Chapter 22

Notch's Point of View

Notch, Genny, and Mac--Lourd walked towards the building with the dark clouds over it. Notch could tell everyone was terrified to thinking about it what could happen in there.

Even so, Notch still couldn't get over the fact that Genny kissed him. And now, they were holding hands! Notch's dream finally came true.

During what could be the end of the world.

Notch's arms still hurt from holding the train cars together. Genny had helped him as much as she could, but Notch was pretty sure he had torn a lot of muscles in his arms. That wasn't good, since he might have to go fight Herobrine.

Good thing they had Mace--Lourd--with them.

Anyway, Genny and Notch continued holding hands as they walked to what could be their doom. It kinda hurt his torn muscles just to hold hands with Genny, but he endured the pain.

Finally, the three of them reached the Town Hall. It was a pretty large building--but only one floor--and it was made of smooth sandstone and spruce wood and lots of other things. The dark clouds hovered right over the place.

"I guess we should go inside," Notch suggested.

"I'm scared," Genny whispered. Genny never admitted it when she was afraid.

"It'll be alright, guys," Lourd reassured them. "Let's just go inside, and see what happens."

The three of them walked inside.

Notch spotted Herobrine right away. He was sitting on a throne that wasn't usually there. The evil monster must have made it himself.

There was a huge crack in the floor between Herobrine and the three of them. It was kinda like a small ravine. Far below, down in the crack, there was lava.

There was also an enchanting table near the throne, on Herobrine's side of the crack. It had a slot on top of it, instead of a book. It looked important somehow.

Herobrine stood up when they entered, grinning like a madman. He walked to his side of the abyss; Notch, Genny, and Lourd walked to the opposite side.

"Glad you could make it," Herobrine started, as if they were having lunch together. In a way, Notch kind of admired the way Herobrine could stay casual at times like this.

"What do you want from us, Herobrine?" Lourd asked.

"Me? What do I want from you? I think the real question is: what do you want from me?" Herobrine countered.

"We want you to stop murdering innocent people," Lourd replied, stone-faced.

"Well, I did say I would stop if you little rebels showed up, did I not?" Herobrine asked.

"And we're here," Lourd said. "So don't destroy the world."

"Well, one of you seems to be missing," Herobrine replied. "But I'll let it slide. If one of you jumps into this ravine."

There were a few moments of silence. Herobrine wanted one of them to kill themselves? Why? Notch put his arm around Genny protectively.

Mace stepped forward a little bit. "I'll do it, guys."

"Mace..." Notch trailed off.

"Lourd," he snapped. "It's okay. I'll do it."

Notch didn't want him to, but he certainly didn't want Genny to instead. And Notch sure as the Nether wasn't going to. So, Lourd was the best choice.

"If I jump in, will you stop killing people?" Lourd asked Herobrine.

"Of course," Herobrine replied with sincerity. Notch knew it was probably fake. Lourd killing himself would probably do nothing. Was it worth a shot?

"Herobrine. Swear you won't kill anyone else if I jump in?" Lourd asked.

Where was Jeb with that potion? Notch wondered. Now would be a good time to kill Herobrine.

Herobrine smiled. "I swear."

Lourd didn't seem satisfied. Notch definitely wasn't. But, it was worth a shot.

Lourd looked back at Notch and Genny. "Good luck," he said.

"You too," Notch replied, almost choking on the words.

Lourd stepped forward again, so he was on the edge of the ravine. He took a deep breath.

Notch felt Genny tense in his arms. Suddenly, she turned and kissed Notch on the lips, hard, but only for a few seconds. "I love you," she whispered. Then, Genny broke out of Notch's arms and started running.

"GENNY NO!" Notch screamed, not quick enough to do anything.

Genny jumped into the abyss.

Lourd and Notch gaped as Genny fell down, down, down, into the lava.

Herobrine smiled. "Thank you for your contribution. Now, my doomsday device is complete."

"What?!" Notch and Lourd asked together.

"I just needed someone to jump down there in order for the world to be destroyed," Herobrine explained. "And golly gee, looks like Genny did that for me. Thanks, Genny."

Notch growled. "You LIAR!"

"I know I'm a liar. But there's nothing you can do about it," Herobrine replied. "Time to destroy the world."

Suddenly, Notch heard the door bang open and shut behind them. Everyone turned to look.

It was Jeb.

"Did-did I miss the party?" Jeb asked. Notch could tell he was trying to bring his usual easy-going nature, but it wasn't really working for anyone.

"No, no, you're just in time," Herobrine said. He grinned as Jeb walked over to Notch and Lourd. Ash wasn't with him, obviously, but neither was Steven. Where was Herobrine's brother?

"Now, when I place an Ender pearl into this slot here on the enchanting table, meteors will start showering Minecraftia, monsters will attack everyone, and the whole world will be in turmoil, basically," Herobrine explained. "It will take at least an hour to completely destroy the world, since it will be destroying it in sections. If the Ender pearl is removed from the slot, the world destroying process will be stopped."

"Thanks for telling us the weakness!" Jeb half-shouted.

"Oh, I could tell you the weakness, because there's no way you're getting to the pearl," Herobrine replied. "Because they will stop you."

He snapped his fingers, and three figures rose out of the lava abyss. Three very familiar figures.




And they all had glowing white eyes.

They landed on Notch, Lourd, and Jeb's side of the ravine.

"Attack," Herobrine ordered, as he placed the Ender pearl into the slot.


Oh, no.

Of course, if you read "A Minecraft Story", you should kinda know how this story turns out.

This book is almost finished!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

