Searching For The Plans Trial Of Skill

Black: Imperial Controlled
Blue: Confederate Controlled
Red: Rebel movements 
Green dots Earths (main one by the Unknown Regions label the second in the south the third in the southwest

August 19,2015
Shawn was heading out of the throne room when he saw Mara walking in "hey Mara" he said, she replied "hey Shawn what's new" he shrugged replying "nothing much I found some traitors who'd been working with Maul" Mara said "well I just got back from Nal Hutta and it's not a nice place stinks so much" then they went their separate ways. Along the way Shawn turned a corner where Vader was speaking to the Tenth Brother, "You're herby bestowed title of the Grand Inquisitor" Vader said to the Tenth Brother as he passed by heading for the archives.

Upon walking in the archives Shawn began searching for a lead where the plans to that battle station were and found it there were plans on an asteroid in the Deep Core of the Galaxy. He quickly memorized it before walking out, the guards snapped to attention as he passed by, then he felt something was calling him to the Jedi Temple, making his way to the hanger Shawn got in his speeder and flew to the Temple.

Jedi Temple
Shawn walked through the abandoned halls that once were vibrant with life until making his way to a large room where several statues lay, then he heard the voice of Qui Gon say "you must face the Jedi Trials Shawn but be vigilant this foe is ancient and deadly" Shawn looked around and saw no one until he was suddenly shocked by red lightning and he yelled out in pain before being thrown into the wall, "a thousand Jedi died cursing Darth Desolous now you too will scream my name" a Pau'an man said.  Shawn ignited his lightsaber blocking many different attacks and countering as well, he force pushed Desolous back before locking blades "oh you're strong boy but strength is nothing against the dark side" Desolous taunted but Shawn ignored it,

Then he blasted lightning at Desolous who held his hand up absorbing it using with the technique called Tutaminus. Desolous then pulled a statute and threw it, Shawn's vision narrowed and he jumped over the statute throwing his lightsaber at Desolous knocking his shield out his hand. "I'm impressed the last one never got the better of me so quick" Desolous said before raising his hand and more red lightning was unleashed. Shawn blocked the lightning with his lightsaber and with the Force lifted several large pieces of debris throwing them at Desolous distracting him, As Desolous was pushing the debris away Shawn charged in and kicked Desolous in the face before stabbing him in the back. Desolous gasped and dropped his lightsaber before shimmering and dissolving, Shawn retracted his blade before walking out of the room wondering what that meant.

Imperial Palace
Shawn was outside staring at the skyline as the sun set behind the massive skyscrapers casting long shadows, still he mentally went over what that trial meant but didn't know. Then he sensed a presence nearby then heard "psst!" But it sounded like it was coming from below, leaning over the balcony Shawn saw that Starkiller was in a speeder which surprised him at first " what're you doing here?" He said in a hushed tone but loud enough to be heard " no time where are those plans for that battle station?" Starkiller asked.

"An asteroid in the Deep Core but how're you gonna get there without being found?" Shawn asked, "don't worry we got a plan" Starkiller replied. " but-" Shawn said then heard the familiar breathing sound getting ever closer " Vader's coming go!" He said in a hushed tone again and Starkiller steered the craft under the balcony. Shawn pretended to still be looking at the skyline as Vader walked out "the Emperor wishes to see you Hand Mendes" Vader said in an almost bored tone as being a messenger didn't seem to be to his liking, "yes Lord Vader" Shawn said and walked away when suddenly Vader asked "do you sense that?".Shawn knew Vader felt Starkillers presence so he responded " uh no sir I don't" then walked inside heading for the throne room,

Upon walking in the newly anointed Grand Inquisitor was talking to Palpatine who's throne was turned around facing the window. "With all due respect the Jedi run rampant across the galaxy and yet I'm kept here like a prisoner" the Inquisitor said, Palpatine didn't reply, "I'm asking for you to take this seriously!" The Inquisitor yelled and the air shook as he did. "The only thing I do not seriously boy is your pouty childish demeanor" Palpatine said as his throne turned facing them. Shawn thought Palpatine was talking to him but realized he was talking to the Inquisitor, "very well Inquisitor you'll be pleased to hear the king of an independent Outer Rim world called Coreign has recently captured the Jedi called Ezra Bridger".

Shawn nearly gasped but stayed silent, "send me my lord I'll destroy the Jedi" the Inquisitor asked in an almost pleading tone but it was hard to tell from his deep robotic sounding voice that didn't sound like his own, "no High Inquisitor Jerec will be going in your place until you learn proper respect is that clear" Palpatine said slowly walking down from his throne with a glossy black cane that surprised Shawn at first but he knew it was only for show. The Inquisitor clenched his fists and stormed out, "ah Shawn I have an assignment for you" Palpatine said as he walked past him, Shawn followed him "yes sir what is it?" He asked.

Palpatine responded "you'll go with Jerec to Coreign under the guise of ambassadors of the Empire as the war has yet to reach this world and deal with this Jedi" Shawn said "of course sir", then there were about four protocol droids on the ground that looked like they'd been torn apart by a lightsaber, "hmm seems the Inquisitor is a little upset why don't you go find him" Palpatine said. Shawn looked down another hallway and the Inquisitor was standing over another droid with his distinct crossguard lightsaber in hand,

He stepped away from the Emperor and cautiously walked to the Inquisitor. Even from a distance Shawn heard the Inquisitors heavy breathing from behind that mask, "don't come any closer" the Inquisitor said pointing his lightsaber at Shawn which made a strange flapping hum in a way. Shawn raised his hands a little saying "I don't want to hurt you but the Emperor doesn't want you to tear the place down" the Inquisitor then charged at Shawn pinning him against the wall holding the lightsaber to his throat, "do you have a death wish!".

Shawn was mentally scared but had an expression of surprise and nothing else. "No do you?" He asked, the Inquisitor stepped back retracting his blade. "It's frustrating that I've yet to face a Jedi but instead I'm kept locked in here like some pet!" The Inquisitor yelled punching the wall so hard it cracked, then Shawn was able to pick up on a memory in the mind of this person who'd remained a mystery to him from the first day. He saw an ocean that seemed earthly in nature but the Inquisitor said, "it seems there's only one thing I must do I'm going to this Earth and retrieving this girl the Jedi gave a lightsaber to" that surprised Shawn and he asked, " who's this girl?".

The Inquisitor replied "her names Camilla and she's strong with the Force".
