♤Chapter twenty-three

♤chapter twenty three

Audra starts to wake up but overhears a silent conversation. She turns over and sees Regan hovering over Margot's Bed, smoothing her hair out. Audra smiles to herself, she doesn't want to interrupt them so she pretends to sleep. She waits until Regan leaves Margot in her bed and goes to sit in the living space. Audra immediately springs up from her bed, shocking Regan and Margot.

"Do you know what today is?Do you know what today is!" Audra screams, jumping up and down on Regan and getting ready to do the same to Margot.

"It's Halloween! Audra do you have a costume?" Margot says sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"No, I didn't think we would- do anything this year." Audra says settling down, she still has the big G to worry about.

"I think you can take one day off from the big G's plans." Margot tells her as she gets up and sits on Regan's lap.

"Woah woah woah, wait! I know you two are together but not in front of me guys! Please!" Audra covers her face and turns to the wall as the couple starts to make kissy noises.

"You know Audra, us girls are planning to go to the fest in the quad." Margot says from behind Audra, still in Regan's lap.

"The quad?! Ew! That place is vacant and disgusting, I wouldn't be surprised if we found someone using that place as a piss palace." Audra tells Margot as she crosses her arms and tries to find something for tonight.

"Don't sweat about the costume, me and the girls whipped up something for you. Just be here at seven so we can all get dressed." Margot tells her as she getting up by Regan pulls her back down into his chest.

"Seriously guys! Get a room! Ugh!" Audra says as she grabs her towel to head into the shower.

Audra finishes her shower and gets dressed for whatever classes she has today. As she heads out she sees Vella, Martha, and Zeke. She walks up to them and starts a regular conversation until she pulls Vella aside.

"So, You're making friends I see. I told you we're not all bad." Audra says smiling.

"I know. Thank you for not telling anyone, about the wall." Vella says looking down at her feet, shy and nervous.

"I take it you heard about me. I don't want you to treat me differently." Audra says leading Vella to her classroom that Zeke and Martha just walked into.

"I heard, and I won't.You kept where I was and who I was a secret, I'll treat you as if you were Family!" Vella says before she realizes what comes out her mouth. "I'm sorry, that was-"

"No, that's okay. I wouldn't mind if you did. You should get to class, now. You should meet me in my room, all the girls are gonna go to the quad for tonight." Audra asks the girl who has the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay! I'll see if I can whip up something. Can I bring Martha and maybe a few others?" She says before putting one foot in the room.

"Yeah, but girls I don't know how the others would feel about a boy watching us change," Audra says chuckling. "So around six-ish"

"Of course! See you then." Vella enters the room and so do some other students.

Audra smiles before she makes her way to class. She looks for a seat and only sees one next to Jared. She looks around frantically for another seat, but one won't appear out of thin air. The teacher starts to look at her before she goes and sits next to him. He doesn't even shift his body to give her space.Maybe he's over it? She keeps her head on the teacher the whole lesson, just in case he isn't. As soon as the bell rings he darts out the class but in a cool and collected way. Audra sighs and heads to her next class a little earlier just incase he's there again. She sits down quickly and looks around as the class settles in. The teacher starts the lesson and she realizes he's not here. Maybe he's cutting or maybe he's not in this class.

Audra gets through third and fourth period with Ballele, Piona, Melona and the twins in her classes. Once lunch begins, Audra stalls herself from going to sit with the whole group. He was definately gonna be there. Maybe she should ditch lunch, meet up with vella and her friends. Or get in contact with Mitch. Anything not to sit there with him and his smug face. Audra turns to walk away from the cafeteria but bumps into someone. Two someones. Both tall boys, one with dark brown hair fading to blonde in a black shirt. The other with fading blue hair and a muscle tee that shows off his biceps and his tattos.

"I- I'm so sorry I was just trying to get somewhere." Audra throws her hands up and the two boys. She's seen them around but never really talked to them.

"It's alright, hey you're Audra right?" The blue haired boy asks as he points at her.

"Yeah, why?" Audra crosses her arms ready to be angry with them at any moment.

"We saw you at the party yesterday, helping B." The one with the brown and blonde hair now says.

"I'm sorry, I don't know your names." The blue haired boy introduces himself as Vic and the tall puppy looking one says his name is Kai. "Are you guys going to lunch?"

"Hell yeah, four periods and no snacks. I'm about to tear it up in the cafe." Vic says as he rubs his belly.

"You know Regan and Margot and the twins?" Audra asks them as she looks at them with wide eyes.

"Yeah, Regan's my partner in chem. What's up?" Kai says making a confused face.

"Can you tell the whole group that he's with that I'm busy and I'll meet up with them at six?" Audra asks them, seeing their faces change. "Please, please please!"

"Alright, what are you gonna do for us?" Kai asks her now interested in what she is willing to do.

"I can get you snacks anytime you want them." Audra tells them, they start smiling and chuckling. They agree to do what Audra asked them. "Thanks. You won't regret becoming friends with me!"

"We'll see Roux." Vic says as they head into the cafe in a hurry to tell the group and get their food.

Audra goes all the way to her room when she hears the announcement. 'classes will be cut short due to student council ruling, that is all.' She lays on her bed. How long can she do this for? She can't avoid him forever, but if he's gonna act like a drama queen maybe she should.
