chapter 10

Sydneys POV
I woke up early and got ready for the day i never would have expected to have come so soon. 

I put on my dress and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair, I decided to straighten it.

As i walked downstairs Luke and Mom were already dressed and waiting for me.

"Hey sweetie, ready to go?".

I shook my head and began to cry.

"Why did this have to happen mom? I don't get it. He didn't deserve to die". I said while crying uncontrollably.

"I don't know love. Things happen for a reason and we just have to accept it." Mom said while resting her head on top of mines as she hugged me.

Luke started to tear up as he looked at me.

He then walked up to me and hugged mom and I.
"I'm gonna go wait in the car". Luke said as he let go of the hug and walked away wiping away his tears.

Mom and I followed behind and went into the car, then drove our way to the funeral.


As we walked inside the church we were greeted by Mrs Katie and Mr Billy then Annie and Hayley.  They all tried their best to put on a brave face and stay strong but i could tell they were hurting inside.

I give Annie a hug as she started to cry into my shoulder,
"It's going to be okay Annie. I promise, I will be here for you whenever you need me , Okay?"

She nodded her head and wiped away her tears.

I walked over to Hayley and gave her a hug as well, she couldn't stop crying. So i decided to just hold her in my arms for awhile and then kiss her on her cheek.

I sat down next to Mom and Luke as the funeral started.

They played a little slideshow of Caleb and the Family and then a few speakers spoke out to everyone sharing their memories with Caleb. After that, Mary Kate sang a song dedicating it to Caleb. This all felt like a dream, a really bad dream that i just wanted to be over. Oh how i wish this could have been just a bad dream. But it isn't , I have to live with this for the rest of my life.

When Mary Kate finished singing i decided to go up to the podium and speak out my feelings. I walked up there and gave a reassuring smile to the Bratayley family. I took out my note that i planned to read out but then i crumpled it and put it away. I decided to just speak from my mind.

"So , I'm here today speaking to all of you about Caleb. He got his life taken away way too soon at a very young age. Caleb and I shared endless memories together, like the times where we would stay up and have late night conversations or when we all went to ocean city together and we both rode the slingshot together.  We had a bond like no other, he was my closest friend , my human diary and just someone that i could always go to if i needed someone to talk to if i ever felt alone. He was always there for me. There was never a time where he didn't include me in anything, he would always ask me if i wanted to join in with them on what they were doing. I never had that until i met Caleb. On his last few days , I was lucky enough to spend it with him. We spent the day at the fair , riding the ferris wheel and learning more and more about each other. That was one of the most amazing day i ever had with anyone in my life. Originally, Caleb and I planned to go on a date today but I am at his funeral instead. All the memories I had with Caleb, I will cherish forever in my mind and in my heart. This hurts me knowing that i will never get to see him ever again , i will never get to hear his voice ever again , but most of all I will never get to grow old with him. I loved him and I always will love him to the bottom of my heart. He will always remain and hold a special place inside of my heart, forever and always. Rest In Peace Caleb, I love you."

I walked off the stage with tears in my eyes and so did everyone else.

"That was very touching , i'm proud of you". Mom said as she gave me a hug.

I wiped away my tears and gave her a little smile.

Mrs Katie and her family walks up to the podium,
"As this funeral comes to an end, we'd like you all to say your last goodbyes to Caleb." Mrs Katie said as she hugged her family.

I walked up with them to go see Caleb.

Mr Billy opened up Caleb's coffin and there he was, he looked so peaceful. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I held his hand and whispered ,

"You didn't deserve to go so soon. You had a whole life ahead of you. I can't believe you're actually gone. I should have told you this before you went but i love you caleb, i always have and i always will. Nobody will ever take your place. You have always been the most amazing friend to me, I wouldn't trade you for the world. I'm never letting you go. We'll see each other again someday, I promise. I love you."

This was The Last Goodbye to him.
