chapter five

Caleb's POV
When I got home I received a text message from Sydney.
Sydney: Hi Caleb, thanks for spending the day with me. I had so much fun with youโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’—
Caleb: Yeah no problem Syd, I enjoyed spending time with you. What are you doing tomorrow?
Sydney: I have to go to school then I have gym. Maybe we could meet up at the park at 4:00?
Caleb: Yeah of course, I'll meet you there.
Sydney: Okay, Bye Caleb. Talk to you later
Caleb: Bye Syd.
*The next day*

Caleb's POV
When I got done with my school work I got ready to go to the park since I was till in my pajamas.

After I got done with getting ready I looked at the time, it was already 3:50. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the park on my bike, I have to go.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna be at the park for a little bit. I'll be back before 5:30".

"Okay son, love you".

"Love you too mom". I said as I shut the door. I got onto my bike and I rode to the park. I looked around for Sydney and she was already there sitting on one of the benches. I got off of my bike and walked to her.

"Hi Sydney".

She quickly jumped up and hugged me.
"Hi Caleb!"

We walked to a bench and sat down.
"How was your day?". I asked

"It was okay, it's even better now". She said while smiling at me.

"Yeah, same here". I said while chuckling.

She scooted closer to me and looked up at me.ย  I looked at her back and started to lean in. She did the same as our lips touched.ย  We kissed each other, our lips moved in sync. I pulled her closer to me and she held my hand.

We both pulled away and looked at each other in the eyes.

"I..wasn't expecting that at all". Sydney said while slightly blushing.

"Me too, but I'm glad it happened". I said while smirking.

"This might sound cheesy but..I'm glad I had my first kiss with you".ย 

"That's not cheesy at all". I said while laughing.

She looked down at her phone and she quickly stood up.
"Sorry Caleb, I have to get home. Thanks for everything."

As she was about to get on her bike I stood in front of her,
"Wait, you're forgetting something".

"What?". She asked confused.

I quickly leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

"Okay, now you're good". I said with a cheeky smile.

She got on her bike and began to ride back to her house,
"Bye Caleb".

"Bye Sydney".

"That was amading". I thought to myself as I rode back home.
When I arrived back at home I ate dinner then we all had family movie night. After the movie finished we all talked stories with each other then I decided I was going to get ready to go to bed.

"Well good night everyone, see you in the morning".

"Goodnight Caleb". Everyone said.

"I love you Caleb!". Hayley yelled while laughing at the same time.

I got changed into my pajamas and I felt more tired than usual, so I decided that I would go to sleep early tonight.

Before going to sleep I thought to myself,
"Today was probably one of the best days ever. I'll cherish this forever".
