Return To The Second Earth Equalist Attack

January 18,2015
After securing the base Shawn was tasked by Palpatine to return to this strange second Earth and gather information on it.

He flew down and this time landed at Air Temple Island and was greeted by Tenzin "Shawn we're so glad you're back" Shawn replied "it's an honor" Korra then landed next to them and said "Tenzin Amon's threatened the pro bending arena oh hi Shawn" Shawn nodded in response Tenzin replied "ugh well I'd better meet with the council on this" Korra said "I'll go with you", Shawn said "I'll go too". They arrived at city hall and walked into the building where the council that governed the United Republic but resembled an oligarchy in some ways , Tenzin went on about the dangers about keeping the arena open and some argued closing it or keeping it open.

After a few minutes of arguing a decision was reached "the arena will close" the representative from the southern water tribe Tarlok said and raised the gavel. Suddenly a cable came flying in from the end of the hall and yanked the gavel away, Shawn turned around and it was Lin Beifong the chief of police "come on people show some backbone against Amon" she said and got closer and Tarlok said "chief Beifong it's too dangerous to keep the arena open" Beifong replied "my metalbenders and I will provide security nothing will get through I promise that" Tarlok thought for a minute and said "alright the arena stays open".

Korra jumped and said "woo hoo yes!", Shawn asked "what's this pro bending thing?" Korra said "oh it's a sport I play with my friends we're called the Fire Ferrets you should come see it tonight's the tournament" Shawn was curious about it and said "sure I'd love to" then Beifong walked over and said "so you're this Hand Of The Emperor I've been told about" Shawn replied "yes nice to meet you". She replied "titles have little impression on me even if it's someone from another planet"then walked away, Shawn asked Korra "why's she so you know negative" Korra shrugged and said "dunno Beifong's always been serious like that's it's kinda annoying sometimes",

Later that night the match was on and Shawn was next to Tenzin and Beifong near the top of the stadium observing the whole place, although security was tight he still sensed something was off as if something would happen. "Tonight's pro bending match is sure T be close folks the Fire Ferrets versus the Whitefalls Wolf bats" the opposing team donned some sort of bat costumes and howled like wolves which Shawn thought was strange and wondered where all these weird mixed creatures came from. Korras team locked off the match and he watched as she bent water while another bended some stone disks and another blasted fire with the same of the wolf bats.

Tenzin grew frustrated when it was clear that rocks were put in a water blast and said "oh come on those were illegal head shots get your head in the game ref!" Then Shawn sensed danger and saw some people were putting on some masks with some sort of Chinese style symbol on them, there were then some shocks in doorways all around. Tenzin was going on about the ref when he said "look out!" and blasted an assailant with some sort of electrified gauntlet then was shocked himself. Shawn blocked one and caught ones arm and twisted it and kicked them in the stomach with his knee,

Two more attacked but he didn't want to use his lightsaber so he force pushed them. Then the attackers threw some sort of ropes at him that wrapped around his wrists and ankles and he fell over, one shocked him with one of the gauntlets and he yelled out in pain before losing consciousness. When he regained consciousness he was sitting against a wall and the masked man who threw the knife at him was giving some sort of speech "the revolution has begun!"and raised his fist in the air.

Then some ropes came crashing through the roof and platforms were on the ends and he and several others stepped on. Shawn shook his head and bolted past the crowds of people and landed below the platform whee Korra and her teammates were tied to a column. "Shawn over here!" Korra yelled and he ran over and ignited his lightsaber and cut the rope, "what the heck is that?!" One said pointing at the blade and Shawn replied "I'll explain later". Then explosions went off and fiery smoke moved in, Korra froze a sheet of ice over the moat surrounding the platform and they ran across and outside,

The crowds were running out and Tenzin and Beifong were outside ushering people out. Korra said "Tenzin what happened?" Tenzin said "Amon happened and it looks like they've got some new weapons" Amon so that was the masked man, Shawn thought. Then he sensed some sort of deception was at play and said "someone must've given them those gauntlets" Beifong put her hand on her chin and said "hmm we'll investigate this" and walked away.

The next day the arena was closed until further notice and Korra paced around fuming with anger. Shawn was meditating as he sensed the force was much stronger on the planet when she walked past growling as she did and kicked a rock "what's wrong?" He asked and she replied "I wish Amon hadn't done that now the seasons off" and sat down next to him, he opened his eyes and said " if he did that at one of my concerts he'd be dead" Korra laughed and said "what you're some kind of singer?" Shawn replied "yeah I am" she asked "ok then sing something".

Shawn sang "hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah" holding the last word a little longer in a rising falling tone but matching the others in a harmonious tone few could replicate or even come close to match. Korra said "wow you have a great voice" Shawn smiled and said "thank you" she asked " so was that one of your songs?" Shawn replied "no it was someone else's I do have my own though" Korra said "well sing one then" Shawn thought of one and sang.

"You'll never be alone when you miss me close your eyes I may be far but never gone" then stopped and said "sorry I don't want to spoil it" Korra crossed her arms and frowned and said "come on it was good". Then she got up and left and Shawn shut his eyes and concentrated on the strong power of the force that radiated from the planet and felt something that wasn't old yet was light at the same time coming from somewhere, he got up and went to find Tenzin.

"I've found something here" he said and Tenzin asked "what is it you found? Shawn replied "I sensed a light presence in a way are there any strange objects that've fallen from space around here?" Tenzin said "as a matter of fact there are wait here" and walked inside, a minute later Tenzin returned with a blue colored cube that radiated with the force and said "sixteen years ago I found this in the southern air temple it felt unique so I took it hoping to find out what it is  and haven't been able to open it" and handed it to Shawn. He looked at it and realized it was a holocron and said "it's stores information but only force users can open them",

He levitated it in the air and moved the small gears until it opened and it was a hologram of a man wearing a Jedi uniform "this is master Obi Wan Kenobi  I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place" then it scrambled and ended, Shawn put the pieces back together and said "looks like it was cut out at some point" Tenzin looked intrigued and said "hm I've never seen anything like it perhaps it was a warning of some kind".
