It's Time For The Truth

At Western View Junior High,

Tony was putting his things in his lockers, He also grabbed his mask and put it in his bag when nobody wasn't looking. Tony takes a quick in the mirror and saw his messed up face. He can't believe his house got burned down and his parents are in a coma.

Tony: (sight) What am I going to do?

When Tony closes his lockers and picks up his stuff. Violet felt sorry for Tony and walks towards him, Tony closes his locker and saw Violet. Violet was surprised and drops her book, covering her mouth.

Tony: Oh, Violet......Hi.......Uh, this isn't what you think it is.

Violet: A Demon Goblin creature Tony, are you kidding me? What were you thinking?

Tony: I'm thinking I'm busy right now and you're mad me for some reason.

Violet: Busy doing what?

Tony: After school, busy hunting down the Goblin creature that burned my house, put my mom and dad in a coma, and destroyed the place I work. Goblin's going to hunt me down no matter what. This is my fight Violet, he started and I have to finish it, even if I don't want to.

Tony kisses Violet on the lips and cheeks, he also hugs her.

Tony: And I really don't want to.

Tony walks away and Violet was disappointed. Violet walks in the opposite direction.

Violet: careful.

Parr Residence, Midnight

Helen was in his robe and went downstairs for milk. He saw Tony on the couch and was looking at a picture of his parents and his mask. She walks towards him and sit next to him.

Helen: Hey, Sorry for what happened to your house and your parents.

Tony: It's fine, I'm not vengeful, It's just I decided to never rest until I find out who Goblin is and stop him. Besides I have to fight him eventually, because he's hunting me down.

Helen: Well, The only way you're going to focus on Goblin, You need rest. But I know you can stop him. Also I'm not the only one who wants to talk to you.

Helen goes upstairs and Tony felt a something against his lips. Violet becomes visible and she was kissing Tony. She lays down on Tony's shoulder.

Violet: I know you can do it Tony (kisses Tony's lips).


Spider-Kid wall crawls all the way to the top of The DevTech building. He sneaks past the security system and crawls into the air vent. He heard voices below and looks into another vent and saw Winston Devor and a scientist, they walk their way to the lab and Spider-Kid follows them, but he prefers to stay out of sight, He follows them by crawling through the vent tunnel.

Spider-Kid: What are you doing Devor?

Spider-Kid jumps out of the vent and sticks on the wall, He saw Winston and the scientists go into a lab. Spider-Kid sprints through the door and quickly jumps to the ceiling. Winston grabs a red vile and gives to the scientists.

Winston: You sure......this is it?

Scientists: Precisely, That is the cure.

Winston: Great, I just need to give this to Spider-Kid, Since he's the one who can stop Goblin.

Spider-Kid: I was just thinking  the same thing, Devor.

Winston tosses the vile to Spider-Kid and they both leave the lab, Except in different direction.

Spider-Kid: Alright, Starting tomorrow, I just need Goblin to come to me or If I see him causing trouble, he's going down.
