Coming Together

What the hell is that?

A green light comes from where Dawn, Pike and Wrath are standing and it gets so bright that I have to bring my arm up pretty quickly. But it isn't long before that stops working and I have to look away.

Is this Dawn? Is she doing this? What is she doing to them?

"What the heck is that B?"

"No idea."

Connor points out the obvious.

"Dawn must be doing something. Any idea what?"

"I don't know... but I'm guessing we won't like it."

The light fades slowly and I make several attempts before the light gets low enough that I can kinda make out what's going on.

What... is that what I think it is? Is there really only Dawn and Pike there?

Eventually, the light goes away and my eyes adjust, confirming what is there... or isn't.

My god... what did she do?

Faith and Connor both see what I see.

"What the hell?"

"Did she...?"

"I have no idea what she just did... Dawn?"

Dawn looks at me, a big smile on her face. We make our way over to her and Pike, who is apparently just as confused as we are.

"What did you do?"

Faith goes for Pike.

"You okay?"

Dawn sees Faith's concern for Pike and really isn't happy about it. I make my focus her though.

"Are you okay Dawn?"

I try to see her hand as it's bleeding and she pulls it away.

"I'm fine. He's fine. You don't have to worry."

They're fine? How can that even be?

Pike finally speaks up.

"I think I'm okay... although... I feel... different somehow."

I look between Pike and Dawn.

"What happened?"

"I fixed it."

Fixed it?

"Fixed what?"

"Yeah DK, what did you fix?"

"You guys let this guy do whatever he wants and he nearly killed a lot of people. So I fixed that."

She points towards Pike as she talks.

"How? What did you do Dawn?"

She scoffs at us.

"Really? Do I have to spell it out for you? Okay, fine. He said that he got rid of his human shell, the way Glory didn't. Which means he used to have one. So I gave him one back."

She what?

"You what?"

"I gave him a shell. A place to trap him like Glory. And we had one handy."

I follow her line of sight as she points to Pike.

Oh my god...

"You merged them?"

That makes Faith turn to us.


"She... she made it so they're sharing the same body."

Faith backs away from Pike suddenly, unsure of how to react.

"So... he's Wrath now?"

"No, more like Angel and Angelus. Pike is like the soul the gypsies cursed Angelus with. He's keeping Wrath trapped below the surface."

This makes Faith move closer to Pike again.


Pike smiles at her and something about that bothers me. I look over at Dawn and she isn't exactly happy about it either. He takes a moment to respond.

"It's okay."

Connor asks the obvious.

"Does that mean we're safe? Wrath is in a cage?"

I wish it was that easy... it never is.

"Not exactly. The body sharing isn't as stable as Angel's curse. Giles never could figure out if there was a specific trigger that brought Glory out. There never really was one as far as we could tell. Which means..."

Pike interrupts.

"There's no telling when he might be back."

I look at him and can't help but be concerned.

"No... I'm sorry."

Pike backs away from all of us quickly.

"I... I have to get away from all of you. You're not safe."

We can't let him leave.

Faith tries to keep him calm.

"Pike, wait... don't go. We'll find a way to fix this."

Pike stops. Dawn jumps in at this point.

"I already did. Why are we even talking about this?"

We all turn our attention to Dawn.

I have to ask.

"What do you mean?"

Dawn rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"We fix the Wrath problem the same way we fixed the Glory problem."

Connor is the first to ask.

"How did you fix the Glory problem?"

That has me taking my own deep breath.

"We killed Ben... Glory's host."

For some reason, Dawn seems very pleased with herself.

"That's why I did this. I knew we couldn't beat this idiot on our own. We don't have a magical hammer handy. We needed another way. So I created one."

That's... that's insane.

Pike seems to clue into what Dawn is saying and he pulls out a knife from his own jacket and it's like I know where he's going with this.

Faith is closest.


She looks at me, sees what Pike is doing and reacts, quickly knocking the knife out of his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"If they're right and I can stop this? Then I have to."


"I have to Faith."

I can see how upset Faith is getting and I can't help but look at Dawn, getting angrier by the minute.

This isn't going to end well.

Dawn clenches her fist with the blood stains on it, her nails digging into her palm.

I can't let her...

Just then, Connor tackles Dawn to the ground.

"Don't you dare."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Let me go."

He presses his arm down on her throat and for a second I panic before I realize he isn't going to kill her. Dawn struggles to breath for a moment but quickly passes out. Taking a moment, he waits to make sure she's not just faking it and finally lets up.

"I'm sorry. I saw she was going to try and use her power... I had to stop her."

I look at Faith whose expression makes me think she's just as conflicted as I am about what just happened.

Gotta focus...

Turning back to Connor, I look at an unconscious Dawn for a second then focusing back on him.

"It's all right, I saw what she was doing. You did the right thing."

I look at the situation in front of me.

But the question is... what the hell do we do next?
