Chapter Seventeen - Change of Command

Chapter Seventeen – Change of Command

Rose sighed, looking at the same picture of her and Jake. The memories she had with him were already fading away.

She missed him. She wondered if what would happen if Jake never had that accident. If he was alive.

They would possibly still be together. Jake had promised that he would be with her.

Rose hugged Jake tightly when he got out of his car. “Please don't ever leave me again!”

He was gone trekking in Sweden with a group of his friends. Two weeks she waited. It was summer so she had nothing to do. Just sit in front of her computer, and talk to random strangers on Chatroulette.

He hugged her back and whispered “I won't. I promise. Next time, you'll come with me. Okay? I'll have to go again anyway. I couldn't think of anything else but you.” he smiled. “From now on, we'll be together forever. I promise.”

'But you didn't keep that promise...' Rose thought. She placed the picture back at it's place and got out of her bed. She was in bed the whole day.

As she changed she thought more about Jake.

Sorry about my friends they are idiots.” Jake laughed. Back at the botanic garden. “This place is awesome isn't it?!”

He looked around. Rose was too shy to answer so she just nodded.

I always come here. Specially when I am down. It kinda makes me happy again. I don't know why... Possibly the air. You know with oxygen and stuff...” he told her. “And, I see you come here too. All the time.” he looked down shyly “Maybe it's because of you.”

Rose blushed again. Her face must have been as red as a rose, from all that blushing. “It's possibly the oxygen.” Rose commented.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's you.” he smiled. “The names of these flowers are complicating though. But I kind of like them. It's Latin, and Latin is cool. ...I guess. It sounds so, scientific.” Like this one.

He looked at a red patch of flowers, on the ground. “Anemone Coronaria” he read the tag, there was a long description of the flower under the name. “See? It sounds cool. Sciency stuff... I guess.” he laughed awkwardly.

Y.. Yeah.” Rose laughed too.

So, um... My name is Jake.” Jake nodded.

I know.”

And you are Rose, right? We are at the same class, but.. I don't know if you ever noticed me. I mean, I am not like you. I don't... Can't, answer all the questions. So, you know...”

Rose smiled and nodded.

We should hangout sometime...” he said after some silence. “...Friday?”

Rose nodded, still smiling in excitement. “Friday.”

Friday it is! I'll pick you up... I know where your house is. Your father is awesome by the way. Okay... Bye!” saying all that quickly Jake ran off.

After getting ready with everything, Rose got out of her 'house' in the headquarters and went to the monitor room. It wasn't as full as it used to be now. Everyone worked inside the game, since they started a headquarters there.

“Rose! Hello!” Martin greeted her when she entered. He was alone this time. “Glad you joined us.”

“Where is your brother?” Rose asked, it was odd to see him alone.

“Oh, he went out to get some coffee.” Martin smiled, “Do you want some? I can call him.”

“No thanks.” Rose smiled and turned to look at the map. “Did you guys let that kid go? What was his name? Dick?”

“Derek. Yes, he is out...” Martin answered. “Rose, I need to tell you something.”

Rose turned back to Martin. “Yeah?” she raised an eyebrow.

“We have another boss.” Marvin answered, his voice was kind of sad.

Rose wasn't shocked by that, but she wondered why he would tell her that now.

“When my brother comes back, he will kill you.” Martin continued “You have to go...”

“I won't let him do that.” Rose answered, “And why are you telling me this? I mean, you are his brother.”

“Because I don't think you have to die for us to get the control. And at the end, for our boss.”

“Who is your boss?” Rose asked, she didn't plan leaving.

“If you go now, you might get the chance to see him someday. But you have to go.”

“I think I can easily beat a man like your brother.” Rose asked again “Who. Is. Your. Boss?”

“He is a professional killer, he will kill you.”

“With that body? I doubt it. Now answer my question.” she was getting mad.

“I don't know!” Martin sighed “It's my brother he contacts to, it's him who makes the plans. Please just go.”

“I am not leaving!” Rose raised her voice, crossing her arms.

Martin reached inside his jacket and pulled out a tiny revolver. “Then I'm going to kill you.”

“You can't shoot me!” Rose didn't move.

Martin raised an eyebrow “And why is that?”

“SECURITY!” Rose yelled, she tried not to look scared.

Greg and another security guard rushed in. They saw Martin and quickly grabbed their guns.

“Get him and his brother out of this building!” Rose commanded them. The guards didn't move. “Do it!”

“I'm sorry, Rose. They work for us.” Martin gave a sad smile. “Greg, escort Ms Greebe out, don't let my brother see her. Use the back door. Then drop her off at her sisters house. Don't let her escape. And Brock, you get the look alike. Let's make my brother believe I killed her.”

Greg walked up to Rose and grabbed her by the arm. Started to walk her out. Fighting back would be no use. She knew that.

“I knew I couldn't trust you!” Rose yelled at Greg when he dragged her on the empty hallway.

“You should have fired me then.” Greg was smiling, they arrived the stairs and started to go down.

“I thought about it but I felt bad for you.” Rose answered narrowing her eyes. She pulled her arm away from Greg's hand. She kept walking.

Greg sighed “Well, you know me...”

“I don't want to but I sadly do. You used to use your second name though, right?”

He rolled his eyes “Yes... It's weird how we got connected from way back. With Claire and all. Though, I guess Claire changed sides.”

“She didn't!” Rose burst.

“Yeah, right. I thought she would never forgive Mae and Jessica, and me I guess. It's weird how I had sex with all of them.” he laughed “...And you.”

“No one will know about that!” Rose hissed.

“That's what all of them said. To be fair though, the one with Jess kind of doesn't count since I don't remember it much. We were very drunk! Oh god, I kinda want to! I mean in the end it was a threesome! ...I'm glad it never got weird between Mae and Jess.”

“Oh god, all of you slept with everyone you know haven't you?!” Rose laughed sadly. It seemed ridiculous.

“Yeah, I guess that happened. Woah... But still... Nate? Come on... What does Jess and Claire see in that guy? HE IS OLD!”

“Don't ask me.” They had reached the back exit. When they got out, there was a car waiting for them.

Greg opened the door for Rose, she got inside and crossed her arms again. ...After putting on her seat belt.

So guess what?” Jake grinned, checking his phone.

Rose and Jake were at her room, playing video games. Rose always won.

What?” Rose smiled.

Jim and Pam are finally dating!” Jake grabbed the console again.

Oh, finally! I shipped them so much!” Rose started a new match of Call of Duty. Playing that game kind of felt like betraying Blue Edge, but it was fun.

I know! That's why I told you! Jim just sent me a message that they were!” Jake started playing, Rose could see his screen right under hers, but they were playing online this time so they had to be a team.

Oh, Pam would message me too. Later I guess. She must be excited!” she hid on top of a building with a sniper and started to scope around.

When she saw a target, she pressed shoot.


Nice shot!” Jake smiled.

Watch out!” Rose yelled but it was too late, Jake's screen now read 'Waiting for the next round to respawn.'

Damn it!” Jake laughed.

Rose continued looking around. She could see that only one more was left in their group.

At least we are equal.” she said. The enemy team also had two players.

Soon enough she found one of them.

One down, one more to go.”

But as she searched around her team-mate was down too. It was now all up to her.

She felt her hand sweat, and there he was, the enemy.

She grinned and took the shot!

ROSE!” her fathers voice came from outside of her room before he burst in. He was holding a pack of cigarettes. “What is this?!” he yelled.

I don't know!” Rose looked at the pack.

It was in YOUR bag, how do you not know what it is?”

It isn't mine!” Rose answered.

Robert looked furious. He looked at Jake. “Is this yours?!”

No, sir!” Jake answered respectfully.

Dad! You can check my clothes, breath, anything! I don't smoke! I don't know where that came from!”

Sir, she is tell-” Jake tried to calm Robert down but he continued to yell.

I like you Jake but you stay out of this! I believe it's time for you to go home!”

Rose looked at her fathers eyes begging. “Please dad... He had nothing to do with this!”

You are grounded!” Robert yelled, watching Jake.


There was silence.

I... I'll see you later, at school.” Jake broke it, awkwardly. “Bye..”

Yeah, see you at school.” Rose whispered at him. Her father was standing there, still furious so it was best if they didn't hug and kiss right now.


And yes.. I finally wrote what I wanted to write for a very long time! The last time Rose ever saw Jake alive. :(

I don't know how you felt, but I got feels. .-.

Mostly because I love Rose.


So, yeah... Don't worry I will write more Jake and Rose flashbacks! At least I plan to!

I don't know.

And this story... With everyone sleeping around. Oh lol. I didn't plan that really. O_O

It turned to a soap. O_O

Oh god... :S

Well, hope you enjoyed this chappie.

Tell me all your thoughts.

Is the title of the chappie good? Should I change it? :P 

And this was, an early update! :D

To show you how much I love you!

Iamfromwinterfell, out!
