Investigating Future Industries

After the holocron Shawn was twirling the talisman in his hand and it glowed a weird mix of green and blue as if it were confused by the unusual abilities the people exhibited on the planet. Korra came running back frantically and said "where's Tenzin?!" Shawn replied "he went to the council what's up?" She replied "Hiroshi is working with the Equalists" Shawn asked "who's Hiroshi?" She replied "the CEO of Future Industries come on" Shawn put the talisman back down his jacket and followed her.

After Korra explained this to Tenzin a beautiful girl with long black hair walked in and said "my dads not working with the Equalists" then Korra said "Shawn this is Asami Sato" he replied "nice to meet you Asami" Asami said "wait are you the uh off worlder I've heard about" he replied "yes I am" she said to Tenzin "if you want to make sure he's at his workshop at my house" Tenzin said "fine let's go I'd like a word with him".

As they flew in the airship to the mansion Shawn sensed deception and danger both and said to Korra "somethings wrong I sense it" she said "you sense a lot of stuff how do you know?" He replied "I don't know it just like something bad'll happen" then her teammates walked over and Korra said "this is Mako and Bolin my teammates" Shawn bowed slightly and said "it's an honor" Bolin said "so you're the one with that weird sword thing?" Shawn said "oh you mean this" and ignited his lightsaber and said "it's called a lightsaber" then retracted the blade.

Beifong said "enough chit chat we're here" and they landed on the estate and Asami led them and ten metalbender policemen to the building in the back and they opened the door and no one was in there, Asami called out "dad where are you?!" The others entered and Beifong looked around and slammed her foot on the ground and said "there's a tunnel under here running deep into the mountain" then she backed up and metalbent a plate away revealing a platform of some kind. Tenzin said "we'll investigate you three stay here" pointing at Asami,Mako,and Bolin before everyone else walked down and Beifong pressed a button and the platform began moving down.

The platform made it to the bottom and they got off and followed a long hallway until reaching a sort of  large warehouse underground with some sort of giant robotic suits on either side "and those must be the new weapons" Korra says and they look around. Suddenly a large door shut behind them, Beifong tried to bend it but a male voice said "that's pure platinum chief Beifong not even your renown mother could bend a metal so pure" Korra said "Hiroshi I knew you were a no good lying Equalist come out and-" Hiroshi interrupted "and do what young avatar face the wrath of your bending no I'll fight from in here where my chances are a little more equal".

Shawn ignited his lightsaber and they attacked, Quickly he dodged a cable that was fired in his direction then jumped on one and stabbed through the cockpit killing how operator and jumped off. A rope was fired at him and he cut it before force pushing the mecha tank back and said "I'm gonna cut a way out cover me!" And stabbed his blade into the door and began cutting, he sensed something coming and then another rope came flying at him. Shawn dodged it but the rope grabbed his wrist and electrocuted him and he yelled out but using gone force resisted it and redirected the lightning and short circuited the suit,

Looking around he saw he was the only one left and Hiroshi said "you're skills are impressive but not enough"and he fired one of the hands of the mecha tank at him and so did three others. Shawn dodged the first and sliced the second in half but the third caught him off guard and it restrained his arms and he struggled with it until it shocked him again and he fought the electricity best he could until he saw darkness.

When he came to someone was dragging him to a truck and he kicked them in the shin and force choked them while summoning his lightsaber and igniting it, he cut down one and Hiroshi was there with two gauntlets on his hands "dad?!" Asami yelled. Shawn turned and saw Asami standing there with Mako and Bolin and he sensed her confusion,anger and shock all at once, "i didn't want you to find out like this Asami but these benders they took your mother away please join me" and took off one of the gauntlets and handed it to her.

She took it put it on and said something Shawn couldn't hear then shocked Hiroshi before saying "come on let's go!" Shawn went and cut the ropes restraining Korra Tenzin and Beifong but the other metalbenders were gone, they ran out to the platform and Bolin hit the button and they began ascending back to the surface. Then some chi blockers began chasing after them, Shawn used the force and pulled down some pieces of the roof and it created a dust cloud that covered their escape, After reaching the airship and flying off Shawn said "should we warn someone?" Beifong said "the situation will be handled by the police diligently" Tenzin said "if it gets out of hand I'll contact the United Forces for support".
