Catching Up

This is such a bad idea.

"I have to B."

She's not going to let this go.

"All right, if you have to."

After a few moments of watching me to make sure I mean it, Faith walks into Dawn's room.

There's no way that's going to end well.

"That's not going to end well."

I look over at Connor when he says that and it makes me smile.

"No, it's not."

I really wish this wasn't happening. Faith isn't in any kind of condition, either physically or mentally, to be talking to Dawn again. With everything that's going on between me and her, not to mention her and Pike, I don't think she's had time to process everything. She's just coming out of the anger and guilt that she feels over how their relationship ended. Now is not the time for a confrontation between them.

At least, I don't think it is. I don't know, maybe she's further along than I thought. Maybe I've been missing something and she's a lot more secure about it then I realize. But I'm not sure how she can be. Especially with the way everything went down between us. We still don't know how or why it's happening for sure. We have some theories and Willow's working on it, but nothing concrete just yet.

And no matter how Faith might be in dealing with everything, Dawn clearly isn't in the right head space to talk to her. Whatever's going on with my sister she clearly hasn't gotten any better. The way she was attacking everyone and accusing us of doing this to her? She didn't used to be this way.

Again I look over at this Connor guy.

What happened to her?

"So... how's your father?"

His eyes meet mine and I can see the resemblance.

He really does look at lot like Angel.

"He's... pretty good."

And I thought my life couldn't get any more awkward.

"Have you talked to him lately?"

"Not since the end of Sunnydale. We wouldn't have lived through it if not for him. What about you? Have you talked to him?"

"Yes, I talked to him yesterday."


"Yeah, I asked him about what's happening with Dawn."

He did?

"What did he say?"

It takes him a second to answer.

"He said he's only ever heard of it happening once."

Wait, he's heard of this happening?

"How? When?"

He watches me with a somewhat confused look for a moment.

"He said that... there's such a thing as a Morha demon."

Why does that sound familiar? And why is he trying to be vague?

"From what he said, the blood of a Morha demon can make a vampire human. But that they're very rare, almost no one has ever met one. They're soldiers of darkness that are only sent after the most powerful soldiers of good. Dawn doesn't strike me as a soldier of darkness. And despite the way she's acted towards people, I don't think she's demonic."

The way she's acted?

"How's that exactly? What's going on with my sister?"

Again he takes a moment to answer.

"I don't really know. She... she hasn't been much of a talker."

That doesn't sound like Dawn.

"That doesn't sound like her."

"Well I haven't known her that long. It's like I said, I rescued her from a vampire attack a few weeks ago and... she's been angry at me about it ever since."

But that can't be it.

"Is that why you had her committed though?"

He watches me for a moment.


Yet again he takes a while to answer as Dawn's voice comes from the other room.

"You just ASSUME that I actually WANT to be saved."

Both of us can't help but look towards Dawn's hospital room door.

What the heck are they saying to each other?

"She tried to kill herself."


"She what? How?"

"That vampire? The one Dawn used her powers on? She got a little obsessive about Dawn and tried to grab her. Eventually she managed to but apparently it was Dawn's idea."

Oh, god... Dawnie.

"When I rescued her from being tortured to death, she told me I shouldn't have tried to save her. She said she was prepared to die. I think... she tried to... commit suicide by vampire."

"I said GO HOME!"

Dawn, what did you do?

"I have some experience with trying to kill yourself. I thought I could help."

I watch him for a while.

He really is trying to help. I may not know him that well, but he seems to honestly care. I guess that makes sense if he's Angel's son. His father was right about Faith, she was worth fighting for. Of course his son would pick that up.

"Except all of the sudden I'm thinking I should've used her name when I talked about her."

He shouldn't beat himself up.

"You were doing the best you could."

"Go! Get out of here."

We both look to the door.

"Besides, Dawn can be stubborn when she wants to be. I don't think you could've stopped her if she really had her mind on it."

Faith half pushes on the door before turning back.

"I'm not leaving for good, but I am leaving you alone. Let me know when you're ready to talk."

"You'll be waiting a long TIME!"

"And if you're right, it sounds like she's got her mind on it."

Faith walks out of Dawn's room and only glances our way as she puts some distance between herself and Dawn's hospital room. She puts her hands up and leans against the wall, clearly trying to hold back how she's feeling. Connor and I have the same idea as we go over to her.

"Are you okay?"

She takes a long deep breath without looking at either of us.

"No, I'm not."

Suddenly, she pulls back from the wall and throws a punch into it. The wall cracks and leaves a fist sized pancake where she punched it. When she pulls her hand back I can't help but grab it with my own still bandaged hand to see if she's all right.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm..."

Her eyes meet mine and that annoyingly familiar feeling starts to come over us. Feeling her hand in mine makes me not want to let go and the look on her face tells me she's not all that worried either. The feeling gets more intense and I can feel my hand tingle where our skin is touching. It gets worse when her fingers twitch and our finger's skin rubs up against each other. My breath catches for a moment.

"Everything all right?"

Connor's words breaks us out of what I can only think of as a trance and we pull away from each other. Faith turns to Connor as she tries to massage out her hand.

"Yeah kid, we're good."

That makes him smile.

"Pretty sure I asked you not to call me that."

Faith smiles back at him despite the obvious pain behind it.

"Any day now kid, I promise. It's just hard not to think of you as Angel's kid."

She looks towards Dawn's hospital room door for a pretty long time before refocusing on him.

"Thanks for looking after her by the way."

Wait... she didn't...

"Faith, please tell me that my sister was being paranoid."

My friend and business partner looks at me with a confused look.


I can't help but look towards Connor for a moment then going back to Faith. She sees my look and clues in.

"No, B, I would never... no..."

Going back and forth between her and Connor for a while, I try to figure it out.

I'm not entirely sure.

"I think, what she meant was, the last time we saw each other... I wasn't exactly the kind of person who would help someone like Dawn. I was pretty self centered and I probably wouldn't have stepped in the way I did. But... I've changed. I went through what Dawn's going through a while back. I tried to commit suicide. But my father showed me why I shouldn't. He gave me a better way."

He looks towards Dawn's hospital room door.

"I was hoping I could show her the same. But I may have made things worse."

Faith reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"You did the best you could. I mean, I only got to spend a few minutes with her here and I'm not even sure that I can help her."

Her focus turns to me.

"I'm not sure anyone can."

What? We can't think like that. There's no way I'm letting Dawn stay this way.

"We can't give up."

Connor looks at me confused.

"We're not giving up..."

He turns to Faith.


Faith moves so that we can both look at her.

"No, of course not. You know I'd never do that B. It's just... we kinda have a bigger problem to deal with don't we?"

She and I watch each other for a while.

She's right about that, we have to focus.

"You're right... we have to focus on saving her life."

That has Connor confused.

"I'm sorry, what?"

I turn to him.

"That's the other reason why we're here. Someone's coming after Dawn."


I'd really like to know that.

"We don't know."

"More like, we aren't sure. His name is Wrath... or at least that's what he calls himself. But we don't really know anything more except that he wants Dawn for something."

"Revenge for something, except he won't say what."

Connor seems to clue into something as he looks towards Dawn's room.

"And Dawn's not exactly in the kind of head space where you can ask her."

"Which isn't even the worst of it. Even if we could ask, there's no guarantee she would know. I've been with Dawn her whole life, whether it was as her sister or taking care of her after Mom died. The only time I've ever been away from her is since she went off to college."

"And when you were dead."

I roll my eyes at Faith's words.

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder."

"Any time B."

"But Willow would've told me if Dawn had done something to someone like this. Or Xander or Giles or Tara. Someone would've mentioned it."

"Maybe they didn't know?"

Both Faith and I look at Connor. It takes a while for him to clue in.

"Or not."

There's a long moment of silence between the three of us.

"So I'm guessing you didn't come all this way to protect Dawn because you already know how to take him out."

At least I know he's as smart and intuitive as his father.


The mention of taking him out makes my joints ache from the image of him hitting me that pops into my head. It makes me grab my shoulder, trying to work out the dull ache in it.

"He's already done a number on us. More than a few of us have died trying to fight him."

Faith pulls down the neck of her shirt to partially reveal the bruise he left on her chest where he stepped on her.

"This is from the last time we took him on, and it's still healing."

For some reason, the memory of putting my lips where she pulled her shirt down pops into my head.

She does have a really nice chest.

I shake my head.

Wait, what was that?

Closing my eyes, the image comes back to me again which stays longer as I rub my eyes before opening them again.

"You okay B?"

I look to Faith who has let go of her shirt and nothing comes into my head.

Whatever it was, I think it passed.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Connor speaks up.

"Well, I'll help wherever I can."

Faith puts her arm around Connor's shoulders.

"Thanks kid."

I turn my attention to Dawn's door.

I just hope that it'll be enough.
