Chapter 28

Notch's Point of View

Notch, Jeb, and Steven had been walking for a whole day. Finally, Ruth's hut came into view.

After Steven had destroyed Herobrine by throwing the potion at him, the three of them had hightailed it out of the burning building. It collapsed right when they got out.

All of HiddenBlock had been destroyed. Only rubble remained. There were no survivors in that town.

Notch, Jeb, and Steven had decided to walk back to Ruth's hut. Hopefully it hadn't been destroyed.

Steven had said he figured at least some of Minecraftia was probably untouched. They would just have to find it.

As they walked, Notch had a good chance to reflect on everything that had happened in just a few days.

Mostly, the things made him angry.

Especially Genny's death. She had only sacrificed herself because she believed it would save the world. If Herobrine hadn't existed, Genny would still be here.

Notch knew he would never get over Genny's death. He just hoped it wouldn't turn him against everyone.

Anyway, Notch, Jeb, and Steven walked up to Ruth's hut. Jeb knocked on the door.

After a few minutes of shuffling from inside, the door opened, seemingly by itself. Then Notch looked down, and realized little Madge had opened it. She looked at the three bloody and battle-worn men, then walked away and sat in a chair.

Jeb walked inside, followed by Steven, and lastly, Notch. It looked the same as it had before. Kylee's baby was sleeping in a crib, which looked new.

Ruth was in the kitchen, stirring some kind of liquid in a huge pot. It looked like some new potion.

"Welcome back. Herobrine has been destroyed, I take it?" Ruth asked casually.

"Yes," Steven replied.

Ruth looked at the closed door then to the three men in confusion. "Kylee?" she asked quietly.

Jeb shook his head sadly.

Ruth closed her eyes. Then she opened them again. "And Ash? Genny? Lourd?"

"Dead," Notch answered.

"Well at least Herobrine has been destroyed. May he never come back again," Ruth said.

"Is it possible for him to come back?" Steven asked curiously.

Ruth hesitated. "Yes. But only if someone allows him to do so. Something very complicated must be done, so I think the world is safe from him."

Steven nodded, then sat down in a chair. Jeb and Notch followed suit.

"What's in the pot?" Jeb asked Ruth.

"After Kylee left to help you guys, I had a vision. This baby here will become very important in about fifty years," Ruth explained.

"And?" Jeb asked.

"Well, she must be young enough to be agile in those fifty years. So I came up with this. A de-aging potion," Ruth said.

"So you're going to feed the baby de-aging potions for fifty years?" Steven asked.

"No, because then she will only be a baby in fifty years, and not be able to help. So, I will feed her de-aging potions for thirty two years. That way, she will be eighteen in fifty years," Ruth explained.

Jeb nodded. There was silence for awhile, until the baby started crying. Madge ran over to the crib and picked her up, patting her on the back and soothing her. Madge was good at this.

"What are you going to do now?" Ruth asked the three men.

"We don't know. Do you know if New Block City is okay?" Jeb asked.

Ruth shook her head. "Destroyed. As was most of the world. This hut seems to be in the corner of what wasn't destroyed."

Notch felt like a hand squeezed his heart. New Block City had been destroyed. His parents lived there.

His parents were dead.

And so was Genny.

And Lourd and Kylee and Ash and Ore and Emma and Wolfe.

And millions of other Minecraftians.

Ruth waved her hand in the air, and a map showed up. Notch recognized it as a map of Minecraftia.

"This is what Minecraftia used to look like," Ruth said, gesturing to the map. She waved her hand again.

The map changed. The borders of the country and a little further in from the borders turned a dark shade of gray. Only a relatively small square of Minecraftia stayed the same. It was an exact square.

"This square is all that is left. It is about 35000 by 35000 blocks wide. There are a few towns and villages in this area, but not many," Ruth explained. "All the gray area has been destroyed. The land is still there, but everything is dead."

"Can we go to the live square?" Jeb asked.

"You're already in it," Ruth replied. She pointed to the lower right corner of the square of alive land. "This hut is in this area. We are lucky to be alive."

Jeb nodded. "Is the government still functioning? Have they elected a new president?"

Ruth shook her head sadly. "Unfortunately, all government buildings and people have been destroyed. There are no leaders left in the world."

"No leaders? Minecraftia can't survive without leaders," Steven muttered.

"Your battle with Herobrine was somehow caught on camera," Ruth said. "It was put on the news. All of the surviving world knows you three destroyed Herobrine."

"What're you saying?" Jeb asked.

Ruth looked at him. Before she could respond, though, Notch spoke up.

"She's saying we need to become the leaders of Minecraftia. We need to become the heroes they need," Notch said.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Steven asked.

"I don't know. But there's gotta be some way," Notch replied.

"We can make a broadcast asking for volunteers to help build a headquarters and be workers for the government," Ruth suggested. "The three of you will be the presidents, obviously."

"I don't think I want to do this," Steven said. "You two, feel free, but I'm not interested in leading the world. I can help build, but I'm not helping run the place."

"I understand," Notch replied. "Jeb, you in?"

Jeb hesitated.

"Yeah," he finally said. "Where should we build the headquarters?"

Notch looked at the map, still floating in the air.

"Right there."

He pointed to the exact center of the square.



I have decided there will be two more chapters, plus an epilogue. Woot woot.

I'm going to see the new Star Wars this Thursday at 10pm. Woohoo!

And I still have school the next day.

But ya know, whatevs.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

