Chapter Fifteen - Mornings

Chapter Fifteen – Mornings.

“Rose Greebe...” Martin sighed. “What will we do about her?”

“Is that the reason you woke me up this early and got me here?” Marvin rolled his eyes.

“We have to do something about her.”

“We have no use of her anymore. The headquarters was a good idea, yes. But it's been a month since she had a good idea. I think we can let her go now.” Marvin answered.

Martin nodded, “We should ask 'the boss' first. Maybe he has other plans. Remember what happened last time in Budapest.”

Marvin rolled his eyes “You don't have to remind me.”

“Well it was your fault.” Martin grinned.

“Whatever.. I'm calling him now.” Marvin got off his seat and walked outside of the meeting room they were at.

Martin sat down on the seat that just emptied, and he waited.

His brothers phone call didn't take long.

“Well, he told us we can 'off her' anytime.” Marvin smiled. “And then all work will be done. We are just going to sit back, relax and, well... Enjoy this new world. Our world.”

“What about Blue Edge, and the Greebe's? They are still planning stuff.”

“Oh, I think the company won't be a problem much longer.” Marvin's smile quickly turned to a grin.

“Good morning Mae.” Jessica smiled warmly, when she noticed Mae walk in to the kitchen. She had prepared breakfast, for her and Mae.

“Not that I am complaining or anything but you really don't have to prepare breakfast every morning.” Mae looked at the set table, her plate had two strips of bacon along side with scrambled eggs. Some sliced tomatoes and cucumbers was in a different plate in the middle. Three different kinds of Jams on their own bowls, one Cherry, one Strawberry and one peach.

The ringing sound came from the toaster, notifying that the breads are ready.

“Oh, it's the least I can do after you letting me move in.” Jessica answered, grabbing a basket and carefully picking the warm breads and putting them in it.

“Come on, it's my brothers house.” Mae smiled, the smell of warm breads made her notice how hungry she was.

“You are out of oranges by the way, so... No orange juice. But we got coffee.” Jessica placed the basket on the table then reached for the coffee. “Oh, you sit down.” she told Mae, after noticing her watching Jessica blankly.

Mae did what she was told, and looked at her plate while Jess poured the coffee to the mugs.

“So what's the plan today?” Jess asked, sitting down.

Mae shrugged “Like always, I guess.” she grabbed the fork and began to eat from her plate.

Jess sighed, knowing what 'like always' meant. “I'm sick of not being able to do anything. We should be able to do something from the outside!”

“I know... But my father said not to mess with it outside. He trusts Rose.”

“And you don't?” Jess raised an eyebrow.

Mae shook her head, taking a slice of tomato.

“How about inside? I still have unlimited access don't I?” Jessica also took a slice of tomato, eating it with a bit of her eggs.

“What's the point? I don't even know what we are trying to do! I mean fine, we are trying to get to the source and be the ones who control this, program. Or, I don't know... Shut it down? If you ask me, the whole idea was stupid from the start!”

The rest of the meal was silent.

Colin rose from his bed, letting out a loud groan while stretching his arms.

His walls were covered with drawings made by him, characters from his favorite comics, his own heroes, places, designs. Everything he ever drew and kept was in his room.

He sighed and checked his phone for the clock. '10:23, too early.' He thought. He had no where to go to anyway. No job, except the part-time he found at a McDonalds.

When his twenty-third match of Fields of Chaos: Battle of the Rebellion, was over he heard a familiar beeping sound come from his phone. And it repeated itself. That was his ringtone. He picked his phone to see the caller ID.

'Private number?' he sighed 'Just great.'

“Hello?” he asked, answering the phone.

“It's time Mister Seer.” a rough, cold voice came from the phone. “The package will be at your door any minute now. Your ID is in it too. Use the employee entrance. There is also a map of the floor. You should leave the package there, after turning it on. You will have two hours, so no need to run. But try to keep the package hidden if you can.”

“I underst-” Colin got interrupted by his doorbell. Then the caller hung up.

When he arrived the door there was only a black backpack, with a Blue Edge Employee ID on it. It did have Colin's face but the name was different.

'James Black? Really? So... This guy is a potterhead. Good to know.' he opened the bag and took out the map to see where he had to drop the bag. 'First floor. Easy.'

Under the map was the package, a bomb.

Don't worry no one will die.” the same caller had said the first time he called Colin.

After a week of getting fired, Colin was furious and was willing to do anything to destroy Blue Edge.

I'll make sure of it. I will just get rid of the building.” he continued. “You will be rewarded when the job is done.”

He hung up when he finished.

Colin spend weeks wondering who this guy was. After a month or so, he started to think it was just a joke. Slowly he began to forget the call.

“Who is it?!” the tired voice of Colin's roommate came from his room.

“It is for me!” Colin rolled his eyes, picking the bag. He got back inside and closed the door.

Loud knocking at Nate's door woke him up. “Son! Wake up! You got work to do!”

When Nate got in to fresh clothes, he went downstairs to meet his father. “Well?” he asked, when he saw Robert sitting on the sofa watching the news. The TV was on mute though.

“Good morning to you too.” Robert answered.

“Good morning.” Nate sighed. Attempting to sit down next to his father.

“You haven't prepared breakfast.” Robert pushed him off in mid air.

“I thought you had butlers who do that?”

“It's Friday! I mean come on! How heartless can you be? They are also human. Even though they are just part of a computer program. Well, I am also one.” Robert looked up at Nate who was looking blankly at him. “Well, what are you waiting?”

'This is fucking ridiculous.' Nate thought, but he started to walk to the kitchen.

“Oi! Watch your mouth!” Robert yelled from the sofa.

“I didn't say anything!” 'Forgot he could read thoughts.'


It has been a month since the last chapter. (And also since last I updated... O_O Sorry!) So basically there were four short parts here.

Two of them, not that really important, but might effect next chapters.

The other two will definitively effect the next one or two chapters. So, stay tuned.

I hope to update sooner.

I'm really sorry.



I love you lots and lots!

Iamfromwinterfell, out! 
