chapter six

Sydney's POV
Today I woke up did the usual routine, went to school, go to dance, then gymnastics.

I wasn't abled to focus in school because all I thought about was Caleb. He has been on my mind all day and I can't get him off of my mind. I guess that's just how it is when you're in love. That one person is on your mind endlessly.

I decided I was just going to chill out and lay down on the couch and watch some movies on my ipad.

I could hear my mom talking on the phone with someone, she didn't sound to happy, in fact she sounded like she was crying.

I stood up and quickly walked to her,
"Mom what's going on?".

She looked at me with teary eyes, her eyes were puffy,
"Mrs Katie called, she said that Caleb had passed away of a heart disease.."

I could feel my heart drop, my eyes widened and I started to tear up,
" can't be true..."

"Sydney honey I'm sorry".

"NOO! THIS CANT BE TRUE!". I yelled and I started to cry uncontrollably.

My mom quickly braced me into her hug,
"I'm sorry Sydney...I'm so sorry". Mom said between sniffles.

"I loved him mom...".

"I know you did Syd... you two have been best friends for such a long time".

"Can we go see Mrs Katie and her family?".

"No Syd...They need some time together..."

I started to cry even more, I loved him so much, I don't know how I'm going to get by life without him...He was my everything and more...
