest smile ever and nodded.
"Where do you want to go?". She asked while fixing her hair.

"Maybe, dinner and movie".

"Yeah, sure!, Just text me the details later".

"Okay cool. I definitely will". I said while smiling and walking back to the kitchen.

Luke was standing there and he gave me two thumbs up and still had his dorky smile plastered.

"You finally did it Caleb! After all these years you guys have been crushing on each other. One of you finally did it". Luke said while patting me on the back.

I laughed and smiled.
"Man, I have to say i am proud of myself". I thought to myself.

Five minutes later Annie and Brennan came through the door.

Brennan was giving Annie a piggy back ride as they came inside the house.

"I found it awesome how much Brennan loved and cared for my sister but if he ever hurts her, I'll crush him".


When everyone left I got a text from Sydney.
Sydney: Hi Caleb, I just told my mom about the plans on next week Saturday. Where did you want to meet up?
Caleb: Cool, and maybe we can meet up at Olive Garden then make our way to the mall.
(Since the mall was right across Olive Garden)
Sydney: Okay sounds like a plan! you wanna hang out with me tomorrow at the fair?
Caleb: Yeah of course! I can meet you there at 11:30 after I'm done with school.
Sydney: Yeah sure! I'll text you later. Bye Caleb😊
Caleb: Okay bye Syd☺️

I smiled as I turned off my phone. Annie looked at me with a weird look.

"You okay there?". She asked while laughing.

"Yeah, I just got done texting Sydney". I said proudly.

Her eyes widened and she smiled.
"Good for you".

"I'm gonna meet her at the fair tomorrow then next week saturday were going to hangout".

She smirked at me then looked back on her phone.

I walked to the kitchen to find mom cooking dinner.

"Hi mom".

"Hi son!".

"So I'm gonna go to the fair tomorrow to hangout with Sydney. Is that okay with you?".

"Aww, cute. Yeah that's fine with me".

"Aaand I'm going to take her out to dinner and a movie on next week Saturday". I said while smiling.

"Awww Son, that's so sweet. I'm proud of you. When did you start growing up so fast?".

She turned off the stove and gave me a big hug.

I hugged her back and thought,
"I'm so blessed to have her as a mom".
