Chapter 7

Notch's Point of View

Notch jumped away from an exploding Creeper. These monsters were everywhere.

Notch had been pushed back to 3rd Street, which wasn't next to 2nd Street. It was on the opposite side of Main Street that 2nd Street was on.

He hit a Skeleton multiple times with his sword, killing it. He then swiftly turned around and killed a small Slime in one blow.

A Spider leapt down from on top of a small building, aiming at Notch. Suddenly, Genny appeared out of nowhere and killed the Spider.

"Got your back," Genny said. Notch smiled.

Other than Genny, Notch had no idea where the others were. They could be anywhere by now. The monsters had spread out to the entire city.

Notch and Genny fought side by side, killing every monster in sight.

Spider. Zombie. Creeper. Skeleton. Zombie. Spider. Enderman. Zombie. Creeper. Slime. Spider. Skeleton. Enderman.

Notch didn't know how long they spent killing endless lines of monsters. It felt like forever.

After awhile, Notch noticed something.

"The monsters are leaving!" Genny shouted before Notch could say it.

It was true. The monsters were still attacking everything in sight, but they were noticeably heading back to Central Park, where they had first entered.

Notch stabbed another Slime. "Should we just let them leave?" he asked Genny.

Genny dodged an arrow from a Skeleton. "I guess we should. I'm exhausted from all this fighting."

Notch and Genny stopped killing monsters, and the monsters left them alone. They continued to retreat towards Central Park.

"Why do you think Herobrine attacked New Block City?" Notch asked Genny.

She shrugged. "I have no idea. Come on, let's see if we can find the others. Maybe they learned something."

Notch and Genny started walking down B Street, which intersected all the numbered streets. It would take them to Main Street.

Halfway to Main Street, they found Ore, with ten terrified citizens hiding behind him. They were near a half-destroyed building.

"Oh hey guys," Ore greeted. He seemed out of breath. "How'd your monster hunting go?"

"Great," Notch answered sarcastically. "Do you know why Herobrine attacked New Block City?"

Ore shook his head. "I was hoping you guys knew." He turned to the people behind him. "Do any of you guys know why Herobrine attacked this place?"

They all shook their heads, still terrified.

"Alright. I'm gonna go with my friends. You guys are safe now," Ore said to the citizens. Then he turned to Notch and Genny. "Let's go find the others."

The three of them made it to Main Street. By now, all the monsters were in Central Park, leaving in an orderly fashion.

Notch looked around. "I don't see Mace, Jeb, or Ash anywhere," he pointed out.

Suddenly, they heard a door open behind them. The three of them turned around.

Ash walked out of an apartment building. He had dust all over his shoulders.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Oh my god, your leg!" Genny shouted. Notch looked at Ash's leg.

There was a big gash just below his knee. It looked like blood had been pouring out of it before, but now most of the blood was dried.

Ash smiled grimly. "It's fine. Really, it is."

"We have to get you to a doctor!" Genny exclaimed. She always got worried about her friends' safety.

"Hey, guys, why do you think Herobrine attacked New Block?" Ash asked, ignoring Genny.

"We were gonna ask you that," Notch muttered.

Ash's face fell. "Well. Maybe Mace or Jeb learned something. If they're still alive."

They continued walking down Main Street, towards the Quartz House. "Do you think Herobrine wanted to kill Wolfe?" Ore asked suddenly.

"Maybe," Notch replied. "It did seem like they were going towards the Quartz House."

"That can't be good," Ash said.

Suddenly, Mace burst out of the Quartz House. He and a guard were carrying someone between them.


"Oh my god!" Genny shouted, and she ran over to them. Notch, Ore, and Ash followed.

Emma had blood all over her arm. She looked unconscious.

"Are there any doctors here?!" Mace yelled to the few people still on the streets. They all either ignored him or shook their heads.

"We have to get her to the hospital!" Genny exclaimed.

"It's probably jam-packed with people," Ash pointed out.

"It's still worth a shot," Mace snapped.

The five friends carried Emma to the hospital on 5th Street. The guard had decided to leave, mumbling something about checking on his family.

"Where's Jeb?" Ore asked as they walked.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter right now," Mace replied. He seemed very worried about Emma.

They finally made it to the hospital. Well, outside the hospital.

There was a very long line of people coming out of the hospital. They had all been wounded from the monster attacks.

"We're never gonna get her in there in time!" Mace exclaimed.

"We're just gonna have to wait," Notch said. "Is there anything we can do to help her until we get in there?"

"We could tie something around her arm to stop the bleeding," Ore suggested.

"Good idea," Mace said. "Ash, give me your hoodie."

"What? No," Ash replied, hugging his hoodie to himself.

Everyone gave Ash a look. Finally, he gave in. He took his hoodie off and handed it to Mace reluctantly.

Mace started tying the hoodie around Emma's arm. Notch could tell he was being as gentle as he could.

The line still hadn't moved. The people outside were beginning to get impatient, including Mace.

Notch looked around, and he noticed Ash's arm. Ash always wore the hoodie, so Notch never saw Ash's bare arms.

There were scars along his right arm.

Notch sincerely hoped they were from the battle, but they seemed older. He decided not to mention it in front of everybody.

They waited and waited.

Emma's condition hadn't changed. Mace knelt down next to her the whole time. Genny, Ore, Ash, and Notch just stood there, unsure of what to say.

The line moved about an inch.

"Guys. I forgot to tell you. While I was in the Quartz House..." Mace trailed off.

"What? What happened?" Notch asked.

"Herobrine got President Wolfe."


Heh heh I have no idea where I'm going with this book.

Oh well. I'll figure it out.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

