Mission To Malchor (Part 2)

Shawn chased after Kanan and Ezra jumping over fallen pillars as quick as the wind. Then he saw Maul was waiting on a staircase above, but the Seventh Sister then landed next to him. He jumped on a pillar and saw Maul holding the Seventh Sister in a Force choke before igniting his saber and throwing it, Shawn looked away but heard the whole thing, he heard her hit the ground dead followed by her saber with a loud cling. He looked up and Maul was gone, quickly he approached the side of the temple throwing a cable up where it locked into the stone before pulling himself up.

Shawn pulled himself up the ledge not daring to look at the Seventh Sister who lay dead before running up the steps after Maul, then he looked down and saw Ashoka and Kanan fighting the Fifth and Eighth Brother's. Maul jumped in Force pushing Kanan and Ashoka away before swiftly cutting the Fifth Brothers saber in half and stabbing him through the torso, the Fifth Brother gasped before slumping over dead as well. Maul then attacked the Eighth Brother who blocked his attacks before flying off, Suddenly Maul spun around and struck Kanan in the face. Shawn jumped down igniting his lightsaber and holding it in a defensive posture "now I will wait for the young one to activate the temple or should I say battle station which I will use to destroy all my enemies"

Maul yelled before attacking, Ashoka dashed in blocking Mauls attack before looking at Shawn and saying " go stop Ezra I can handle this!" Shawn nodded before running up the steps to the top of the temple,As he approached the top Shawn drew his blaster and shot the holocron out of Ezra's hand "hey what're you doing?!" Ezra yelled. Shawn yelled back "don't it's a battle station!" Ezra then fired one shot of his stun gun at Shawn, quickly putting his blaster away Shawn stopped the electric stun Ray mid air while pulling the holocron in. Ezra then fired again in quick succession while pulling the holocron in as well,

Shawn blocked the stun rays but saw that Ezra had caught the holocron and placed it in the temple. The spire sparked and purplish lightning fired out with a strong gust of wind as well, Shawn was pushed back into one of the other support columns and saw stars. He pulled his blaster out again and aimed it at Ezra "the power to destroy life is at your command!"a voice yelled from the spire, then Shawn's blaster was kicked away by Ventress "I'll thank him for doing the dirty work for us". Then she was kicked away by the Eighth Brother who'd helicoptered in. "I will do the thanking witch!" The Eighth Brother yelled before attacking again,

Ventress blocked his quick attacks just as quickly before getting a hit on the hilt which sparked causing the blades to flicker. The Eighth Brother then tried flying away but the hilt disintegrated and he fell to his death, Shawn then blocked Ventress's attack but then she jumped away. Shawn put his hand to the back of his head and saw red on his glove but it was hard to tell at first, Ezra then ran over to another side of the temple but Vader landed in front of him "you have unlocked the secret of the temple how did you accomplish this?" Vader said in his usual emotionless tone "you're smart figure it out!" Ezra said before Vader attacked,

Shawn went over to the spire where the holocron was and tried to grab it. But he was knocked back by an invisible force field, he stood up and saw Vader slice Ezra's saber in half "perhaps I was wrong" Vader said raising his blade. "It wouldn't be the first time!" Ashoka yelled, "it was foretold you would be here our long awaited meeting had come at last" Vader said turning around. "We need not be adversaries the Emperor will show you mercy if you tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found" he continued,

"there are no Jedi you and your Inquisitors have seen to that" Ashoka shot back. "Then perhaps this child will confess what you will not" Vader said looking at Ezra " I was beginning to think that after three years I'd know who you were behind that mask but it's impossible my master could never be as vile as you" Ashoka said. "Anakin Skywalker was weak I destroyed him" Vader said with slight disdain, Ashoka shut her eyes for a second before opening them again "then I will avenge his death" she said, "revenge is not the Jedi way" Vader replied, "I'm no Jedi" Ashoka said igniting her sabers and Vader did the same before charging.

A million thoughts raced through Shawn's mind, Anakin Skywalker?, he heard the name before from Vader but never thought much of it but from what he'd just heard Vader was once a Jedi. Suddenly he felt someone was running up from behind and spun around igniting his lightsaber and locked blades with Maul, "the power will be mine!" Maul yelled before pushing Shawn back and kicking him across the face. Shawn shrugged off the kick but then went on the offensive with a mix of Ataru and Shien which Maul seemed to match but a little delayed, Then Maul jumped back and Grievous with two sabers spinning attacked, Shawn blocked the blades but Grievous was too fast and with one hit Shawn flew back hitting the column and blacking out.

When he regained consciousness Shawn felt a rising and falling sensation and saw the bleak ground of the surface, then Shawn realized he was being carried on someone's shoulder and heard Vader's breathing but it sounded broken. "S-sir" he said weakly but there was no response "sir where're the others?" He asked again, "dead" Vader replied his voice sounding different almost human. Then he was set down on his feet and handed his lightsaber. "Thank you Lord Vader" Shawn said looking around for danger but followed him to the shuttle, now the two Inquisitors who'd captured him lay dead. Vader said nothing as the shuttle returned to the ship and only said "head to Coruscant" to the captain who nodded in response,

Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Shawn looked at the nighttime skyline and was still confused, how could Vader have been a Jedi?, then put the thought away and walked back in. The light shined through the large windows in a almost streamlined effect, "hey Shawn how you doing?" Mara said running up from behind. "Tired we got back from this place called Malachor", "we?" She asked. "Well only me and Vader survived the Inquisitors didn't" Shawn replied. "Oh I never liked them anyway" Mara said walking past him "good night" she called out, Shawn saw himself in a dream and Maul threw his saber at him and he snapped awake his fist raised at nothing. But he did have a very bad headache, then noticed it was morning and reluctantly got up and dressed,

The first thing he did was go see if Camilla was alright. Shawn practically ran down to the prison and saw she was still there spitting in the corner, "open it" he said to the guard who did, he stepped in and Camilla looked at him and her eyes lit up, she ran over and hugged Shawn who hugged her back. "Where've you been its been so long" she said backing up, "they're still not letting you out but would you like to take a walk" Shawn said. "Please I've been dying to get out of here" Camilla replied, as Shawn led her out the guard stopped him

"hold it procedure" the guard said cuffing Camilla. "I'm going to take her on a walk see if that loosens her tongue" Shawn tried saying with a authoritative. demeanor, "Very well" the guard said as Shawn took her arm. He walked her around the gardens on the roof "wow so many flowers" Camilla said looking around, "so what's up" she asked. "Uh the two Inquisitors are dead" Shawn said, "which ones?" She asked. "The two from LA" Shawn replied, "oh those two well good riddance they were creepy" Camilla said. Then a Red Guard approached them and said in a monotone voice "the Emperor wishes to speak with you", Shawn replied "alright" then the guard led Camilla away,

The doors opened and Shawn saw Palpatine was talking with the Grand Inquisitor and Minister Adarn. "Search the Outer Rim even in contested areas I want that holocron found" Palpatine said to Adarn who bowed before backing away, "Inquisitor you will retrieve the holocron and bring it to me kill the Jedi should you encounter them". The Inquisitor replied "of course sir" then walked away, "now Hand Mendes would you explain to me why the Rebels escaped with the holocron" Palpatine asked Shawn with a impatient tone, "uh well" Shawn started. " go on" Palpatine said, "they activated a temple of some kind and that was all I remember" Shawn said cautiously, "then you should know the only reason Lord Vader didn't leave you there is because you are not expendable like the Inquisitors" Palpatine said walking over to the window.

"There is an alternative solution extract any information from Saw Gerrera he's resisted our usual techniques but he won't be able to resist the power of the Force" Palpatine said turning around facing Shawn, "or something unorthodox infiltrate the Alliance and report on their actions" he continued. Shawn was confused at first why would he be the one to infiltrate the Rebels but realized it was because they trusted him , "uh sir I'm overwhelmed" he said. "Why so?" Palpatine inquired, Shawn's mind raced from his thoughts and his migraine, "it's just the thing is on my planet I'm in the spotlight and if gone too long it's draws attention" Shawn said, "your point?" Palpatine asked. "If I infiltrated the Alliance how'd I be sure I'd be able to get back home without the fleet ambushing us over Earth" he said, "that will be arranged ahead of time..but I take your point nows not the time to send you to the Rebels yet for now interrogate Gerrera" Palpatine said sitting down on his throne. "Of course sir" Shawn said walking away,

Saw was practically passed out in the chair as Shawn walked in. "I don't want to have to hurt you but tell me where the Jedi are" Shawn said walking forward even though each step hurt his head by now, "I've beaten every droid and ISB agent they've sent what're you gonna do kid?" Saw asked in a mix of mocking and sarcasm. " just tell me and you'll be set free" Shawn said now standing in front of him, "you might wanna rethink your technique kid I should've aimed for your head" Saw shot back

Shawn usually shrugged off petty insults as he was used to them but that drove him over the line, he slowly thrust his hand out and began probing Saw's mind. Saw looked confused and pained at first and Shawn pulled him forward "where are they?" He asked, Saw shook his head before the word Hammertown"appeared in Shawn's mind and he released Saw who gasped. Shawn then walked out but now his head throbbed and he grabbed the wall for support before heading back to the throne room,

"Interesting Hammertown but it is in ruins from our bombing why would the Jedi go there" Palpatine said slowly walking around his cane in one hand ,Shawn now had sweat running down his forehead and was tugging at his jacket collar . "We will alert the ISB first they will confirm this lead" Palpatine said, "thank you s-" Shawn said but was interrupted by several coughs, "are you ill?" Palpatine said,"no sir I'm fine" Shawn said. "Get some rest you look unwell" Palpatine said and Shawn walked away still considering defecting but was still torn between thinking of both himself and the world, a sort of indentured servitude or fighting for freedom from it.
