♢Chapter two

♢chapter two

As soon as Audra sets foot into the room Margot starts to baffle on about how pretty Nicole is. Audra start to looks around for anything besides her pajamas that she can put on. She tells Margot about all the things being misplaced in the room and Margot tells her its part of her living experiment to monitor a person's suspicions. She finds a pair of jeans and a hoodie and starts to put them on. Until Margot throws a light grey sweater and a blue skirt at her.

"What is this and why are you throwing it at me?" She says trying to decipher her friends style.

"Oh yeah you missed that part, the academy wants us to make like camouflage and blend in with each other." She says sarcastically as she tries to put on hers. The colors don't look so bad and it does help that she has a skirt so she can swing her legs in an attack.

"So, it's seven thirty, what are we gonna do?" Audra says with a big grin on her face.


Margot and Audra head out to the backgrounds of school and bring with them a bow, a few arrows, a complication of knives, and one drawing of an assignment.They head out and set everything up and start practicing.The goal of the practice, to kill the assignment.

"Do you know what he did?" Audra asks Margot as she aims her arrow at the target getting almost to the center.

"He wants you to trade up, doesn't he?" Margot asks stiffly as she can, trying not to kilter Audra's aim.

"He wants me, Audra Roux to be an assassin." She takes aim and hit the center of the target in a matter of seconds. She huffs and puts the bow down.

"Are you sure he said 'assassin' or were you just thinking of it?" Margot says with a slight smile prepping herself for throwing her knives.

"He didn't say anything. He had me sit in that room for five minutes and he said with a smirk on his prissy little face 'i want to move you through the ranks.' "Audra says so Margot can analyze the situation for herself.

"And you probably stormed out without saying anything, making yourself paranoid." Margot says as she throws her knives effortlessly at the target only missing the center by what seemed to be a half an inch.

"I know he wants me to kill for him but I don't think I can do that, better yet I shouldn't have to that's what the real government is for." Audra says her voice raising with every word, her anger almost taking control of her.

Margot looks at her with a straight face before running to get her knives and Audra's arrow. She comes back with all the weapons in hand and smiles as she turns around and throws one single knife at the target. It lands almost perfectly in the center before taking the whole paper down with such force. 

Audra laughs for what seems to be the first time in a few days since she heard about her preparations into entering the assassin's league. Before she goes to pick up her bag full of bows she hears the leaves crunching. Something is wrong and something is coming, someone's getting close. 
