Part 175

When the shuttle was halfway to Dragonstone there was a message that came through from Vess's comlink. "Sir, you're being summoned back to the destroyer at once" The voice said, "on who's orders?" Vess asked and Shawn felt the ship incline upwards now. "The Emperor's orders sir, he said it was urgent" the voice said, "we've already arranged for a ship to retrieve the Princess as you requested". Then the transmission stopped.

——————, Avenger
Onboard the bridge Shawn saw Captain Needa talking to a hologram of Tarkin. "What was so important you summoned us back?" Vess asked Needa sternly, "apologies sir, but Governor Tarkin had to have a word with you" Needa replied. "I've been informed of this encounter with the rebels on that world Kogo and that they somehow managed to kidnap Princess Leia as well" Tarkin said, "we have, but the locations regent declared their lands a zone of neutrality and forbade us from fighting" Vess explained. "Hm, intriguing" Tarkin replied with a little disdain, "I have summoned you back here for an even greater purpose", "it appears the Separatists have landed on Felucia, and their commander is one you are familiar with I assume?" Then a hologram of Grievous appeared and he was holding an Imperial Officer by the throat. "I will deal with this at once" Vess stated and the transmission ended, "just you?" Shawn asked with slight confusion.

"You're still under suspicion Shawn, so I'm sending you back to the capital" Vess told him briskly and seriously, "besides, you aren't allowed out of my sight or anyone else's for too long, all I know is that you might try to escape, that would be stupid you'd be hunted down and dragged back to where you started, so I recommend you take this voluntarily instead of making a big fuss". Shawn simply let out a small sigh and nodded, was it punishment or humiliation? It felt like a combination of the two.

———, Imperial Palace
Once more he stood before the Emperor with nothing to offer but yet another failure. "Is the sorcerer boy dead?" The Emperor asked him intently with an expression of satisfaction too, "I-uh, well" Shawn stammered and stuttered but the look of satisfaction under that hood vanished into one of angry disappointment, "you did not succeed" the Emperor stated, "Yes, based on your tone and what I sense as well". He tapped the armrest of his throne making a ticking sound almost then raised his hand up at him, Shawn flinched a little he expected another torrent of lightning this time. Instead the Emperor merely pointed at him, "this cannot be allowed to persist, you have brought me more failures than achievements, given your talents with the Force this should not be".

The Emperor rested his hand down again and clicked a red button on his throne, "it would be wise for you to sort this out Mendes, or else I shall have no further use for you, then you'll be sent back to your family in an urn, that would not make Mara very happy either". Shawn wasn't even looking right at him now instead focusing on the window behind him just enough to where it didn't appear he was looking there. "Hm, I sense something is not right with you, perhaps you are mentally unwell" the Emperor suggested and Shawn's anger flared a little and he clenched his fist slowly, "you are not the scared boy I saw that first time, no,now you've grown into a defiant young man, with nothing but contempt for his superiors" the Emperor continued and Shawn's expression showed anger, now he looked right at him.

The Emperor smiled a little, "ah, such anger such hate, good let it empower you with the full might of the dark side young one". Shawn snapped and slammed his fist on the desk, the two royal guards adjacent to the throne raised their electrostaffs at him but the Emperor waved them off, "if I'm this way it's because you made me this way!!" Shawn yelled at him. "As was my intention" the Emperor said coldly as Shawn backed off though he was still fuming to the point his face was red, then a door on the side of the room slid open and Vader walked in slowly, his cape swirled behind him as he came to stand beside his master.

"Lord Vader, it would appear that Mendes has lost his courtesies for me, educate him on the consequences please" the Emperor said, "yes master" Vader said then walked from around the desk toward Shawn, "stay away from me" Shawn said sternly but didn't move as he was so angry. Vader tried to grab his arm but Shawn hit away his hand only to be struck across the face from the other side so hard his ears rung and he couldn't see straight causing him to stumble away from the desk and trip over the two small steps leading up to it and fall to the floor nearly passing out in the process.

Shawn faintly heard Vader's breathing get closer and closer under he saw black boots and a cape in front of him, stupid boy, Vader's voice said in his mind. Shawn felt something invisible seize hold of his entire person and he was lifted off the ground entirely, levitating in front of Vader who had an open handed gesture, "do you not fear death now? Do you greet it now?" Vader asked then slowly turned his hand to the side and made a pinched gesture followed by a whoosh and Shawn feeling his windpipe close. "Then let me give it to you". Shawn struggled to breathe and sputtered for even the slightest amount of oxygen but couldn't get any.

Now he started seeing gray then his face turned blue ever so slowly. "That's enough Lord Vader" the Emperor commanded and Vader dropped Shawn to the floor and he took in deep pained breaths, he reached for his saber and ignited it charging at Vader but the Sith Lord simply grabbed his wrist mid swing and twisted his arm making Shawn cry out in pain bringing him to his knees, Vader swiped Shawn's saber from his hand and held it to his throat so close the heat alone only multiplied the fear that took hold of Shawn. "You are a fool, never try to strike me again" Vader ordered then let go of Shawn's arm while retracting the saber and tossing it back. "Go, while I still allow it" the Emperor said and Shawn got to his feet and staggered out while hearing the Emperor laugh maniacally behind him.

******* Windsor Castle, June 17th
Edward signed more papers than he could count that day, every one he cursively wrote "Edward.R" once more signifying Edward Rex. Only today he would meet with the Prime Minister and Ascension Council, they'd start with invoking the once before used phrase, "the Queen is dead, long live the King" followed be which he'd swear an oath of allegiance to uphold the law and the church thus confirming his role as sovereign. The door opened and the announcer stepped in, "the Prime Minster, Your Majesty" and Sutler walked in bowing his head.

Edward walked over and extended his hand which Sutler shook, "welcome Prime Minister" He said. "Thank you Sir, let me be among many to offer condolences on the death of your grandmother" Sutler said, "thank you, though I'll be hearing that for too long now" Edward said kindly, "please sit" He said then walked back over to his desk collecting a few pieces of legislation he had signed, mostly they were related to relief efforts to those who managed to survive London which still was a smoldering ruin, only rubble remained where Buckingham Palace once stood. "I've just finished with these and hope they'll be put through soon" Edward said while sitting across from Sutler then handed him the papers.

"Excellent Sir" Sutler said while putting the papers in front of Edward who placed them in the Red Box to be sent on, "I see you have taken to wearing naval attire Sir?" Sutler asked. "Oh, well if we're going to be fighting I might as well look the part too" Edward replied, "your great-grandfather George the sixth swore not to publicly wear civilian attire until the end of the Second World War if I recall correctly" Sutler said with a contemplative expression. "Then I shall do the same" Edward said with an eager nod.

"Well Sir, the reason I came here from Edinburgh is for a number of reasons, of course the Imperials landings near Cornwall and Dover are a concern, but there's been whispers from cabinet about you in particular" Sutler explained. This had Edward troubled but not as much as the other matters he'd been presented with since arriving at Windsor. "About me?" He asked, "yes, they say that since you are quite young and have no experience in government that a regent would be appointed in your stead while you learned to govern" Sutler explained.

"My uncle tutored me and my cousins the things he'd been taught, I'm aware its different being taught something than actually putting that knowledge to use" Edward said, "tell cabinet, I'm grateful for their idea but also they function in my name for the benefit of this country, to place the power of the monarchy in someone who'd only have it for a short while takes away the awe The Crown inspires in people", "it's something you learn when you're part of the picture too instead of outside looking in". Sutler nodded in approval with a smile, "young man, you'll be a fine King to us indeed", "you might not've been brought up to sit on the throne, but you have the same resolve a leader ought to have". Edward nodded back, "thank you Mr Sutler".

After that Edward had a few moments to see his mother. He knocked at her door and a staff member opened it, "Majesty" she said while curtsying, "I'd like to speak to my mother" Edward said and the staff member opened the door entirely to let him in. Alexandra was reading a paper and looked up, "ah Eddy, I'm so glad to see you" she said standing up and kissing him on the cheek. "Hello mum, what're you reading?" Edward asked, "oh, just looking for a tutor for Ethan, don't want him falling behind and have something to occupy his time other than being on his tablet all day" Alexandra said then she sighed, "he's so different now Eddy, so is Marissa, she hasn't been outside in days I try talking to her but she just stays in her bed all day".

"Ethan does the same but doesn't go outside" she continued but got worked up a little, "it's grief mum, we're all going through it right now" Edward said. "I know, but we just have to get used to it now" Alexandra said while sitting back down, "please don't scare all the council members please". Edward chuckled, "I wont mum" then he walked out, except he hadn't been able to stop thinking about what he saw that night, but superstition was above Kings and Queens, he wouldn't become paranoid of it.
