Chapter One - Two Months [Edited 1]

AN: All characters appear in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, are purely coincidental.  

© 2012 by Alex A. Ratiu (Iamfromwinterfell)

Contact: [email protected]

 All rights reserved.

Also, you'll come accross titles with [Edited x] that is just a personal note to myself so I know which ones I should start editing first.

Chapter One – Two Months

“Good morning everyone.” Nate Greebe, a tall, middle-aged man with black hair and brown eyes wearing a black suit, greeted everyone at the meeting room of the “Blue Edge Gaming” headquarters. He waited for everyone to sit down before he started. He had a pleasant smile on his face; he looked at all of the future employees of the company. All of them seemed very young. “First, welcome to Blue Edge...” he looked at his assistant, Claire; she was looking at the people sitting around the table, her arms wrapped around a notepad. The sunlight coming from the wide windows of the room shined on her blue hair. He looked back at the future employees.

This was his first time greeting the new employees. It was his father’s job before him. His father, the founder of the company, died, leaving Nate in charge. Two months has passed since his death and now Nate was handling the company well. He used to join all of his father’s meetings, so he pretty much knew what to do, but he still was nervous.

“I am Nate. My father, Robert Greebe, is the founder of this company and after his death it is my job to carry on the company,” he told the young faces looking at him, his smile slowly fading. “Here at Blue Edge we try to be like a big family and it's great to see new faces join our family. So, the person on my right introduce yourself and then the one next to him do the same and, let's know each other a little bit.” he smiled and sat down on the big black leather chair at the end of the table.

The first person on the right got to his feet smiling nervously “Hi, um... I'm Bill.” he started, his forehead started to sweat. His round glasses made his brown eyes look huge and his brown hair was cut military style. “Bill Connors, I'm from New York. Um... I grew up playing Blue Edge games like “Black Island”. Actually, I think, it was the first game I played and since then I wanted to work on this company.” He sat down wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

The kid next to him got up, he was more confident, he had dark skin, that made his eyes shine. “Hello, everyone.” He said calmly. He had no accent, not that Nate could notice. “My name is Ted. I am from Johannesburg, well, my family moved to America when I was two, but still. I wanted to be a game designer after I wrote one of the fan story-lines for the game “Shine”.” He smiled and sat down.

The person next to Ted was the only girl to join this month, she got up and smiled looking down “I'm Jane.” she had long black hair going down straightly, it was hard for Nate to see her face because she was looking down. “I got here with my best friend Derek.” she nodded at the blonde haired boy at her right “We grew up together, we wrote our own scripts and made short animations together, and we hope to join to the graphics section of the company, and game designing.” she got back to her seat.

Derek got on his feet; after he was done it was the turn of a kid named Jordan, then Mike, Jack, Lee, Tim, Ronald...

“Claire will escort you to where you will work,” Nate finished the meeting, when everyone was done introducing themselves and asking their questions “and, again, welcome to the Blue Edge Family.”

Everyone slowly left the room after Claire. Everyone except Nate. He was still sitting on his chair staring at the empty room, smiling. After sometime he got to his feet and left the room, entering the main corridor of the second floor. The headquarters had seven floors and his office was at the seventh. The corridor, like every other corridor at every other floor, had lots of doors at the sides, most of them meeting rooms and the rest was the legal department. The corridor, again, like others, had lots of posters of the Blue Edge games. Almost all of them were Nate's father’s ideas; he was a man with great imagination. Nate arrived at the elevators and pressed the button to go up.

Claire greeted him when he arrived on the seventh floor. “Oh, hello sir.” She smiled sweetly.

“Sir?” Nate grinned. “I told you not to call me that anymore.”

“We are at work.” she whispered, blushing slightly.

“Well, who will fire you? Me? I don't think so.”

She gave him a peck on his lips. “Now go to your office, there are two men who want to talk to you.”

“Who?” Nate asked his grin fading.

“I don't know, it's something about your father.” she shrugged. “They didn't tell me much. Now, go! They are waiting.”

“Oi! I'm the boss here!”

“Yeah, sorry I am the boss in some other place.” she winked at him and grabbed his shoulder, dragging him to his office. She opened the door pushing him inside then shutting the door.

Nate stood there for a second then noticed the two men look at him; they both looked the same, half bald black hair, fat faces, pencil mustache, thick eyebrows and very large body covered in tight suits. Nate's guess was they were twins. “Hello, sorry if I made you wait.” he greeted them, shaking their hands.

“Oh, it's okay.” the one on the left responded “I am Marvin, and this is my twin brother Martin.” he nodded at the other one “We were close friends of your father you know,” he continued as Nate walked to his chair and sat down, the twins did the same. “We are deeply sorry that we couldn't be at the funeral. But we were doing what he told us to do.”

Martin nodded, “Yes, we still are.” he looked at his twin.

“Oh, yes.” Marvin looked down at his black leather bag and pulled it up reaching in to it, “Where is it? Hmm... Yes... There we go.” he pulled out a black file and put it on Nate's desk. “Oh and...” he reached in to his bag yet again, this time pulling out a USB hard-drive at the size of a phone “This too, yes.”

Nate examined the file and the hard-drive before looking up at the twins “What are these?”

“This is what your father gave us...” told the twin on the left, Nate forgot which was which one he was.

“...He told us to keep it safe and secret...” the other twin continued, making his voice slightly mysterious.

“...He told us to give it to you two months after his death...” left one lowered his voice.

“...After you settled in to your new position...”

“...And yes, we practiced for this.” left one finished. The twins both started laughing at the slightly scared face of Nate.

“Sorry, sorry... This is the only fun part of our job you see. Anyway, Nate... Can I call you Nate? Of course I can... Nate, we got places to be and people to see.

We will see you later.” the twin on the right nodded with his head getting up, the one on the left also got up.

“Wait, so... You will come back? My father left something else?” Nate asked also getting up.

“Perhaps...” the one on the left answered, grinning “See you later, Mr. Greebe.”

“Yeah, see ya Nate.” the twins walked out the room; Nate sat down and looked at what the twins left at his desk. He grabbed the file and opened it.

”The Game” 

Designed by Robert Greebe the founder of Blue Edge gaming...

”Oh, dad... Always a show off.” Nate thought reading on the first page.

...For Nate Greebe, he who, I Hope, will turn this project into reality.

Look in to the hard-drive before you open this file.

That's the entire entire first page contained. Nate looked at the hard-drive, not sure if he should do it now. Not sure what he will find when he does open it. Possibly a game idea his father had. A game that is named “The Game” that's not really creative now, dad, is it?' Nate thought. But he called it a project. He sighed as he closed the file. Why did he want it that secretive? He had too many questions that he couldn't answer in his head. He turned on his computer, and plugged the hard-drive, opened it. There was only one file in it “the Game.”

He clicked on it and when he did, his screen went black. It was black for half a minute. Nate waited. Then, a white cursor blinked and it started to type.

’Password?” Nate stared at it, he had no clue what the password was.

He reached to the file again, trying to find a clue of what it might be.

“...For Nate Greebe, he who, I Hope, will turn this project in to reality.” he read out loud “'I Hope' why is it Bold? Come on dad you can't be that easy.” he shrugged and typed in 'hope'. The screen went black again and then suddenly it was bright white. Slowly the white faded, as it started to fade a figure of a man slowly started to appear.

He had short black hair with a goatee, it was Robert Greebe. 

“Hello Nate,” he started, he sounded sad but he was smiling, it was a sad smile. “I really hope it's you back there. Well, if you are watching this, that means I am dead. Well... That sucks.” he laughed sadly. “So... I believe you have lots of questions. I don't know if I will be able to answer them all but, I will explain what this 'Game' is to you. But first, you must understand, this is not just a game. This, if it succeeds, might change the world, make it a better place. You might ask me how a game can do that. But it is not really a game, no. I called it that, because for now, it must be hidden. You will understand as I continue...'


Hello readers, 

That's all for this chapter, let's make it a little mysterious, no? >:D

So this story is one I got three years ago, well it was different, with different characters and different story, but the main thing 'The Game' is pretty much the same.

Next Chapter is out! Go read it!!

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Fan, if you don't want to miss out next chapter!

Thanks for reading,

The following chapters are also dedicated to awesome people in wattpad, you should go check them out! 

Iamfromwinterfell, out!
