Spider Vs Demon

It was time for the final, Spider-Kid and Demon Goblin already started, Spider-Kid avoids and dodge all of his attacks.

Spider-Kid: Why are you doing this, What did Devor ever do to you?

Goblin: He ruined my life, Did this to ME!!!!!

Spider-Kid: (thinks) I got to get him away from the people.

Spider-Kid swings away from Goblin and Goblin chases shooting fireballs. Spider-Kid shoots web balls at Goblin while swinging. Goblin picks up an entire building and throws it, Spider-Kid and dodge it, but Goblin punches Spider-Kid and throws him to another building window. Spider-Kid recovers and Venom Blast punches Goblin in the face two times, Goblin fire breathes all over the city.

Spider-Kid: Devor has nothing to do with it, Devor was trying to cure your disease he didn't know this is going to happen!

Goblin: You're too young to understand! when I'm threw killing you, I'll kill Devor.

Spider-Kid: But Devor got it right this time, if you just calm down I can give you the cure and nobody is killing anybody.

Goblin: Never, You can't cure me, I'll never let go what Devor did to me!!!!!

Spider-Kid shoots web balls at Goblin's eyes, Goblin throws giant pumpkin bombs and fire balls at Spider-Kid. But he dodge every single one of them.

Spider-Kid: LET ME CURE YOU!!!

Goblin: NEVER!!!!!

Spider-Kid web swing and kicks Goblin in the face, Spider-Kid and Demon Goblin threw punches at each other. Spider-Kid turns invisible and sneaks away from Goblin's sight.

Goblin: Come out little Spider! YOU can't hide for ever!

Spider-Kid slingshot kick Goblin's chest and sends him down to the ground. He drops down on Goblin's stomach and eject half of the cure in him, Goblin recovers.

Goblin: No, I can feel my humanity recovery. What have you done!!!!

Goblin flies away, Spider-Kid chases him.

Spider-Kid: You can't escape from me!!!

Goblin turns around, grabs Spider-Kid, spine blasted him and throws him to a police car, leaving a damage on the door. Goblin was about to smash Spider-Kid, But was stopped  by a Force Field, it was Violet in her suit and mask. Goblin beats on the force field and then starts cruising it, Violet screams in pain trying hold it up. Tony takes off his mask and looks at Violet with confidence and Violet looks at him back, They look into each other's eye's, Goblin ruined the moment by breaking the force field and made Violet falls unconscious.

Tony: Violet!

Tony takes Violet and swings her away from the fight, He places his hand on Violet's face, She wakes up and holds onto his hand, They leand in and kiss each other, Tony noticed that Goblin flies away. Tony picks up a rose and gives it to her and swings off. He put his mask back on and webs up Goblin's wings. Spider-Kid lays 2 uppercuts, rapidly 50 punches, 50 kicks. Spider-Kid uses his web lines to sling Goblin around, back flip kicks him. He finish him off by a hard fist to the face. Tony takes off his mask and ejects the cure into Goblin's body, changing him back into Brandon Draxum. Tony webs up Brandon into a cacoon and swings away out of the before somebody sees him.
