Chapter Three - Greg the Security Guard

Chapter Three – Greg the Security Guard

Nate's heart raced as he continued to run. He was in an abandoned factory, or that was his guess.

He kept running, he tried to hide but it was following him.

Knock, knock, knock...

It was closer now, he could hear it. He could hear hear the knock while he ran. The sound was like someone with a wooden leg walking. Or someone with a cane.

Knock, knock knock...

It was louder now, and faster.

It was closer and Nate started to run faster.

He suddenly slipped and fell down. He tried to get up but his legs, they didn't move.

Knock knock knock...

It was even faster now, he tried to use his arms to get up but he was too heavy. He gave up and closed his eyes. He wanted it to be over with.


The knocking stopped. It reached him.He heard laughter, someone was laughing very close to him. No, it was two people... One male and one female. He opened his eyes, he had to open his eyes.

He was back at his bed. It was just a nightmare. It was still dark. He took deep breaths and he looked at the ceiling. He got out of bed when he finally gave up trying to sleep again.

He managed to get out of his room in the dark. He went downstairs and arrived the living room. It looked smaller in the dark. He walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights. When his eyes got used to the light he walked over to the coffee machine at the right corner of the kitchen and prepared coffee.

He walked in to the living room with his coffee, he sat down on the couch, the one that was in front of the television. He used his hand to find the remote and when he did, he turned on the television. He fell asleep soon afterward.

The ringing ringing of his phone woke him up. The house was now filled with light now. He picked up his phone and answered it. “Hello?”

“Where are you?!” it was Claire, she sounded furious “It's half past nine!”

“I.. I over slept.” Nate responded as he got off the couch and quickly walked upstairs to his room.

“Well hurry!” Claire yelled through the phone. Her high pitched voice hurt his ears.

“I'm coming!” Nate yelled back and hung up, he ran to his wardrobe and grabbed his black suit hung in it.

He walked over to the window while he was tying his tie, he looked up at the cloudy sky and smiled. Seeing a day without the sun burning you with it's light and the heat. This was the first cloudy day for the last couple of weeks.

The music in his car stopped when he parked it at his parking place at the headquarters, someone knocked his window quickly and roughly. It was a female hand. He open the door walked out and reached inside the car to get his bag. He closed the door. “I am here! Calm down Claire.” he said while locking his doors, not looking at the girl.

“I'm not Claire!” the girl responded “I am sure I am better then her.”

Nate looked up at the girl, it was 'the girl with the fire hair' from the sixth floor. He sighed irritated “Oh, it's you...”

“Hello to you too.” she responded coldly “I am firing Colin Seer.”

“No you are not.” Nate said as he started to walk to the building.

“I was not asking for your permission.” she jumped, following him “He didn't win, he got in the second place. I told him to win or he would be fired. If I don't fire him, no one will be scared of me.”

“Harriet!” Nate stopped and turned to look at her “I said no!”

“And I told you to call me with my real name!” she yelled at him, her voice echoed “You know it...” her eyes got teary “ ...Don't you?”

Nate looked at her. He looked down and closed his eyes, staying quiet.

“Come on, Nate!” she continued to yell “FINE! I'm firing him and then leaving! YOU WON'T EVER HEAR FROM ME AGAIN!”

Nate sighed and looked up opening his eyes, he told her name.

“Where the hell were you?!” Claire yelled at Nate when he entered his office.

“I just came.” Nate answered calmly.

“You missed a meeting! I called you like an hour ago!” Claire continued to yell at him “If you do this again... I'll quit!”

“...Again! For the forth time!” Nate finished it for her.

“For the last time!” she raised her voice, Nate wondered how higher it can get.

“Yeah?! That's what you said the second time, and the third time! You will come back for this job! But if you yell at me I don't think you can get it back!”

“Don't tell me what to do!” she took a step closer to him.

“I am your boss!”

“You couldn't live a day without me!' she got closer.

“Oh, really?!”

“Yes, really!”

“Fuck you!” Nate walked closer to her and now they were just a step away from each other.

“No, fuck you!” Clair grabbed him by his suit and pulled him closer before kissing him. She untied his tie, kissing him.

“Enjoying yourself, Carl?” asked the dark haired, tall and fit, security guard to the blonde haired fat one, in the camera room of the headquarters. Carl was watching the seventh floor cameras. Specially the one at Mr. Greeb's room, smiling wide.

“Yes, very much Greg.” Carl laughed and Greg joined him. “How can a guy like him get a girl like that?”

“Well, I can guess couple of reasons, he is handsome and rich.” Greg answered.

“But he is old!”

“And how old are you?” Greg asked laughing.

“Yeah... I'll shut up.” Carl started to laugh again, watching the screen.

Greg felt his pocket vibrate before the song he set for incoming call started.

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby, let me know. Girl I'm-” the phone stopped as Greg answered it. “Hello? Oh, I am sorry for your loss. Yes, of course... I will be there.” he hung up.

“What's up?” Carl asked.

“My friend died...” Greg answered, sadly.

“Oh, I'm sorry...” Carl smiled reassuringly “I am here if you need me.”

“Yeah, I am sorry too.” Greg suddenly grabbed Carl's neck and snapped it. Carl fell from his chair to the ground, dead.

Greg grabbed his bag, and pulled out his hand-gun with a silencer. He put checked the safety and placed the gun in his belt then he put on his jacket covering his gun. He walked out the room and locked the room, breaking the key in it so no one can open the door without breaking it. He nodded at some people passing by smiling he walked over to the elevators.

He pulled out his gun when he arrived the seventh floor, he calmly walked to the door of Nate Greeb. He knocked the door quickly. “Sir! We got a problem!”

“Coming!” he heard Nate's voice come from inside and some giggles. Nate opened the door, smiling but his smile faded when he noticed the gun pointed at him, he slowly walked backwards, raising his hands.

“Nate?” Claire asked while buttoning her jacket, she noticed Greg when he walked in.

“Good morning.” Greg nodded, he closed the door after him “Now, Mr. Greeb, If I can have the hard-drive... Hurry please. Oh and don't bother triggering the hidden alarm. I already called the police, and told them two people got shot. I really hope it's not you two. Because you two are very cute together.” he faked some moaning sounds laughing.

Nate looked at Claire in horror and moved to the picture.

When he finally opened the safe, he handed Greg the hard-drive.

“And the password is..?” Greg asked while taking it.

“Hope.” Nate told him.

“Really?” Greg tried not to laugh “Thank you.” he opened the door with his free hand, still pointing his gun at them he slowly walked out, he closed the room and ran to the elevator.

When he reached the ground level he calmly walked to the fire alarm and activated it, that would make a crowd so he can blend in and escape. He had to shoot two people so he picked two random employees and shot them both, the silencer helped him hide. He ran out with the rest of the crowd. There was a black car outside waiting for him and he got inside it.

“You got it?” the woman sitting next to him asked him.

“Yes... The password is 'Hope'” he answered.

“Thank you, Greg. You've been a great help.” she pointed him her gun “Now get out of my car.”

Greg did what he was told, his eyes wide in surprise. She closed the door after him and told the driver to go. The car left, leaving him behind. He looked around, the police cars had arrived. He sighed and started to run away.

Later that day they found the security guard in the camera room, and the two employees that were shot, Ted and Bill, were just injured and went to the hospital. Nate took of the camera at his office, and at the Graphics Center there was a new post on the board:


1st place: Derek R. , Jane B. , Mike S.

2nd place: Colin S.

3rd place: Mavis T. and Russell A.

Congratulations to all,

Nate Greeb.'

“We won?!” Jane yelled while reading it “WE WON!” she hugged her team-mates. They hugged her back.

“What now?” Derek asked.

“No idea! BUT WE WON! Woo!” Jane cheered.


So, that's it, some action... More mystery? I don't know!

Thanks for reading! I love you for reading! :D

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Iamfromwinterfell, out!
