Walk of Shame

Light hits my face and I can feel myself waking up. I turn my head away from the light and squirm, enjoying the warm feeling of my bed. My arms stretch out and I'm suddenly well aware of the colder side of the bed and the lack of someone in it. I open my eyes and I see Faith sitting on the other end of the bed, putting on her bra.

Is she leaving?


She turns her head slightly for a second to speak before continuing to get dressed.

"Hey B..."

It definitely looks like she's leaving.

"Are you... leaving?"

"Yeah... I kinda think I should."

I should say something.

"O-Oh, okay. I mean... you don't have to."

I'm not even sure I want her to stay, but I don't want her to think that I want her to go.

"I appreciate that B, but... I'm not sure staying is the best idea."

She doesn't?

I pull myself up to a sitting position on the bed, watching her as she doesn't really make any attempt to look at me. She stands up and puts on her shirt.

"You don't?"

"If I stay, we'll end up talking about it and... I don't really know how to feel about what happened last night. I don't want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing and turn it into something that it's not. I just... I need... time to figure it out."

Well at least we agree on something.

"If it helps, I have no idea what happened last night either. I think... waiting to talk about it is probably a good idea."

There's a long silence between us.

"Okay, good. I just... I didn't want to do to you what I did before. Leave before you wake up and leave you wondering. That... I don't want to be that type of person."

Part of me feels this need to reassure her and I lean towards her but she takes a step away from the bed, still not looking at me.

"Well, you're not. You... I don't... no matter what else might be going on or what we need to talk about, I don't see you that way."

Another long silence stretches out between us.


Neither of us is entirely sure what to do or say, so we don't for a long while.

"I'm... gonna go."

She starts to make her way towards her bedroom door to find her pants.


When she gets to the door, she stops.

"I'll see ya later B."

"Yeah... see ya."

Then she walks out into the apartment.

What the hell was that? I don't really know how to feel right now. I mean, last night was really intense. Probably the most intense thing I've ever experienced. Except I have no idea where any of it came from. I just... had a feeling and felt the need to follow it. The last time I felt anything close to that was probably when we were together before.

So what made it happen this time? Nostalgia? I mean, we did spend a lot of last night talking about the past, dealing with whatever made it happen last time. Maybe it triggered something in us? Is that why I never wanted to talk about it before? Because I was worried it would happen again? What's going to happen the next time we see each other? Will that feeling still be there?

It definitely doesn't feel like it did before just now. I didn't feel like something was gone when I saw her just now like I did when it happened a few years ago. But I didn't feel the same as last night. I didn't feel the same type of need that I did last night. It was different. I felt... something, but I have no idea what it was.

It's not like anything I felt after things happened between Angel and I, or Riley, or Spike. I guess I'll have to figure it out before we see each other again later.

The apartment door opens and closes and I know she's gone. I can't help but relax a little at the idea that she left so quickly. I just sit there on the bed, not sure what to do next. Not long after, the phone rings. I watch the phone as it rings for a while before leaning toward it and looking at the caller ID.

Oh god... it's Derrick. What the hell do I do?

*                       *                    *

My cell phone vibrates in my pocket as I watch the class in front of me go through the motions.

I should turn the vibrate off on my phone. It's kinda distracting me from watching the girls. Besides, it's not like I don't know who is calling. He's been calling pretty much all day. I know I should probably pick up but I wouldn't know what to say.

I look across the dojo at my business partner, her eyes focused on our students form and strength.

It was his idea for me to talk to Faith. He thought I should get things out in the open with her about what happened between us... and then something happened between us. How the hell do I tell him that? Should I even tell him? Maybe it was just nostalgia like I thought earlier. If it wasn't anything more than that then maybe I don't have to tell him what happened. We got caught up in the moment and it wasn't a big deal. It doesn't have to be anything more than that.

She looks my way and I immediately go back to watching the girls.

But what if it wasn't just a moment? What if it was more than that? This is the second time it's happened between us after all. Maybe something's happening between us? Except that, I've never really thought of Faith that way. I've never really thought of women that way. It's never been something that I wanted, I've only ever thought about men that way. I've only ever really gotten turned on by men, and yet this keeps happening with Faith.

Is there something more between me and Faith then friendship? Why wouldn't I have felt it before now? Did I feel it and I just chose to ignore it? Or did it only happen because of how close we've been getting? All those heavy, emotional talks we've been having might have made something happen that wouldn't have happened otherwise. We just got confused about what was happening between us. We confused friendship for something more and just reacted to it? Why did we take it so far then?

I look in her direction to see if she's still looking and I catch a glimpse of her looking at me before she goes back to focusing on the girls.

We've been doing that a lot today, catching each other for a split second and acting like we weren't looking. I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. Whether she's as confused as I am about what happened last night. It seems like she is from the way we were talking this morning, but we've both had time to think about things since then. Maybe she knows what she's thinking now that she's had time to think about it?

She does have more experience in this area than I do. She's actually done this type of thing before. She's had these types of feelings before and knows how to deal with them. What if she knows what she wants? What if what she wants is me now? What if she has actual feelings for me now? Could I feel the same way about her? Do I even want to feel that way about her? I have no idea.

My phone stops vibrating.

Thank god he's working tonight and won't be picking up his sister. I don't think I'm anywhere near ready to have a conversation about what happened last night with him. I can't give him any of the answers he'd no doubt be looking for if he knew what happened between me and Faith. And he does deserve answers.

He's been a good guy and a great boyfriend in the time that we've been together. He's been super understanding about everything that I've been dealing with and I've just added an entirely new thing for me to have to deal with and it could seriously affect him. He deserves someone who actually knows where they're at and what they want, and right now that's not me. I can't just tell him that I cheated on him without an explanation that makes sense.

Her eyes find mine for a second and I look away again like we've been doing all day.

And that means actually talking to Faith. Maybe I can catch her when class ends in a minute and we can talk about when we can talk. I'm pretty sure we both want to after everything that happened. Not to mention it was kinda implied after this morning that it was going to happen eventually. I'm not sure I can really wait that long to have this conversation.

I look up at the clock and notice that it's almost time to end the class. I stop where I am.

"Okay everyone..."

Faith looks at the clock, then at me and nods.

"That's it for today. We'll see you all again tomorrow."

Our students break formation and start to pack up to leave. I can't help but stare a little at Faith as she looks back at me.

I should just go and talk to her. Get the discussion started at the very least.

A small hole in the students between us opens up and I start to make my way over there.

"Hey I..."

I get a couple feet away and Pike comes up to Faith.

"Hey Faith..."

He notices me as I stop.

"Buffy, how did it go today?"

He puts his arm around Faith and they share a short kiss. I can't help but squirm a little as they smile at each other before turning to me again.

"I think it went pretty well, don't you B?"

It takes me a few moments to respond, watching Faith for most of it.

"Yeah, they did a good job. No really big concerns."

"That's good, we may need them if this demon thing actually comes looking for you here."

Right... the demon...

"Any word on that?"

"Not yet, they seem to have gone dark, although that's not all that surprising. I've been going through some of the reports and whoever is after you looks like they take a few breaks."

"You think they're working on something new?"

"It's possible, or they could be stalking their next victims. You should keep a look out."

"Don't worry, I'll be safe."

I turn to Faith.

"Could I...? I... uh... could I talk to you for a second?"

She looks between Pike and me for a moment.

"Uh, sure B. Give us a second?"

"No problem."

We walk away from Pike and find a place where most of the girls have already packed up.

"So... how are you?"

She shifts uncomfortably for a second.

"Okay, I guess... you?"

"I'm... you know... okay... I think..."

"This is weird, right?"

That's understating it.


A few moments pass where neither of us says anything.

"So... I was thinking... I'd really like to have that conversation we didn't have this morning at some point."

"Yeah, we probably should. Although I'm still kinda confused to be honest."

That makes me smile a little.

"You're not the only one."

"I could probably use a few days to work it all out still."

A few days? I'm not sure that's a good idea.

"And if things were different I'd be on board with giving it to you. But..."

"But what?"

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take a deep breath and let it out.

"Derrick's been calling. I talked to him about us having that conversation we had and he's going to ask how it went."

A sudden wave of guilt comes over her.

"Oh... right..."

"I know we could both use some time to figure it out, but I'm not sure I can have a conversation with him and not tell him. He deserves that. I just... I have no idea what to say."

"What if... we came in early for work tomorrow and talked?"


"I could make tomorrow work."

"Okay, let's do that."

I can't help but look in Pike's direction.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

She looks at him too before we turn back to each other.

"I don't know. I mean, we just started seeing each other and we're not really thinking exclusivity yet. That and, well, the history you have with him... I... I don't know."

"Maybe we could talk about it tomorrow?"

"Okay, great. See ya then."
