Author's Note 1

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the book so far!

Anyway, I made this author's note so I can tell you that I won't be updating at all this week. :'(

I'm in the tech crew for my high school's play, and we have to stay after late every day this week.

Sorry for the wait. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 8 of "The Great War" (it's not completed yet):

"Who's that weird guy anyway?" Kylee asked.

"We think his name is Herobrine," Jeb replied. "But we have no idea what his intentions are."

"Herobrine...where have I heard that before?" Kylee asked, more to herself than to Jeb.

Jeb sat up. "You know about Herobrine?" he asked.

Kylee seemed in deep thought. After about twenty seconds, she said, "Oh yeah! I know where I heard it!"

"Really? Where?" Jeb asked eagerly.

"My friend Ruth told me about him. She said he came to her house one day and spilled a potion on himself or something...I don't really remember," Kylee explained.

"Where does Ruth live?" Jeb asked.

"Out in the swamp down by Mineville," Kylee answered.

"Mineville..." Jeb tried to remember his geography. "Ugh. That's far away isn't it?"

Kylee smiled knowingly. "No. Only an hour's train ride away. Did you pass geography in high school?"

"Barely," Jeb replied sheepishly.

"Well anyway, I can take you there," Kylee offered.

"Thanks. First I gotta tell my friends though," Jeb said. "I wonder where they are now..."

Chapter 8 will be up next Monday, 9/28/15!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote comment, and follow!


Update 2/27/16: This author's note is no longer accurate. Keep reading!
