The Captured Padawan

April 6th, 2016
Vess called in saying he'd scout out Nal Hutta then call in everyone else if he spotted anything suspicious. Roganda and Jallar would scout out other worlds like Hosnian Prime and Ord Mantell for any leads leaving everyone else on Kuan, they stopped to catch their breath "wow what a jog" Mara said and Shawn smiled taking fast paced breaths. Ahead was a old fortress overgrown by vegetation, "come on" Maarek said waving them over, Shawn and Mara looked at each other " you go in I'll wait for Lumiya" Mara said taking a breath. Shawn said "alright" then followed Maarek into the fortress.

Inside was a courtyard with several Clone Wars era AAT tanks from the former Confederacy Of Independent Systems, Shawn heard laughing and saw Maarek was saying hello to a group of boys around his age. "How ya been?" One asked "good good, see you guys've been keeping the place in order" Maarek said, Shawn walked over "oh this is my friend Shawn" Maarek said introducing him. "Hi" Shawn said extending his hand, the other boy shook his hand firmly "names Zak nice to meet you" then released his hand.

Shawn wondered where Mara and Lumiya were but knew they couldn't be far "so where ya from Shawn?" Whie asked, "I'm from Earth" Shawn replied unable to think of another planet. They all looked confused " where's that?" Zak asked, Shawn didn't know but Maarek spoke up "its near Jedha and Jakku", "hm never heard of it what's it like?". "Like here and Alderaan" Shawn said, Zak shrugged "never been to Alderaan so I dunno". "Thought you went to Arkanis for the academy whatcha doing back here? You undercover or something?" Whie asked Maarek, "uh yeah very top secret" Maarek replied.

They talked for a little while when Shawn glanced up to see Mara and Lumiya sitting on a branch from a tree that hung over the wall, he smirked, "you guys talk too much" Lumiya called out teasingly. The other guys looked up "hey who're you?!" Zak asked, "we're no one" Mara said, Shawn couldn't restrain a smile neither could Maarek. "They with you?" Zak asked Maarek who sighed "yep", "how'd you get up there?" Whie asked "come up here we'll tell you" Lumiya said, the other guys chuckled.Zak grabbed on the wall and began climbing, with a slight move of his hand Shawn made the stone jut out and he fell to the ground, "aw what the hell?" Zak said rubbing the back of his head. The two jumped out of the tree onto the wall "well too clumsy" Mara commented "you're pretty!" One of the guys yelled. Shawn shot a glare at the guy and the others laughed, "oh he mad" Lumiya said pointing a little,"Uh that's my girlfriend dude" Shawn said in a slightly angered tone. The guy threw his hands up "sorry man didn't know", the other guys laughed,

Then Mara's comlink beeped and she answered it putting the earpiece in with a unhappy look "hey guys we gotta get moving its uh the boss " she said. Shawn's heart sank that was the code phrase for being summoned by someone important,

Vjun, Bast Castle
Ezra and Starkiller were dragged down the halls of Vader's personal castle on the planet Vjun, the planet was artic yet magma flowed from vents close by,Shawn and the others had put their Imperial uniforms back on as they followed the two prisoners one who somehow healed his wound a little. "Why would Vader pick this place for a home?" Mara remarked, Shawn saw Ezra's bruised bloodied face and still couldn't believe he'd done that, the look of fear Mara had was heartbreaking as if she didn't recognize him.

The doors slid open showing Vader was staring at a reddish hologram of some kind with the outline of a battlestation along with Tarkin, the Inquisitor kicked Ezra in the back of the knee and he grunted falling to the floor. "Lord Vader we've captured two of the Jedi" the Inquisitor said. Vader turned around the reddish glow making only his outline standing out, "excellent Inquisitor did these others assist?" Vader inquired. "Yes we intercepted them" the Inquisitor said. " good" Vader said nodding a little then approached, "Would you two like to willingly tell me where the rebel bases are?" Vader asked. "Never!" Ezra said spitting blood at Vader's feet.

A door opened to the side then entered Thrawn and a human man Shawn didn't recognize, the unknown man was in his mid to late fifties with grayish hair,a serious intimidating look on his face. But his most distinguished feature was that he wore a white uniform similar to that of an ISB officer wore yet he had a matching cape and blaster pistol holstered to his belt, "Grand Admiral Thrawn and Director Krennic" Tarkin said "thank you Moff Tarkin" Thrawn said, "i see that you've captured two of the Jedi" Thrawn said to Shawn.

"I did" the Inquisitor interrupted "no from what I've heard you merely intercepted them as the others pursued" Thrawn said, the Inquisitor seemed taken aback "we captured them!", "you did not don't take credit for the accomplishments of others" Thrawn said and the Inquisitor stormed off. "Report Director Krennic what news of the Death Star?" Tarkin asked, " I wish to discuss this with only you and Lord Vader Moff Tarkin" Krennic said in a clipped accent reminiscent of a Mandalorian or someone from the Core. "Hm very well Mendes and you three leave us, interrogate the Jedi" Tarkin said waving them off. Interrogate?, Shawn knew the meaning of the word carried a darker context in the Empire. They walked out Vader's respirator echoing as if closed,

Shawn looked in the viewport at the chair Ezra was shackled to, nearby an interrogation droid warbled around making a strobing echoing sound,an ISB officer paced back and forth slapping a baton on his open palm "tell me where you base is rebel scum!" He ordered, Ezra looked bored "I'm not telling" he said. Shawn moved his hand to click the button when Mara stopped him, "don't snap again please?" She said with obvious concern on her face and blue eyes, "I won't I promise" Shawn said with an expression that seemed saddened yet reassuring. "Yeah yeah we got a job to do" Maarek spoke up clicking the button and the door opened,

The officer raised his baton ready to strike when Shawn waved him off, the officer lowered his arm stepping back. "Oh you again" Ezra said sarcastically, Shawn ignored the remark and simply stood in front of Ezra holding his wrist behind his back pumping his chest out to look somewhat superior, back home the effort would've made him look unrecognizable out of place, usually a upbeat happy smile donned his face now was replaced by a scowl, his brown eyes stared intensely at Ezra half acting half not. He felt the urge to beat him up once more over what he did to Mara but stopped himself not letting his anger get the better of him for that led to the dark side. From his peripheral vision Shawn saw and sensed Mara standing in the shadows of the corner

Maarek walked around Ezra " what's your name?" He demanded calmly, "Jabba The Hutt" Ezra snapped back. "You look a little too human to be a Hutt mr Bridger" Maarek said distastefully, "we're either gonna do this the easy way or hard way, either you tell us where the base is or that droid'll put that needle in your neck and make you talk" Maarek said seriously. "Or we so this the unofficial way and I rip it from your mind with the Force", Ezra seemed bored almost, Shawn didn't know why he wouldn't appear in the least bit frightened.

"I'm not telling you anything" Ezra said, Shawn picked up Ezra's lightsaber which rested on a metal table in front of him and examined it. The hilt was of crude design made of scarps like the blue bladed one which was destroyed on Malachor, Maarek seemed to ponder his next response staring at the Ezra now his brown eyes bore into him as well. Mara paced around as well then stood behind Ezra and rested a hand on his cheek making him wince,Shawn was unsure if her motives but played along. She took her hand back waving it, the skin began mending back together as the bruises faded, seeing this made Shawn's knuckles feel better as well they'd been throbbing since leaving Kuan.

"Is that better?" Mara asked Ezra calmly, "yeah I guess" Ezra replied dismissively then she opened the door stepping out. Maarek backed up beckoning the droid which hovered over next to Ezra, a needle extended from it puncturing the skin on Ezra's neck and he winced. The droid floated away as Ezra began blinking rapidly groaning, slipping into the Force Shawn felt his pain and confusion as if reality melted making him panic almost. "Tell me where the base is" Maarek said impatience apparent in his tone,

Ezra ignored him. Shawn stepped forward and Maarek stepped aside, he extending his hand at Ezra probing his mind with the Force filling the air with a faint deep whistle. Shawn looked and saw memories, he felt lonely,sad but pushed that aside looking for the base, Ezra resisted him trying to redirect the probe back at Shawn with little success only drawing his memory of seeing the Seventh Sister for the first time, he saw Kanan,the Pau'an Grand Inquisitor,Vader,heard a man and woman's voice. A look of sadness was on Ezra's face

Shawn looked harder eventually a word came up which he said aloud "Atollon", he stopped and Ezra took a deep breath. "What's Atollon?" Maarek demanded, "not telling" Ezra snapped back. Maarek got closer with a look of impatience "What is it?" He demanded, Shawn saw movement then felt a chill and the door opened,Vader's breathing filled the room, Vader descended in his cape dragging and swirling across the stairs then pushed Maarek aside gently. Thrawn stood by as well,"Tell me and I'll let you live,isn't that what you desire?" Vader said leaning in, thoughts fired in Shawn's head if he were found to be supporting the Rebellion he'd be the one getting tortured right now. "Glad to see you Sith, I see you tried getting these two to get me to talk" Ezra snapped back.

"I agree Lord Vader do not send boys to do a mans work" Thrawn said, Shawn glared at Thrawn who glared back his red eyes bore into his soul. "Hm I think so as well Grand Admiral" Vader said standing up, he turned around facing Shawn towering over him. Vader grabbed his saber hilt off his belt igniting it turning around quickly pointing the blade at Ezra's face, the light from the blade filled the room giving it a reddish hue. Ezra now looked terrified "tell me where your master is" Vader demanded, Shawn stepped forward

"I got the word Atollon from him sir" he said, "hm" Thrawn commented pacing "that is a remote planet I will send the fleet to scout it out", "no!" Ezra shouted but Vader pushed the blade to his throat "your master and Ahsoka Tano where are they?", "I don't know!" Ezra practically shouted. Vader slowed lowered the blade onto Ezra's forearm and he screamed in pain as the blade burnt,scorched and cauterize did the skin even making it bleed slightly.

Shawn tried his best not to appear disgruntled an expression of disgust washed over his face, he didn't want to see this. Vader took the blade away deactivating it then grabbed the gash tightly and Ezra yelled out again in pain with a tear rolling down his cheek "ill give you time to rethink your fate for now this a warning lie again and there'll be more" Vader said coldly then backed up "Mendes Stele come with me" Vader said walking up the stairs.

Shawn quickly followed glad to leave there, Vader turned to them "I'd hoped you could've done better than that Stele as for you Mendes pity or compassion for traitors is a weakness do not let that control you", "for the both of you I did your job for you Thrawn was right why allow mere boys to do the tasks I could easily do myself with little obstacle". "Stele go now" Vader said and Maarek walked off with a look of apprehension, Shawn followed. Mara caught up grabbing his arm "that was intense couldn't watch it anymore" she said looking back, Shawn grabbed her hand as her touch always seemed to calm his rampant emotions, "I couldn't either" he said as they walked away from the prison cells.

Shawn stared out the window of the room at the magma running from the vent off from the castle, he still saw the images of the blade searing Ezra's arm from Vader's lightsaber. he knew staying with the Empire wasn't the best option however it was the only one that didn't involve people dying because of him, "your thoughts are curious" a voice said. Shawn rolled his eyes turning around expecting to see Malgus, instead the ghost of Qui Gon Jin stood there,

"Qui Gon? Where've you been?" Shawn asked visibly confused "I cannot stay in the physical realm without an anchor such as a Holocron like the Sith Lord who haunts you" Qui Gon spoke. "That doesn't mean I've been too far, you passed the trials yet your anger and hate still gets the better of you why is this?" He asked,

Shawn sighed not having an answer "it's just-ugh" he sighed frustrated "its them the Emperor,Vader the Empire its all them it's just so frustrating" he said, Qui Gon seemed "you must control your anger for that is a path to the dark side", "I can see being around the two only Sith Lords in existence casts a malevolent presence in the Force", "a Jedi doesn't act out of anger or kill out or anger they act in the interests of others such as you lying to to protect you home and family Shawn, I'm impressed these are the traits of a true Jedi Knight". A question rose in Shawn's mind out of the blue "wait! Who killed you?" But nearly regretted it,

"I was killed on Naboo prior to the Clone Wars by Maul" Qui Gon said before vanishing.
