♢Chapter five

  ♢chapter five

 Audra left the room with her blood boiling. All of that was a fucking test, for what? Someone could have seriously been killed. Isn't someone dead, aren't those people who were shocked dead? And the people she arrowed, and the ones Margot stabbed? 

Audra looks around for Margot in the halls, but no one is out, probably because of classes. Audra heads back to her room to get a break from everything. As soon as she steps foot in the room, she remembers her nightmares, the ones she wants to leave behind. She goes into the closet on the right and gets her bag. She sits on the bed and goes through it, trying to find something. She instantly gets up and walks back to the League's room. As soon as she gets there she wonders if she should actually go in. They kicked her out, and sent her on her way. Audra is about to walk away when she overhears the conversation inside.

"Harold, if you weren't so oblivious we wouldn't be in this situation right now." A man says as he clears his throat.

"Oblivious to what? The government? Our so called students? Or the ones that are taking control in a few months when we get demoted? This was an obvious attack by the government " Another man, probably Harold says as he raises his voice.

"You know that you are oblivious to everything, right? The government has lost control of us, although to lose something it has to be yours in the first place -" A woman says in a stern tone

"What are you saying, Caswell?" Harold interjects , but as soon as he does he's interrupted by another voice, a woman's voice

"What she's saying is , and i think what most of us agree on is that they are going to take us down. Scratch that they already tried. And our so called students will most likely be put into custody, weather they're freshman or seniors that are going to graduate. You know that they will do whatever it takes to get whatever information we have and kill us, because two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." She says swiftly

"Thank the heavens for Ms.Roux she has given us an opportunity to stall or move valuable info and people." Harold says, thankfully.

"How do you suppose she knew to shoot at that tree, Fallon?"A woman's voice says getting to the point.

"Like I said, Ms. Roux is very talented, we knew that since the first day she came in here with pigtails and a dress and set a record for this academy. That's why we should promote her." Fallon says, Audra can feel that he is smirking.

"To what? an assassin? She is a mess, she can't keep her feelings in check you saw that when she came in here and started rambling about having to kill those agents. She can't be an-"

Fallon cuts her off with a stern voice saying "She won't be an assassin she'll be a mercenary."

"Fallon you know we went down this road before, or do you not remember Mitch Fairheart?" The woman says with a completing tone, knowing that her words are going to stick.

"Fairheart went rouge and you know that, yes if we had a chance to go back I wouldn't have trained her at all, but -" Fallon struggles for words

"Fallon, is that really the way you speak about her? To us? To yourself?"

Audra hears footsteps arriving at the door.She tries to huddle back but before she can, Fallon sees her. Fallon grabs her and puts her inside the room. Audra adjusts herself before she lets out a huge breath.

"Ms.Roux, spying on private conversations are a cause for suspension!" Ms.Morgan says almost screaming.

"I know what to do." Audra says with a straight face looking at all the League members.

"Who said anything about doing something, Ms.Roux" Fallon says with his hands crossed against his chest.

"You are going to need my help, and my friends. When do you think the next attack will be?" She says not stumbling on any words.

"It's the government , who knows? Maybe a day or two but it also could be just another hour." Harold says with his same voice.

"It wont be soon if i can get to the bodies, work up some scenario and send it back to the government." She says trying to explain whats visually going on in her head.

"Ms.Roux if you do this-" Ms.Morgan starts to say but gets interrupted by the straight blonde.

"Who said we are doing anything, let alone let Ms.Can't see a dead body go anywhere near this?" She says rolling her eyes and making a vile face.

"You are going to let me do this, because if you don't everyone will die. Here, in the academy, the recruits on missions, and your families. My plan should by us four days if you go along with it." 
