chapter four

Calebs POV
I woke up this morning and quickly got up to get started on my school work so that I wouldn't have to worry about it when I got home.

After I got done I looked at the time and it was already 10:30.

"Darn! I said I was going to meet her at the fair at 11:30". I thought to myself.

I quickly got dressed and put on my shoes then walked to the living room.

"Hey Caleb, are you ready to go?". Mom asked while giving the dogs a treat.

"Yes I'm ready to go!". I said happily.

"Okay girls, daddy is going to take you guys to gym then I'll be there to pick you guys up after when you're done okay?".

"Where are you guys going?". Hayley asked sounding curious.

"I'm going to take Caleb to the fair to meet Syd".

Hayley smiled at me and nodded her head.

"Okay let's get going". Mom said while opening the door for me as she closed the door behind her.

"Are you nervous?". She asked while starting up the car.

"A little". I said while putting my seatbelt on.

"You'll be fine, Just don't eat before going on any rides okay?". She asked laughing.

"Aw man why not?". I asked in a sarcastic tone while smiling.

She laughed and began to pull out of the drive way.


When we arrived at the fair, it wasn't really that crowded considering today was a school day.

"Call me when you're ready to come home okay?".

"I will mom". I said while unbuckling my seatbelt.

She quickly kissed my cheek and hugged me before I got out of the car.

"Bye mom". I said waving to her as she drove off.

I walked to the ticket stand to buy some tickets, I then got a text message from Sydney.
Sydney: I see you.

I looked around and I didn't see her anywhere.

"Boo!". Sydney said while poking my sides. Making me jump.

"Oh, Hi Sydney!". I said while putting my tickets into my pocket.

"Did I scare you?".

"Whaat Noo not at all".

"Are you sure?". She asked laughing.

"Okay fine, maybe a little". I said smiling.

We both laughed as we walked around.

"Hey lets go on the ferries wheel!". She said while pointing at it.

"Okay, let's go!".

We both ran to the Ferris wheel and gave the staff worker our tickets then got onto one of the rides.

I sat next to Sydney and we both smiled at each other as it got more higher.

"Oh my gosh were at the top!". Sydney yelled while holding onto my arm.

I laughed and leaned closer next to Sydney. She did the same and leaned her head against my shoulder.

As the ride ended, Sydney and I walked around and talked with each other. Honestly, we learned more about each other and we actually had a lot in common.

"Hey Caleb, my mom just texted. She's here to pick me up. Thank you so much for spending the day with me!".
She put her phone in her pocket and quickly hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

"Bye Caleb". She waved at me while walking away.

I smiled and waved back at her,
"Bye Sydney".

I called my mom to tell her I was ready to come home and she arrived about 10 minutes later.

I was still smiling thinking about Sydney.

I got into the car and mom smiled at me noticing how happy I was.

"Hey, how did it go?".

I smiled and looked at her,
"Better than I expected".
