Spider-Kid Vs Demon Goblin

The robot was defeated and everybody looks at Spider-Kid and took pictures. Winston runs towards Spider-Kid and shook his hands.

Winston Devor: So Spider-Kid, How does it feel to be a young superhero without any adult to mentor you?

Spider-Kid: Uhh..... (superhero voice) It feels super and how I took down that giant robot proves it.

Everybody cheers and appreciates Spider-Kid for he done. Spider-Kid's spider-sense starts tingling, He located the danger and saves Devor from a giant fireball. Everybody looks up and saw The Demon Goblin and Spider-Kid got Winston in the limo and The Demon Goblin chases it, But Spider-Kid uses web to catch Goblin by the left leg. Goblin swings Spider-Kid into the ground. Goblin blows fireballs and fire grenades at the limo, Spider-Kid grabs one the grenades and slams it back into Goblins face. Goblin hits Spider-Kid with his tail and punches him the stomach. Goblin grabs Spider-Kid and throws him into a wall. Goblin continues to chase Devors limo, Spider-Kid chases Goblin, touches him in the back with Venom Blast and stuns him. Goblin falls to the ground and hit the pavement. Spider-Kid was glad that Winston Devor was out of harms way. Goblin was furious that Spider-Kid helped Devor escape.

Goblin: You allowed Devor to escape, Now You Will Suffer My Wrath!

Spider-Kid tries to escape Goblin, But Goblin shoots fire out of his eyes, But Spider-Kid dodges and turns invisible, Goblin can smell Spider-Kid even when he's invisible. Spider-Kid lays 20 punches and 10 athletic kicks, Goblin lays 12 punches in Spider-Kid's face and stomach, Goblin crushes Spider-Kid under his foot. Thanks to his enhanced strength and reflexes, He was able to lift Goblins foot and escape it, Spider-Kid lays 14 Venom Blast punches and they all stuns Goblin. Spider-Kid websling shot himself into the air and out of Goblin's sight.

Goblin: SPIDER-KID!!!!!!

On Top of a building

Tony takes off his mask and reveals his face. His face had a big bruise on his cheek, a bloody lip, a bruise on his nose and a big black eye.

Tony: What am I doing? I tried to be a hero and yet.....I get my butt kicked.......This is going to shock My parents, My girlfriend and her family.
